Views: 1209 | Replies: 3
Please, need help with illusion trial


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2023-03-05 09:30:33Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hi , I need help with illusion trial, recommend me a separate team for each trial. I am using azure fang but would be willing to change main and summon.

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  • Registered: 2023-03-03
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On 2023-03-25 16:21:17Show this Author Only

I wanted to use it to but i have no idea about this.

  • Registered: 2023-04-01
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On 2023-04-06 18:57:35Show this Author Only

I can help you with the Illusion trial and suggest some teams for each trial. Since you mentioned that you're currently using Azure Fang, I'll keep that in mind while making my recommendations.

For the first trial, which is the Wind team, I would recommend the following team:

  • Main DPS: Azure Fang
  • Sub DPS/Buffer: Selene
  • Healer: Hermes
  • Tank: Odin
  • Summon: Grendel

For the second trial, which is the Earth team, I would recommend the following team:

  • Main DPS: Azure Fang
  • Sub DPS/Buffer: Luminous
  • Healer: Frey
  • Tank: Tiamat
  • Summon: Behemoth

For the third trial, which is the Water team, I would recommend the following team:

  • Main DPS: Azure Fang
  • Sub DPS/Buffer: Eris
  • Healer: Aria
  • Tank: Leviathan
  • Summon: Kraken

For the fourth trial, which is the Fire team, I would recommend the following team:

  • Main DPS: Azure Fang
  • Sub DPS/Buffer: Hestia
  • Healer: Thanatos
  • Tank: Ifrit
  • Summon: Phoenix

I hope these teams are helpful and can assist you in completing the Illusion trial. Let me know if you have any further questions or if there's anything else I can help you with.

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