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[ Scarlet Blaze ] Scarlet blaze unlimited debufs and interuption


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On 2016-10-05 16:22:47Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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The amount of interupts and debuffs Scarlet Blaze has are too many considering of how much damage it does.
His mystery:Sealing Jutsu - Seal of Red Lotus - Cause Ninjutsu and Taijutsu damage to the selected enemy, and (under debuff, receive Ninjutsu damage for using Chakra skills).(ez)
His standard: Feather Illusion Jutsu-Attack front enemy and cause . The skill is not subject to the defense skills of opponent.(ez again)
His passives:Genjutsu - Mirror Return Transfer to the enemy the first received by your own unit each round; significantly increases the damage to the enemy targets under .(not interupt or anything like that but again,debuffs)
Bani Chakra- Before the action of each round, cause to one enemy at random and disperse the Buffs on the target.(another debuff)
Death Mirage - Before each action, cancel one to up to 2 units from your own entire team at random, and recover 10 chakra points for every hit unit(debuff)
So this character c*so do an insane amount of damage while interupting you+debuffs.
This may seem like a rant but im just trying to point things out and comparing it to other classes.So please share your thoughts^^

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On 2016-10-05 17:04:45Show this Author Only
Earth and Water become the beasts late game, look at any high level CN players.
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On 2016-10-05 18:02:40Show this Author Only
Essentially fire main does a job of at least 2 ninjas he can both do dmg crowd control and cleanse his team at same time normally to do that you'd least at least 2 other ninjas a crowd control and a cleanser. Fire main mirage is essentially a mystery that he does automatically on top of having beastly stats growth compared to say wind .
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On 2016-10-05 18:46:18Show this Author Only
  • ronaldfranklint On 2016-10-05 17:04:45
  • Earth and Water become the beasts late game, look at any high level CN players.
why so?can you explain why they become op late game please?many people say water is the weakest class and earth is the class with the lowest damage I dont really get it,the most used class and the ones with the highest damage are wind fire and lightning
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On 2016-10-05 19:56:32Show this Author Only
Fire isn't as broken as Earth at the moment. Yeah, fire has a lot of status, but that's still a lot less overpowered than how Lightning was (and still is kinda) broken. Status c*so be avoided by healers, which also negate the amount of damage Fire does, which isn't much at all.
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On 2016-10-05 20:02:12Show this Author Only
If he choose to cleanse with Death Mirage then he is very vulnerable to enemy. Same goes when he use Bani Chakra. Not to mention both of them are RNG based skills, sometime he won't cleanse the right characters or burn a clone.
If he choose Sealing Jutsu mean he can't be a combo starter and cant do much dmg by himself.
Well what you guys expect from a Genjutsu type of character? Everyone love Itachi in the manga/anime but hate on fire main because they made him base on Itachi?

Every class has it own advantage:
Lightning : Can become immune and increase damage with RoW or take down clone team easily with double attack pasive. Also can paralysis whole enemy team.
Earth : Tanky and can ignite or help his team in both offensive and defensive ways depend on situation.
Water : Great healer, can cleanse all debuff in 1 turn also her chase can stun and with high refine she can crit a lot which lead to immobile.
Wind : Can stall the fight by flooding the field with clone, very high damage and has a shield. This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-10-5 19:03 This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-10-5 19:04
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On 2016-10-05 20:57:39Show this Author Only
The reason that late game earth and water get stronger is because really ridiculous long lasting ninjas come out, the meta shifts hard.
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On 2016-10-05 21:09:52Show this Author Only
The Mystery has a 3 turn CD and if you really want to use it as a Interrupt you need to attack turn 1-2 or in most cases vs good players it will be useless.

Sleep attack is strong but he can't start combo's with it like the other mains, all you need is a clone or puppet as a shield. (should have that anyway you really need a shield on your front row ninja for turn one-two.)

The mirrior is a very strong talent reflect and more importantly increased damage to targets with ignite, that's why Tobi deals so much damage with fire mains.

Bani Chakra *s and never get's used as far as I can tell. we need a clone shield after all.

Death Mirage would be a great talent but it always will target your main and one random ninja next to him. It will not pick debuffed targets from what I have seen and a clone shield is better anyway.

If you pick all the debuffs and what not fire mains don't deal that much damage.

Now earth mains my lvl make two 2k+ shields every turn and another 2k+ every time they use their mystery.

Lightning mains can become immune to debuffs (very underrated talent it' s very strong.) high single target damage can attack lowest HP ninja and has a high chance of starting combo's. They also have an Acupuncture that's better than the fire main interrupt in most cases, leach to their whole team and if you have not seen a lightning main destroy a whole team in ranked after Tendo attacks than you are lucky.

Water is by far the best support / healer in the game. People just need good ninja to go with her.

Wind is not bad but again needs good ninja to go with her, Just wait till the better Garra/Temari are released. The main weak point of wind mains that I have seen is that they never take ninja with debuffs, they go for pure damage but don't have ninja for it yet.

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On 2016-10-05 21:21:18Show this Author Only
The only reason I use wind is because I have Sage Naruto.
Quicky Post

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