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[ Help ] Pain Tendo - Six Paths Rinnegan Multiple Standards


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  • Registered: 2022-01-23
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On 2023-03-06 23:46:04Show All PostsDescending Order
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So he basically has Shisui's Susano Bt - Get multiple standard attacks when receiving debuffs. Shisui c*e his slow reflux debuff to get additional attacks without needing to be debuffed; but how does Pain get his standards when he hasn't been debuffed? I see him attack 6+ times with a team that I don't think can even use slow reflux

  • Registered: 2022-01-23
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On 2023-03-09 06:45:29Show All Posts
  • HinagikuKatsura On 2023-03-08 23:20:09
  • One example how he get standards is when he is attacking Edo Minato, ninja or clone summon by Orochimaru GNW is the same.

    Edo Minato passive is whoever attack him, the attacker will receive ignition and tag if not mistaken.(His passive works even if Edo Minato dodge)

    Ignition is a debuff, so as long Edo Minato is not gone from field, Pain or Shisui who have the (Get multiple standard attacks when receiving debuff) can get their full cap standards in a round when attacking Edo Minato.

That explains it, I always have Orochimaru on the field

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