by the way do you realize that in cycle we have pretty weak week (wik wik :) ) like this ? Aside from activity lucky bag it is everything that is boring and gives very small rewards, thus people don´t like it. In fact YOU realize this, that ´s why you putting them together. It´is just dead week. 7 days of walfare...people waiting for cave spending that s all...there is no logical point to spend seal scrolls without carnival or recruitment feedback event. No refining also because it is economically better to use refining when you have a lot epic runes. No ranked battle because a very few people have medal. Yeah, we have arena wins day but that no shinobi feast. You put lucky sneatch but there is no fuku deals. You put summer memories which gives a really small rewards compare to time consume. There is no mission mobilization ever. It simply is away. So aside from activity lucky there is no good combination or logical combination like ingots spending and froggy. Ok, just that cave rabat which is on one day and you dont get so much with it. So what I am trying to say...I understand we have better weeks before and now we have bad week. Question is, when you realiize those are bad events, why no effort to change them and give better rewards SO IT HAS SOME MEANING / IMPORTANCE. Just using simple logic
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