They removed it on purpose like every event that gives too much to f2p community - better do fishing for 1hour and 1000 mouse clicking for 1 fragment of Summer Kurenai.
No Madara or Yugito BT
Ninjas that should be updated are in double digit number already so this 1 per month update like Tobirama doesn't cut it
There are few events that give good rewards in other servers that are not added for us who knows why [like for example in germany]
Main Characters changes
Trolling everybody with 1 year ingots only mediocre ninjas like Mei, Itachi, Sasuke etc
NY Oasis team has to be the worst one of all of them and sadly we are playing this version of the game.
i sent messages at support from 2 years about the broken mouse event of fishing for make change of kind of fishing
left the delay ( only wast time) and make the fishing 10 fish at time ( like other event of paperfishing)
what you think about this ?
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