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[ News ] The Shinobi's Spirited Holidays - News Event


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On 2023-01-09 04:23:11Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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The Shinobi's Spirited Holidays

Winners of Shinobi's Spirited Holidays are:


#2 AsukaIshimaru

#3 Haribo :)

#4 xBlitz

#5 Blup

Congratulations to all the winners and to everyone good luck next time!

Hey Ninjas! It’s that time of the year again, but sadly, the Hokage has been feeling down lately, and that can't be done, it's our job to do something about that. So we should write stories/songs to present to our dear Hokage and make him feel better during this Christmas Holidays!

How to Participate?

- Participants must write a Story/Song related to how Naruto characters celebrate Christmas and New Year’s eve.

- The Hokage prefers songs, and well, they are also harder to write, so naturally, songs will get you rewarded with more points.

- As Hokage prefer songs he also made some rules:

* Stanza/strophe it has to have max 5: 2 strophe 1 chorus 2 strophe ;

* He doesn’t like shortcuts to be used;

* The song has to include Naruto characters and Christmas and New Year holidays;

* The song has to rhyme;

If the rules are not followed players will not be able to Cheer up Lord Hokage

- If you do choose to write a story, make sure it doesn't exceed the 500-word limit, as it would be too long for the Hokage to read.

- Remember to watch out for Grammar Mistakes;

- Plagiarism will absolutely not be tolerated;

- Also has to have included Naruto characters and Christmas and New Years holidays;

- Most importantly, have fun and watch out for grammar!

As for a rewards Hokage decided to gift the top three winning songs/stories that follows the rules with 3000 coupons;

And also that’s not all, our dear Hokage decided to give two more consolation prize (500 coupons each) to two more players who wrote song/stories that made him joyful but a bit less than the best song/story.

One more thing, our Hokage requested that all players that want to participate in this event must register via the registration form.

If players don’t request via the following registration form their participation won’t be accepted.

Here is a link where players can register:

And for the end Hokage and Naruto Online Team wish you all luck, may the best song/story win!

This post was last edited by Annié on 2023-01-09 04:23:11.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-12-24 13:52:13Show this Author Only

Christmas in the Hidden Leaf

Stanza 1:

Who is that ninja sneaking there on the roof?

It is Kakashi, wiring Fairy Lights aloof!

Who is that ninja hiding behind the fir tree?

It is Tenten, summoning baubles with glee!

Stanza 2:

Who is that ninja hauling the big gift bag?

It is Shikamaru, complaining: “What a drag!”

Who is that ninja riding a dog sleigh?

It is Kiba, so you better make way!


Christmas in the Hidden Leaf;

Ninjas, rejoice! Just have belief.

Christmas in the Hidden Leaf

Is full of joy, and much mischief.

Stanza 3:

Who is that ninja in a Santa disguise?

It is Naruto, preparing a big surprise!

Who is that ninja bringing lumps of coal?

It is Ibiki, and he will apparise your soul!

Stanza 4:

Who is that ninja lighting fireworks for New Year’s?

It is Edo Itachi; so hold your tears...

Who is that ninja preparing the festive food?

It is Sakura; oh, no! Now we are scr3wed!

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On 2022-12-24 18:57:12Show this Author Only


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On 2022-12-25 00:13:55Show this Author Only

Verse 1:

Naruto and his friends gather around

To celebrate this festive sound

Sakura decorates the tree

With ornaments as bright as it can be

Verse 2:

All leaf ninjas join in on the fun

As the feast for Christmas has just begun

Ino and Shikamaru cook up a feast

While Choji becomes a monstrous beast


It's Christmas time in the Leaf Village

A time for joy, a time for laughter

Let's all sing and dance with no fear

After all, Christmas is here

Verse 3:

All ninjas come together

To share gifts with each other

Jiraiya gives a Naruto figurine to Hinata

While Shino gives a bouncy ball to Kiba

Verse 4:

