Dear Ninja,
We would like to thank you all for your support! Below you can check this week's coming updates, which will be coming on 17/08/23! Please, have a look below to check the new events!
Weekly Strong Ninja
Indra Otsutsuki [Complete Body - Susano'o]
Guy [Gate of Death]
Itachi Uchiha [New Asian Style]
Hashirama Senju [The Final Battle]
Madara Uchiha [The Final Battle]
*Time-Limited Instance added: Warring Love
*New Event added "Everlasting Bonds": Aug 17th -Aug 30th
Period: Aug 17th -Aug 30th
How To:
a)During the event, players who meet the requirements in the " Manage Friends " interface and " Group Members " list; will have a special *on displayed " Call Back to Konoha"
b)All players that " Call Back to Konoha ", will be able to meet the requirements of given tasks and get the rewards!
c) Returning players must reach Level 60 and have not logged in for more than 14 days.
1. "Jonin Medal Renewal"
Get a huge rebate in Coupons by renewing your current Jonin Medal during this event! Don't miss this chance!
Period: Aug 17th -Aug 23rd
Players must reach Level 40 to participate.
How To:
a) During this event, players who renew their current Jonin Medal, will have a return of 50% of the Ingots spent (the rebate will be given in Coupons). Every character can claim this event’s rebate 3 times. A total of 2832 Coupons can be obtained by participating.
b) Players who didn’t Activate their Jonin Medal during the event or are activating the Jonin Medal for the first time will not be able to receive Coupons.
2. "7 Days of Welfare"
Hokage is here to send ninjas gifts! By completing the missions during the event, ninjas will receive amazing rewards!
7 Days of Welfare - Recharge Rebate
Day 1 - Clear Plot/Elite Instances
Day 2 - Draw the Five Kage Treasure
Day 3 - Win battles in the Arena
Day 4 - Win the Ranked Battle
Day 5 - Draw the Great Ninja War Treasure
Day 6 - Cave Key Exploration
Day 7 - Refine Equipment
Period: Aug 17th -Aug 23rd
Players must have reached Level 10 to participate.
a) During the event, players can get extra rewards by recharging the required amount of Ingots. The rewards will be changed every day. Don’t miss out!
b) Each reward can only be claimed once daily.
c) Please claim the event’s rewards on time! After all 7 days event period, the rewards cannot be claimed or sent via Email!
3. "Platinum Recharge"
Get neat items and ninja by continuously recharging! The more you recharge, the more you can obtain!
Period: Aug 17th -Aug 23rd
How To:
1. Recharge a given amount of Ingots every day to claim prizes (last 6 days)! Prizes can be claimed once daily.
2. Recharge that same amount for a given number of days (as long as recharge six days during the event period) to claim extra rewards! Prizes can be claimed once during the event period.
4. "Total Spending Rebate"
Do you have Ingots to use? Use the required amount of Ingots to get all sorts of valuable rewards!
Period: Aug 17th -Aug 30th
a) Players must reach Level 30 to participate.
b) Sever must be opened for more than 14 days.
How to:
Spend the specified number of ingots to get Ninja! The 2023 New Total Spending Pack is waiting for you to claim!
2023 New Total Spending Pack VII:
(Select one of the following rewards)
Deidara [Explosive Clay Specialist]’s fragment*4
Gamahiro’s fragment*5
Kyodaigumo’s fragment*5
Yagura [New Year]’s fragment*5
Gaara[Swimsuit]’s fragment*4
Deidara [Rinne Festival]’s fragment*3
New Battle Power Pack*1
5. "Tailed Beasts Attack"
Gather all tail beasts to obtain gift packs! Unique Items and Ninjas are waiting for you in redeem shop!
Period: Aug 17th -Aug 23rd
Players must reach Level 20 to participate.
a) Players can find the event icon in the main interface.
b) Every plate contains a different amount of Points or a Tailed Beast. Use 10 Coupons or Ingots to flip a plate and find out how many Points you obtained of to see if you were lucky enough to find one of the Tailed Beasts!
c) Collect all Tailed Beasts to get specific rewards and redeem your Points in this event’s Redeem Shop for more amazing items!
d) All plates reset daily at 00:00, this includes both the progress in flipped-over plates and gathered Tailed Beasts.
e) All players have a free daily attempt.
f) Players can reset the entire board up to 5 times a day, but only 1 free attempt is given daily.
