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Christmas 2022 Fanfiction Event - Santa’s Day Off


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  • Registered: 2017-07-27
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On 2022-12-30 22:59:30Show this Author Only

My pick for this mission is:



Now, you must be wondering, why on earth would this guy pick Mabui for this mission?? Fear not! For I shall explain why! It all started when I was born……...yes, you read that right. I was born and was immediately seen as a naturally talented person .... in the eyes of my parents. Then I grew up and became……… a High-Class Procrastinator! Disappointment Scanner: It’s over 9000!!! Due to this, the rules, and all the other players that have submitted before me, my choice options of ninjas who can do this mission has severely dwindled to near non-existence. Jokes aside, Mabui is very well equipped to handle this kind of mission. Santa needs the presents delivered to billions of homes in a night? No problem! Heavenly Transfer Technique – a unique ability that Mabui possesses, she is able to transport objects to ANYWHERE at the SPEED OF LIGHT, BOOM! Instant teleportation, piece of cake. This was the reason for why she was appointed as secretary for the Raikage. What’s next? Santa needs to know who has been naughty and nice? Isn’t that just kind of like her normal job? I mean, she is the secretary of A, the 4th Raikage. She has access to all the data that have been stored over the years, all she needs to do is gather the data and do the data *ytics; this should be nothing new to her and should be muscle memory by now. Lastly, Santa wants this mission done without being noticed. Umm…. ok? I mean…How are they going to notice Mabui doing this? With her Heavenly Transfer Technique, the job should be done in a ……Flash *ba dum tss*. In all seriousness though, she isn’t going to their houses individually or anything like that. No one will see or hear Mabui, hence no one can even notice this happening in the night.

Mission: Cleared! Rank: SSS+

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year guys!

  • Registered: 2022-05-26
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On 2022-12-31 00:53:19Show this Author Only

Naruto Online-30122022045211م

He is kind sometimes :)

  • Registered: 2019-10-09
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On 2022-12-31 01:06:43Show this Author Only

Only one ninja in the Shinobi World can do Santa's job perfectly, and that's none other than...



'Woah, Orochimaru? The scary snake guy? Who murdered the third Hokage and destroyed countless lives?' - you might think - but hey, don't be so hasty and judgmental! Everyone deserves a second (or third?.. fourth?..) chance, and since the Great Ninja War Orochimaru has shown change for the better. Just because he's a mass murderer, child trafficker, genocider, conducting illegal experiments, doesn't mean he wouldn't be the best person for the job! So just hear me out!

Orochimaru’s body modifications and vast knowledge of jutsus give him the perfect tools to deliver presents to the good kids. And he ain’t no slacker either! Say what you want about him, but Orochimaru is a hardworking guy, if Santa makes a deal with him, he can be assured the White Snake will keep his end of the bargain! After all, Santa’s secret jutsus are highly intriguing to him... so it’s a win-win, isn’t it?

Let’s take a look at what techniques Orochimaru will need from his vast repertoire:

White snake body modification - with which he can split himself up into many, smaller white snakes, all preserving his own essence and abilities, allowing him to work in the homes of an entire city at the same time! Getting in through the chimneys is the easiest thing to do as a snake.

Unnamed jutsu which allows Orochimaru to slip into surfaces - just in case there’s central heating. Oh well, let’s not overexplain this: a ninja like him has thousands of ways to get into your home undetected.

Transformation jutsu: requirement for graduating from the Ninja Academy. Helps not scare the heck out of children.

Karin’s sensory skills – which Orochimaru acquired after he got resurrected partly from Kabuto’s flesh. This special ability not only helps pinpoint the location of children, but also able to tell them if they’re lying or not – dishonest thoughts will cause their chakra to fluctuate.

Orochimaru’s little helpers – Quick travel and delivery are the easiest things to do with the help of Flying Thunder God wielding aids – edo tensei jutsu has its uses even in peacetime.

Temple of Nirvana jutsu – another technique Orochimaru acquired after his resurrection. Puts anyone to sleep.

It's Christmas night...

‘We’ve arrived, Orochimaru-sama!’ - Tobirama says with a serious tone of voice, in great contrast with this red, jolly, Christmas outfit. His eyes twitch a little as he catches his reflection in the nearby display window of a shop. He wouldn’t mind the Christmas hat too much – he used to wear them as a Hokage to give the kids of Konoha the best holiday – but the green-white thighs, and the red, pointy shoes... he feels like a clown. He lets out a long sigh... there’s nothing he can do about it. He’s an E.L.F today (Edo Labour Force), and with the tag implanted in him upon his revival, he has no choice but to obey his summoner – as frustrating as it is.

