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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - January 4th


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On 2024-01-05 06:37:15Show All Posts
  • 0b1t0 On 2024-01-03 19:04:32
  • they never have been developers. the game is 100% made by chinese devlopers, oasis just pay for the license to sell it in foreign markets. Oasis literally copy/paste a small portion of the games content, lower the health, weaken the shields, ruin the attacks, lock sb's behind 4 stars and increase the price. The same characters that we are expected to recahrge $2600 usd for and then spend another $5200 to 4 star them and then spend more to gamble with the slot machine skill trials, you can get those characters for $50 usd in china with the skills that actual developers deemed suitable for them and they can be skillbroken at 3 stars. In china this is a legit game, a gacha game but still a game, but this english language abomination is a trap, casinos are less rigged than this

    Yeah, the event is awful, a fuku with nothing, deidara is ok for 1 niche purpose in 1 stage of infinite illusion, the others have been redundant since 2020 and bee the great plates has also been worthless for years, any of those characters could be the monthly log in character and you would still only see them used for about a week in brand new servers, yet oasis are presenting the event as if it is something enticing enough for people to recharge real money. It is literal insanity

Agree with 100% of what you said. The only reason I kept playing this game for so much was nostalgia. Recently I've decided to not play this game anymore because it does not feel like a game but a money trap and is rigged to benefit the ones that spend thousands upon thousands of dollars.

I've always thought that if prices would be less more people would be encouraged to spend but not a lot of people is willing to spend $5000 but some people do and Oasis knows that, and they are doing all they can to milk those people until they lose interest or until there's no milk left.

Quicky Post

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