Lee and Tenten start the party

As they dance and sing in liberty

Neji and Guy toast to their gifts with a cheer

As they wish for a grumpy Kakashi to appear

Merry Christmas

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-12-25 01:30:07Show this Author Only

Here's my story hope you enjoy it everyone:

It was the night before Christmas, and all through the village The ninja were bustling, preparing for the holiday celebration Naruto was hanging lights on the Hokage's office While Sasuke was helping Tsunade with the tree

Hinata and Sakura were baking cookies, Their kitchen filled with the smell of cinnamon and sugar Shikamaru and Choji were setting up the party decorations And Gaara was busy wrapping presents for all of his friends

As the night went on, the village began to sparkle With lights and tinsel, and joy in the air The ninja gathered around the tree, singing carols and exchanging gifts

Naruto was thrilled to see what everyone had gotten him Sasuke had given him a new set of kunai Hinata had made him a scarf, warm and cozy Sakura had gotten him a box of his favorite ramen

But the best gift of all came from Gaara It was a small, wooden box, intricately carved Inside was a tiny sandglass, symbolizing the time they had shared And a note that read "I am grateful for your friendship, Naruto"

As the night drew to a close, the ninja sat around the fire Exchanging stories and laughter, enjoying each other's company And as they watched the clock strike midnight, welcoming in the new year They knew that this was a Christmas and New Year's Eve they would never forget

  • Registered: 2017-09-16
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On 2022-12-25 06:32:58Show this Author Only

Verse 1:
Naruto`s friends celebrate Christmas and New Year's eve

With joy and cheer, they do not want to leave

The Hokage prefers a song, so we will sing

About how they all come together to ring

In the new year with love and delight

On this special night

Verse 2:

Sasuke and Sakura, they decorate the tree

With lights and tinsel, it is easy to see

That they are having fun, on this special day

Hoping for good luck, in a brand new way


Konoha celebrate, oh so great

With Christmas and New Year, they cannot wait

To party and dance, with all their might

Naruto`s friends, everything's alright

Verse 3:

Naruto and Hinata, they share a kiss

Under the mistletoe, it is pure bliss

They are grateful for each other, on this holiday

And they are ready to bring on, a brand new day

Verse 4:

Kakashi and Rock Lee, they tell tales by the fire

Of all their adventures, they never tire

They are grateful for their friends, on this special night

And they are ready to take on, whatever comes in sight

  • Registered: 2020-12-12
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On 2022-12-25 06:55:22Show this Author Only

It was a cold, snowy Christmas Eve in the village of Konoha, and Naruto Uzumaki was feeling extra festive. He had always loved the holiday season, and this year he was determined to make it the best one yet.

As he walked through the streets, he saw the *ling lights and decorations that adorned every house and storefront. The smell of freshly baked cookies and hot cocoa filled the air, and he couldn't help but smile as he thought about all the fun he would have with his friends and family.

Naruto was on his way to meet up with Sakura, Sasuke, and the rest of the * at the town square, where they would all gather to sing carols and exchange gifts. But as he turned down a side street, he heard a faint cry for help.

He followed the sound to a small alley, where he found a group of bullies picking on a young boy who was huddled in the corner, looking scared and alone. Without a second thought, Naruto stepped in to defend the boy and chased the bullies away.

The boy, whose name was Hiro, was grateful for Naruto's help and asked him if he could join him and his friends at the town square. Naruto happily agreed, and the two of them set off together.

As they walked, Hiro told Naruto about how he had run away from home because his parents were always fighting and he had nowhere else to go. Naruto listened sympathetically and promised to help Hiro find a way to fix things with his family.

When they arrived at the town square, everyone was delighted to see Naruto and Hiro, and they all gathered around the Christmas tree to exchange gifts and sing carols. As they sang, Naruto noticed that Hiro's eyes were starting to tear up.

He leaned over and whispered, "What's wrong?"

Hiro sniffled and said, "I just wish I could be with my family for Christmas."