‘Hahahaha, don’t be so down, Tobi, it’s Christmas time!’ – his brother, Hashirama’s laughter fills the otherwise abandoned little alleyway they arrived at. This baka actually enjoys this!.. Tobirama’s eyes roll back so much it would hurt if he’d be alive.

‘What’s a worthier mission for a shinobi than making Christmas happen?!’ – Hashirama can’t even hide his excitement. He’s feeling way too alive for someone being dead.

Orochimaru glances at them while he’s mapping the children’s locations in the city with his sensory skills. ‘I shouldn’t have allowed them to keep this much of their personalities. I liked them more when we fought Hiruzen...’

He stands up, drops his cloak, and his body suddenly splits into a thousand small, white snakes, *tering around the ground, moving out in all directions.

He’s heading down the road, looking around. His little “twins” - other parts of him - disappear left and right, and finally, he spots it! A one-story house, painted peach color.

‘Nauseating, so distasteful...’ – there’s a chimney on top, and there’s no smoke coming from it!

‘I’ll be *ed if I go in through a dirty, disgusting chimney’ he thinks as he simply slips into the sidewalk, and seconds later emerges inside the house. Everyone is already asleep, their chakras are faded as they’re resting.

He quickly slips into the child’s bedroom and immediately transforms into Santa. ‘I hate this part.’ He spent the better part of 4 decades acquiring the perfect body, yet he has to do his job masquerading as an old, overweight drunkard.

He steps next to the bed, clears his throat, and lets out a little “ho-ho-hoooo” – no reaction.

‘HO HO HOOOO’ – suddenly some movement from under a bedcover, and a little girl’s face appears, a huge smile on her face, eyes wide open.

‘SANT....’ – he interrupts her with a finger on her mouth.

‘Shhhhh, kid, we don’t want to wake up your parentsssss, do we?’ – she nods.

‘Now lisssten to me. I’m only interesssted in one thing from you: were you a good girl thisss year, or not? And don’t forget: Sssanta knows if you’re lying!’ – he puts down his arm.

‘Yes! I was a good girl!’

Orochimaru stares at him silently. Her chakra that’s been flowing smoothly up until now is making ripples.

‘Are you sure, girl? Did you alwaysss do your homework?’

‘Yes! I mean... sometimes I copied from Mio, Santa, I’m sorry!’

‘I see. Good kidsss don’t copy from their classmates!... Anything elssse?’

‘Well... last week we made fun of Yui, but she deserved it!..’

‘Go on...’

‘Nothing more, I was good the rest of the time!’


‘... maybe I might’ve started the rumor about Riku * his bed... I’m sorry, Santa, but he was so ANNOYING!’

‘I sssee... I’m ssssorry kid, but only good kidsss get presentsss on Chrissstmasss... and you weren’t good.’

She starts to cry silently.

‘Coal it isss!’

*more sobbing* ‘I’m sorry Santa, I’ll be good next year, I promise! Pleeeeeease!’

‘Then you’ll get presents next year. Not today!’ He stands up, but something catches his eyes. Between the window and a picture of a popular band from the Hidden Waterfall Village called ‘Waterfalls’ (very creative!), he spots a poster. A poster of... Orochimaru - of himself! He’s startled by the sight, then a small smile appears on his lips.

‘You like Orochimaru, I sssssee?’ – points at the poster.

‘Oh yes Santa, he’s the BEST!’ – she immediately stops crying and her face brightens up. ‘ He’s the strongest of the Legendary Sannin, the best one! Knows ALL the jutsus, friends with everyone important, and he’s soooo good-looking too!’

‘Issss he?’ – he laughs. ‘All right girl. Promissse me to behave next year, and you’ll get a gift now!’

‘Pinky swear!’

‘Very good! Now go to sssleep, my child!’ – he says as he uses the Temple of Nirvana jutsu to put her back to sleep. Even if she remembers this tomorrow, she’ll think it was a dream.

He glances at his image on the wall once more and chuckles. He puts down a kunai with an ‘SS’ note. Minato will teleport one of the best presents for this child.

‘The youth is indeed promising... Merry Christmas, child!’ – and he disappears.

Quicky Post

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