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[ Ninja Profile ] Shikamaru - Ninja Discussion


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-05 07:30:26Show All PostsDescending Order
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Source: Instance (lvl 20,30,50 Elite Instance)Group Shop (500 points/5 frags)

Mystery: Shadow Strangle Jutsu
Cause Immobile to a selected enemy. (no action in the case of Immobile)
CD: 3 rounds
Battlefield CD: 1 round
Chakra use: 20
Additional status: Stun

Standard: Taijutsu Attack
Attacks the front enemy and has a chance of Triple Combo and Knockdown.
Chase: Shadow Possession Jutsu
Chase and Attack the Knocked Down enemy and cause Immobile.
Passive: Chakra control
The higher the chakra of Shikamaru, the higher becomes his combo rate. This becomes effective with at least 40 chakra points.

Mystery: Shadow Strangle Jutsu
Cause Immobile to a selected enemy. If the target is Immobile already, cause a lot of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu damage, Ignition and Immobile using Shadow Hiding.
CD: 3 rounds
Battlefield CD: None
Chakra use: 20
Additional status: Ignite, Stun

Standard: Shadow Stitching Jutsu
Attacks the front enemy and has a chance of a Triple Combo and to cause Knockdown.
Chase: Shadow Possession Jutsu
Chase and Attack the Knocked Down enemy and cause Immobile.
Passive: Konoha's Counsellor
The higher the chakra, the higher the combo rate of all ninja in the team. This becomes effective with at least chakra 40 points.
Passive: Shadow Hidden Jutsu
Cause Immobile to the reciever of a critical attack.

My thoughts:
Shikamaru goes pretty well in Ino/Fire Main teams as he is the most obvious source of Immobiles. Haven't played much with him but if you do beware as you will lack a lot of damage. Shikamaru's Immobile will also remove evasion bonuses (Hinata, Neji...).
Please leave a comment with your thoughts about the ninja.

This post was last edited by Ywan at 2016-10-9 23:10
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