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[ News ] The Shinobi's Spirited Holidays - News Event


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2023-01-09 04:23:11Show All PostsDescending Order
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The Shinobi's Spirited Holidays

Winners of Shinobi's Spirited Holidays are:


#2 AsukaIshimaru

#3 Haribo :)

#4 xBlitz

#5 Blup

Congratulations to all the winners and to everyone good luck next time!

Hey Ninjas! It’s that time of the year again, but sadly, the Hokage has been feeling down lately, and that can't be done, it's our job to do something about that. So we should write stories/songs to present to our dear Hokage and make him feel better during this Christmas Holidays!

How to Participate?

- Participants must write a Story/Song related to how Naruto characters celebrate Christmas and New Year’s eve.

- The Hokage prefers songs, and well, they are also harder to write, so naturally, songs will get you rewarded with more points.

- As Hokage prefer songs he also made some rules:

* Stanza/strophe it has to have max 5: 2 strophe 1 chorus 2 strophe ;

* He doesn’t like shortcuts to be used;

* The song has to include Naruto characters and Christmas and New Year holidays;

* The song has to rhyme;

If the rules are not followed players will not be able to Cheer up Lord Hokage

- If you do choose to write a story, make sure it doesn't exceed the 500-word limit, as it would be too long for the Hokage to read.

- Remember to watch out for Grammar Mistakes;

- Plagiarism will absolutely not be tolerated;

- Also has to have included Naruto characters and Christmas and New Years holidays;

- Most importantly, have fun and watch out for grammar!

As for a rewards Hokage decided to gift the top three winning songs/stories that follows the rules with 3000 coupons;

And also that’s not all, our dear Hokage decided to give two more consolation prize (500 coupons each) to two more players who wrote song/stories that made him joyful but a bit less than the best song/story.

One more thing, our Hokage requested that all players that want to participate in this event must register via the registration form.

If players don’t request via the following registration form their participation won’t be accepted.

Here is a link where players can register:

And for the end Hokage and Naruto Online Team wish you all luck, may the best song/story win!

This post was last edited by Annié on 2023-01-09 04:23:11.
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