The amount of interupts and debuffs Scarlet Blaze has are too many considering of how much damage it does.
His mystery:Sealing Jutsu - Seal of Red Lotus - Cause Ninjutsu and Taijutsu damage to the selected enemy, and (under debuff, receive Ninjutsu damage for using Chakra skills).(ez)
His standard: Feather Illusion Jutsu-Attack front enemy and cause . The skill is not subject to the defense skills of opponent.(ez again)
His passives:Genjutsu - Mirror Return Transfer to the enemy the first received by your own unit each round; significantly increases the damage to the enemy targets under .(not interupt or anything like that but again,debuffs)
Bani Chakra- Before the action of each round, cause to one enemy at random and disperse the Buffs on the target.(another debuff)
Death Mirage - Before each action, cancel one to up to 2 units from your own entire team at random, and recover 10 chakra points for every hit unit(debuff)
So this character c*so do an insane amount of damage while interupting you+debuffs.
This may seem like a rant but im just trying to point things out and comparing it to other classes.So please share your thoughts^^