2016-10-06 13:22:37
Well, from what someone mentioned earlier, it looks like the drop rate for the ramen is pretty blah. =/
And with one ramen equating to only one point (on top of the seemingly meh drop rate), makes even the things that require only a few points to redeem it kinda expensive.
I wonder if the paper nets (for the on-going gold fishing event) drop rate interferes with the ramen drop rate, though.
I wish there were events where free to play people could actually have a chance at getting a good ninja.
-_- This post was last edited by Rinley at 2016-10-6 17:08
I am not going to throw shade but this last event was a good one even for f2p players. Ninja's or good mags or seals are not gonna be handed out for free. It is just not gonna happen, you f2p players have to understand it will take work. It will take gritting of teeth, it will take seeing a player with a new ninja and just telling yourself soon. Not every event will cater to you guys, understand that and just use these events for other things.