6."Sunflower Covenant"
Sakura loves Fresh Sunflowers, get rewards by sending fresh sunflowers to Sakura!
Period: Aug 17th -Aug 23rd
Players must reach Level 11 to participate.
How to:
a) When you participate the in the event, the top 10 players of single-server ranking can get rewards after Settlement Time, prizes will be sent to your in-game mailbox.
b) After the ranking settlement time, the event will continue to be displayed for 4 days. During these 4 days, players are not possible to participate in the event anymore.
c) For every 50 ingots spent, you will get 1 Flower, by clearing Plot/Elite Instances there will be a chance to get Flowers.
d) “Sending Flowers” could make you get rewards, and only the players who sent more than 250! Flowers will be in the Ranking.
Remark: Glory Optional Ninja Pack IV:
Otsutsuki Optional Pack*25
Deluxe Myoboku Optional Pack*300
7. "Summer Memories-Activity"
Gather the ingredients by completing Missions to obtain Free Summer Badges!
Period: Aug 17th -Aug 23rd
Players must reach Level 30 to participate.
How to:
a) During the event, obtain random Ingredients by completing given tasks, and send all your extra food Ingredients to your friends.
b) Gather a given type of food to claim gift packs. During the event, all gift packs can only be claimed once.
c) Use the pack to obtain Summer Badges to redeem power ninjas and useful items.
7.2 "Summer Memories-Shop"
Use Summer Badges to exchange powerful items and ninjas in Summer Memories-Shop!
Period: Aug 17th -Aug 23rd
Players must reach Level 30 to participate.
How to:
a) During the event, players can buy Summer Badge Packs directly in the Purchase Limit Shop.
b) Open the Summer Badges Pack to obtain the Summer Badges.
c) Consume Summer Badges to redeem power ninjas and useful items. Summer Badges you didn't use will be reset to 0 after the events end.
8. "Nine-Star Treasure Hunt"
Period: Aug 17th -Aug 23rd
How To:
1. You can participate in Nine-Star Treasure Hunt during the event period.
2. Nine-star Treasure Hunting, the initial star level is 0, and each star upgrade consumes star upgrade cards, the number of star upgrade cards consumed is different depending on the star level. There is a chance that the star upgrade will not be successful, and the star level will be reduced by 1. You c*e the star protection card, and the star level will not be reduced when you fail. Different star levels require different consumptions of star protection cards.
3. Players can receive silver prizes when they reach 3, 4, and 5 stars, gold prizes when they reach 6, 7, and 8 stars, and diamond prizes when they reach 9 stars. The star level will be reset after receiving the rewards.
4. Points will be awarded for failing to upgrade the star and receiving rewards. The number of points obtained is different for different star levels. Points can be exchanged for rewards.
9. "Konoha's Special Sale"
Daily single recharge exceeds the specified amount, you will get exclusive rewards!
Period: Aug 17th -Aug 23rd
How To:
Every day have a single recharge of more than 2500 ingots to claim good rewards.
a) Recharge 5 days during the events, and you will get better and better rewards.
b) During the event, use Ingots to buy packs and other items to get Lucky Points.
c) Lucky Points will influence your rate of being a winner in the Lucky Draw. Every 0:00 AM (server time), Lucky Points will be emptied and the system will choose 7 winners, the more your Lucky Points, the higher the chances of being one of the winners in Lucky Draw.
10. "Lucky Snаtch"
Want a stronger ninja? Use Ingots or Coupons to draw them in the Lucky Snаtch!
Period: Aug 17th -Aug 23rd
Players must reach Level 65 to participate.
How To:
a) Use Ingots or Coupons to Draw and have a try!
b) Every Draw is rewarded with a prize!
Besides having a chance at drawing amazing rewards from this event, fixed rewards will also be awarded to players who draw a given number of times, check below:
Draw 50: Ninja Assist Cultivation Pack*1
Draw 100: Lucky Snаtch Gift Pack VIII*1
Draw 200: Lucky Snаtch Gift Pack VIII*2
Draw 300: Lucky Snаtch Gift Pack VIII*3
Draw 500: Lucky Snаtch Gift Pack VIII*4
Lucky Snаtch Gift Pack VIII:
(Select one of the following rewards)
Konan [Angel of God]*8
Madara [Five Kage Summit]*8
Minato [Swimsuit]*8
Tobirama [New Year]*8
Itachi [Edo Tensei]*8
11. "Cave Exploration Rebate"
Explore the Mysterious Cave to get Rune Stones. Make use of your Cave Keys to get even more Cave Keys! It's time to improve your Power level!
