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What are your thoughts on the Naruto news?


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  • Registered: 2023-05-08
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On 2023-05-10 19:59:13Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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What are your thoughts on the new Naruto news about the animated adaptation of Sasuke's observatory visit? Personally, I'm disappointed. While the story is cool, it was hyped up as a big announcement for Naruto, not Boruto. But it turns out to be a story that already took place before the end of Boruto, so it doesn't bring any significant changes. It feels like they overhyped a small, short story. What do you think?

  • Registered: 2023-01-11
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On 2023-05-16 17:58:32Show this Author Only

It's understandable to feel disappointed when something is hyped up as a big announcement but turns out to be something smaller in scale. The news of an animated adaptation of Sasuke's observatory visit may have created certain expectations for a significant development within the Naruto series.

However, it's worth noting that storytelling within a larger franchise like Naruto often includes exploring various characters and their backstories, even if they may not bring substantial changes to the overall narrative. While this particular story may not have met your expectations for a major announcement, it could still provide fans with additional insights into Sasuke's character or offer an enjoyable episode within the broader Naruto universe.

It's important to approach such news with an open mind and remember that different aspects of a franchise cater to various audiences and interests. While this announcement may not have resonated with your expectations, there could be other upcoming developments in the Naruto or Boruto series that might capture your interest in the future.

  • Registered: 2023-05-18
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On 2023-05-18 12:51:01Show this Author Only

I'm not too disappointed. Just like when hearing the announcement about the animated movie Rick and Morty being adapted into the game elastic man. There are a lot of mixed opinions, but I personally think it's fine. Certainly the manufacturers have worked hard to find a way to develop it. It's normal for something to be hyped up as a big announcement. They need to do this to attract users and get attention. I think so.

This post was last edited by kathleenmills on 2023-05-18 12:51:26.
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