Naruto put his arm around Hiro and said, "Well, I think it's time we make that happen. Come on, let's go find your parents and bring them here for the holidays."

And so, with the help of Naruto and their friends, Hiro was able to make amends with his parents and spend Christmas together as a family. It was a Christmas that none of them would ever forget, and it was all thanks to the kindness and determination of one special ninja: Naruto Uzumaki.

I hope you enjoyed this story! Let me know if you have any questions.

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On 2022-12-25 16:26:03Show this Author Only

Konoha Yuletide Cheer


Let us all cheer

Beause holiday's here

Let us all sing

What Yuletide bring

Teuchi's famous ramen

Is what Naruto's having

In the village of Konoha

You'll see cheerful Sakura


Let us all cheer for this day

Feel the joy and be happy

Let us unite and say

All the things we wish to be.


Applause for the dancing Kunoichis

Prepare the foods and grate the cheese

Be here, so you'll never miss

An event as cool as this

What you wish, Kakashi will abide

It will be granted, Sasuke's on your side

Come, oh come, and don't hide

Let us all cheer for this Yuletide

  • Registered: 2020-09-07
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On 2022-12-25 17:25:33Show this Author Only

Рождественская история Наруто Ночное небо освещали только луна и несколько ярких звезд. Мороз ловко разукрасил окна красивыми визарунками, которые так и притягивали взгляды маленьких детишек. - Болт, Химавари, идите кушать! – раздался голос Хинаты. Болт взял сестру за руку и вместе с ней подбежал к матери. - Мам, завтра ведь придут дядя Саске, тетя Сакура и Сарада-чан? - встревоженно поинтересовался он. - Да, конечно, завтра в шесть вечера. Болт нахмурился и вместо него продолжила Химавари: - Болт переживает из-за того, что у нас все еще нет елки, а уже завтра придут гости. Хината засмеялась: - Боруто, не переживай! Завтрашний вечер пройдет замечательно! А отцу я передам, что бы когда он шел с работы, прикупил красивую елочку. « С тех пор, как он стал Хокаге, он мало времени уделяет нам. Хорошо, что я его уговорила провести вечер с Учихами» подумала про себя Хината и улыбнулась.

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On 2022-12-26 17:48:18Show this Author Only

Verse 1:

It's Christmas time in the village hidden in the leaves

The streets are lit up and everyone's in good spirits, it seems

Naruto's the only one who's feeling down

He's been thinking about his best friend, who's no longer around

Verse 2:

The Christmas tree is glowing bright

Everyone's having a good time, even Shikamaru's brain is feeling light

Choji's eating all the food and Sakura's in a snit

She's upset that Sasuke's not here, but Naruto's trying to make her feel better, a bit


Naruto's only wish on this special day

Is for Sasuke to come back to Team 7

He misses his buddy and the way he fights

He wants his old friend back by his side

Verse 3:

Sai's drawing everyone at the Christmas party

Rock Lee's getting drunk and flirting with Sakura, it's hearty

Naruto's hoping that his wish will come true

He's dreaming of a Christmas with Sasuke back in the crew

Verse 4:

Everyone’s partying and having a great time

But Naruto's feeling down, he's not feeling fine

Hinata's all red, trying to cheer him up

But nothing seems to lift Naruto's cup


Naruto's dream has come true, on this special day

Sasuke is back on the team, and they'll fight their way

They lost an arm, but they gained a new start

They stand together, with all their heart

They're back on the team, and they're stronger than before

They'll fight for the future, and end any war.

This post was last edited by Zzenn on 2022-12-26 17:48:56.
  • Registered: 2022-12-26
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On 2022-12-26 23:25:10Show this Author Only

Until what date does the Hokage accept songs?