Period: Aug 17th -Aug 23rd
Players must reach Level 48 to participate.
How To:
a) During the event, players can consume a given amount of Cave Keys to receive a rebate pack.
b) “Free Explore” or “Cave Key (Time-Limited)” are not counted in the total number of Cave Keys spent.
c) When exploring the Mysterious Cave, “Cave Key (Time-Limited)” will be spent first.
d) Cave Key (Time-Limited) will be removed from your inventory after this event. Remember to use them on time!
12. "Activity Lucky Bag"
Complete missions to receive rewards, awesome new items are awaiting!
Period: Aug 17th -Aug 23rd
Players must reach Level 6 to participate.
How To:
a) Click “View Details” at the right bottom of the interface to check the missions.
b) Complete the required missions to get activity points. Lucky bags can be opened with ac*ulative amounts of points. You can open 25 bags per day in total.
13. "Break Golden Eggs"
Super value rewards in every golden egg, recharge, and get a hammer! Break golden eggs to see what you can get!
Period: Aug 17th -Aug 23rd
Players must reach Level 11 to participate.
How To:
a) Recharge 50 ingots can obtain 1 hammer. Limit of 100 Hammers daily. (50 ingots should be recharged on the same day if split recharges in different days, you cannot get a hammer.)
b) Consume a hammer and 20 ingots/coupons to break a Golden Egg. The hammer won’t be refreshed daily.
c) Rewards in Golden Eggs random drop:
Small Myoboku’s Optional Pack*10,
Cave Key*10,
Secret Scroll Pack*2
Training Potion*8
New Refine Optional Pack*1
Advance Skill Trial Pack*1
Madara Uchiha [The Final Battle]’s fragment*100
14. New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance.
Remark: The deadline for the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out!
Remark II: All information in the Event Information List can be changed during the process of updating. The final and official implementation of the events will be available in-game.
Best Regards,
Naruto Online Operation Team
Been playing the game since 2016, and I know this is a long shot, with current games on the industries. Don't you think it's time to have a promo? Like twice the amount of inggots to receive on 1st recharge or something? Most modern games are doing this, I don't know why OASIS is too hung up on doing this. Also, on each wheel events, provide the drop rates. It's 2023 now and you guys are still keeping the drop rates on wheel events a secret. It's shady. even a 0.1% chance will suffice as long as you provide it because not providing it creates an impression that the wheel events are rigged. You can put 0% drop rate there, then we will accuse you, then you will ask for proof. Classic gas lighting. Provide bonus inggots and recharge and provide wheel drop rates. It's 2023 guys, you need to catch up on other games.
Still no Indra BT's. Still no Pain Six Paths Rinnegan rework. Still no changes at all to how many coupons people can get. I mean, the amount of coupons you can get from activities apart from Infinite Illusion is laughable. If you are going to make every good ninja ridiculously expensive, you should give out more coupons to compensate. so instead of grinding everyday for a year to get Indra or Asura or Shisui, then grinding another year to get the next one, Make those kind of ninja attainable for maybe a few months worth of playing. I mean, it's no wonder most servers are dead. Everything costs ridiculous amounts of real money. If you made you game about micro-transactions instead of having to spend 2500 dollars to get one new ninja and some power, combined with making F2P a lot better would increase your player ba
Bring back Christmas konan I need to unlock her
I been gone from the game to long
Still no Indra BT's. Still no Pain Six Paths Rinnegan rework. Still no changes at all to how many coupons people can get. I mean, the amount of coupons you can get from activities apart from Infinite Illusion is laughable. If you are going to make every good ninja ridiculously expensive, you should give out more coupons to compensate. so instead of grinding everyday for a year to get Indra or Asura or Shisui, then grinding another year to get the next one, Make those kind of ninja attainable for maybe a few months worth of playing. I mean, it's no wonder most servers are dead. Everything costs ridiculous amounts of real money. If you made you game about micro-transactions instead of having to spend 2500 dollars to get one new ninja and some power, combined with making F2P a lot better would increase your player ba
True, new ninjas cost is insane. That's a new high end Pc or a used car.
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