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[ Strategy Share ] Hidan's Strong Approach (Hard Solo) for F2P Lightning Main


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-05 02:54:46Show All PostsDescending Order
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This is the best early results that I can 100% complete every round for now until a better solution come along! I'm bad at explantion so I provided a video and feel free to ask any question below hope this helps!

Lineup includes: Midnight (Position 1), Kabuto (2, Important!), Kimimaro (3), GNW Neji (4)
Talents: 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, with Ninja Monkey

Credits to dra***@gmail.comfor the formation fix

x Kabuto x
Kimmimaro x x
Neji x Main

This puts Kabuto in the open and helps him take the damage he needs to get if you're struggling to get Kabuto to a lower health than Neji.

Turn steps from my video:
CB = Chidori Blade, BF = Bone Forest

Wave 1, Zetsus
Round 1: MC Starts combo Neji Silence Another
Round 2: Start CB nn any of the two Zetsu using Mastery
Round 3: Start BF on the lowest HP Zetsu
Round 4:finished off with Standard attack into Wave 2 with Bone Forest ready

Wave 2, Sasori & Deidara (Only Deidara is fast)
Round 1: Bone Forest on Deidara, Kabuto Summon Clones, Save the rest of the mastery
Round 2: CB on Deidara, Neji seals Sasori, Kabuto summon clones (If you haven't turn 1), Deidara may or may not die from standard attacks here
Round 3: BF on Sasori, standard attacks (Do not summon clones)
Round 4: CB On Sasori for the last time, Spam Kabuto's clone summon right after Sasori die!

Wave 3, Kakuzu & Hidan (Only Kakuzu is fast)
Round 1: Summon clones now so you have time to click on Hidan, BF on Hidan, Main will hit Hidan,
Round 2: CB on Kakuzu, Neji Seals Hidan, Main must hit Hidan again this is important
Round 3: Let main land 2 hits first on Hidan to see if he triggers chase (if chase trigger do not use Bone Forest this is to prevent hidan from getting too low) , Main will hit Hidan but make sure he doesn't die YET! You can summon clones here if you think you need the clone to wear down Kakuzu more
Round 4: CB on Kakuzu and finish Hidan off (Do not summon clones here you need to save it for Wave 4)

Wave 4, Panda, Animal Path, Jashin Hidan (Only Animal Pain is fast)
Round 1: BF on Animal Pain right away and Kabuto must summon clones!, Do not use anything else, Hidan will stab into a clone followed by his mastery on 2-3 person (Main must be hit by this)
Round 2: (Do not use Chidori Blade! Main will land 2 hits on Panda) Use Neji mastery on Pain for some damage while leeching more HP to make sure Neji has higher HP than Main! (Slow down speed if you need to),
Round 3: Hidan kills himself along with two while Kabuto saves Main with Animal Path left it's very simple from here on out only use CB on Animal Pain and only use Clones whenever Hidan revives on that turn and he will suicide again via a clone then eventually you'll wear Animal Pain down before turns runs out.

You win!

Notes: If you got through Wave 3 correctly you should have all three or four mastery up BUT only start with BF on Animal Path, on turn 2 you'll want to hold off using Chidori blade the reason is because you do not want to leech off too much HP from the potential combo that CB can start on Animal Path which will make kabuto save GNW Neji instead (he can't kill Animal path before turn runs out) and the reason why kabuto has to be on the second move is because he ALWAYS gets to clear 2 Tags from Animal Pain before Hidan can do anything.

EDIT: If you have trouble with the HP on Midnight or Kabuto you can take off some Life's magatama on both of them to make sure they both has lowest HP among the team

I may have left out stuff but the video will explain things better than I will so Im going to post it now and answer any question if you guys have.

This post was last edited by xsp*** at 2016-10-6 17:06 This post was last edited by xsp*** at 2016-10-6 17:10
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-06 12:49:35Show All Posts
  • DraconusNex On 2016-10-06 11:53:26
  • Maybe i'm just *ed, but I can't fking focus on Hidan and get the Bone Chain off before my main has already done a standard attack, even on x1 speed.

    It's really starting to anger me, since it tips the balance to make Kakuzu have less health..
Hi! I've made some change as to the round one of Wave 3 as you can see here

Round 1: Summon clones now so you have time to click on Hidan, BF on Hidan, Main will hit Hidan,

Make sure you spam the clone *on right after sasori dies then kabuto summoning will give you more than enough time to do this
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-06 17:02:22Show All Posts
  • DraconusNex On 2016-10-06 14:49:12
  • Wow, much obliged, it works like a charm!

    Now the only problem is that you need to hope and pray that Neji can get health back and that Kabuto doesn't. The one time the healing tips passive works against you haha

    Something I've noticed is that, if you're lucky, you can click on the CB on round 4 while the midnight blade is doing his thing and if he kills the last archer, the cooldown will reset to 1, but the move will go off on Deidara. This almost guarantees that Deidara dies on round 6.

    Finally, I tried a formation like this:

    x Kabuto x
    Kimmimaro x x
    Neji x Main

    It puts Kabuto in the open and helps him take the damage he needs to get if you're struggling to get Kabuto to a lower health than Neji.


Thanks to you as well for the formation fix I've edited my post and included it and yeah I also realized there is a lilttle bit of randomness in my solution in regards to Wave 4 but I hope a better way will come along for us F2Players soon haha.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-06 21:09:16Show All Posts
  • Zalec On 2016-10-06 19:54:45
  • Can level 66 with 16k power win this? If not how many power i need??
I'm not really sure I'd say about 20k BP should be possible but if you have the ninjas mentioned above you should try it
Quicky Post

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