This post was last edited by ScrollAge on 2022-12-26 23:26:10.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-12-29 07:14:16Show this Author Only

In the village of Konoha, it's Christmas time
Naruto's friends all gathered together, drinking mulled wine
Himawari's playing with Boruto, they're laughing and having fun
While Naruto's with his friends, they're all eating cookies, one by one

Sasuke and Sakura are snuggled up by the fire
Kakashi's reading one of his novels, while Ino forming a choir
Hinata with Naruto, they're holding hands so tight
Their love for each other, it shines so bright


It's a joyous occasion, filled with love and cheer
Jiraiya sensei is having a beer
Our Konoha heroes all gathered here
Christmas in Konoha is the best time of the year

Gaara sent a Christmas card, it's hanging on the tree
It's a reminder of their bond, it's strong and it's meant to be
They've all come together, to celebrate this day
It's a time to be grateful, for everything that's come their way

The snow is falling gently, outside on the ground
It's a beautiful sight, it's peaceful and profound
Konoha's eleven all gathered, to share in the joy
It's a peace that no one can destroy

Happy Christmas

This post was last edited by Yancho on 2022-12-29 20:10:54.
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On 2022-12-29 08:55:40Show this Author Only
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On 2022-12-31 00:11:45Show this Author Only

Stanza 1:

Christmas has begun

And Kakuzu is having fun

Counting all his money

As Hidan laughs at something funny

Stanza 2:

Time to decorate the tree

Zetsu asks why are you all looking at me?

As time passes through

So does Tobi too!


It is that time of the year again!

When something good c*ways happen!

New Year is just around the corner!

So let us celebrate with our partner!

Stanza 3:

The time to open the presents is now

Kisame opened his and said Wow!

His dream gift was inside

Meanwhile Itachi opened his and sighed

Stanza 4:

Christmas is about to end

Sasori then hugs his best friend

As the New Year scent fills the room

Deidara goes KABOOM!

This post was last edited by xBlitz on 2022-12-31 00:12:40.
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On 2022-12-31 03:14:49Show this Author Only

here I go:

This post was last edited by Haribo :) on 2022-12-31 03:19:56.
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On 2022-12-31 03:18:55Show this Author Only

Verse 1:

The ninja of Konoha are all gathered round

Celebrating Christmas with cheer and sound

Naruto's cooking up a feast for all to share

While Sakura's hanging mistletoe everywhere


It's Christmas time in Konoha

The village is all aglow

Hinata's singing carols by the tree

While Choji's eating cookies fast as can be

Verse 2:

Shikamaru and Ino are t* the tree

With lights and ornaments galore

Neji and Lee are practicing their carols

While Gaara and Temari are sending cards by the score


It's Christmas time in Konoha

The village is all aglow

Hinata's singing carols by the tree

While Choji's eating cookies fast as can be

Verse 3:

New Year's Eve is here at last

We'll ring in the new with a blast

Jiraiya and Orochimaru are ready to party

While Tsunade and Kabuto are getting hearty


It's New Year's Eve in Konoha

We'll celebrate the old year's end

Danzo and Itachi are toasting with sake

While Naruto and Sasuke are making new friends to make

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On 2022-12-31 03:22:36Show this Author Only

Inspired by the little known Christmas song "Jingle bells", with some slight differences can be sing to the same tune.

Dashing through the snow, in Konoha’s main square

To a tiny home we go, let’s see who is there?

A young shinobi lad, in the springtime of his youth

But his gifts are kinda bad, if I have to tell the truth

’Kettlebells, weight lift belts make perfect giftmas gifts!’

Rock Lee also wrapping in his dashing green outfit.

’Kettlebells, weight lift belts, can’t go wrong with these

Sakura will be so pleased she’ll surely give me a kiss!’

Outside Konoha, in an underground retreat

The Taka squad prepares, a fancy Christmas feast

Yugo got the tree, Suigetsu napping

It’s the same old story, every year Karin does everything, oh!

Hashi cells, Hashi cells, the answer to it all

Orochimaru sama’s jaw will drop to the floor

Jingle bells, Karin yells, ’you’re slacking all day

Lets see when he hears about this what Sasuske kun will say’

This post was last edited by ughno on 2022-12-31 03:24:07.
Quicky Post

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