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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 8th of December


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On 2022-12-08 09:15:03Show All Posts
  • HenryWong122 On 2022-12-07 22:45:06
  • STFU or GTFO!


sorry for the late reply,,,(life happens), instead of trying to prove me wrong (as you do with everyone) should had stop for a second and think, why did i said what i said? what's the reasoning? i understand you know no better coming so late into it but things wasnt like this always, remember konoha puzzle? group purchase? mission general mobilization? all forgotten, why? its all tied into our prev conversation, tailoring towards certain groups, in theory yes there are no pure f2p tailored events due to what a f2p can do a paid one can do as well (unless they lock you out if you ever recharged but we all know thats an impossible thought) however, what we, the community, refer as "f2p tailored" are those events that rewards thru activities/missions/games, a good amount of points/items/fragments, a activity/rewards ratio per say, now, summer memories, this is one of the worse when it comes to that ratio, you do all the foods and you cant even get a 3rd fragment of something, cave rebate, is just a rebate, not a "tailored event", activity lucky bag, dont know if that should count as an event since is way too niche and rng, 7days, thats literally a recharge event with a f2p retention on the side, fireworks is one of the few that still reward players

tldr, most events that had a good reward ratio was removed from the game due to [insert random reason]

  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2022-12-10 21:16:31Show All Posts
  • Kiriya. On 2022-12-10 20:16:50
  • Only a muppet like you would think that getting 777 Indra frags for 100k coupons when his original price for 80 frags was 90k Ingots is normal and good for game. (not to mention other rewards on top of that Indra + broken fukuromaru deals as well)

    BR basicly = private server with no rules and garbage economy. Best balance have servers like Germany. This will be my first and last response to you since I can clearly tell from your way of talking that we have an angry f2p child here that wants every ninja 5 star for free like BR server has.

oh prices.... just as naruto ronin was 30k ingots here but in cn was only 3k right? but you see thats the problem even you fall for oasis's trick, because of garbage and bad decisions they devalued 100k cp, realistically speaking 100k cp is something, ofc if you are a whale and "have luck" and draw 100k cp in the slot machine... but other then that, take a normal player, and i said normal not a no-lifer that calculate every 1 cp that they can get from some random place every x days, how long it takes for that normal player to get 100k cp and what would he get on every server (including cn) for those money?

its easy to throw empty arguments and never elaborate like you did... harder to actually understand the core problem

  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2022-12-11 08:06:23Show All Posts
  • Kiriya. On 2022-12-10 22:47:30
  • Don't compare CN since it's completly different publisher, BR / NY / FR etc share same publisher - Oasis. CN vs others value of ingots some game changes like runes or 3/4 stars, % tactics and other things make it really hard to scale with our version.

    100k+ coupons takes about a year to farm (just logging for 5mins daily, basicly what I did this year) for f2p player, for that if you have brain you can get at the end of the year 4 star premium ninja and that's enaugh imo for f2p experience being fine, the only problem is that with this Fuku missing Shisui and Ashura you are forced to pick your premium ninja from reduced pool. Other than that nothing wrong with our events / rates.

    EDIT here to not have to make another post - No you don't spend 100k like a clown in lucky stars or slots and pray to rng, that's what noobs do. Current fuku is 3 weeks long just wait for Carnival event use your brainpower and grab there Pain 6paths / shisui on top of rewards from Fuku and other things. (or other ninja u want)

    Also It's actually not an mmorpg or some shooter game dude, if you like BR or CN economy better what are you even doing here ? Just play over there with 150 latency perfectly fine and the best devs ever that give you 3000 Ashura frags, 1000 Obito frags tens of thousands of power materials basicly for free.

think you misunderstood my point... first of all i dont care about the fuku i am talking about strictly "value", value is dictated by technically 2 things, scarcity and usability which is determinated somewhat by balance (i know we talking about balance in a game like this but somehow there is a lowkey balance) as in my example, naruto ronin, he was "broken" in our version because of the extra updates that oasis did, aka. extra rune and refine thus most of the people sacrificed p4 and p3 even p2 in some cases for p1 stats thus making naruto ronin a powerhouse cuz he could kill lower pos then scale damage, now, in CN he was almost nothing cuz a lot of people had already maxed out p1 and 2 and had a lot better stats on p3 and 4 thus naruto wouldnt kill so fast thus no need to put him at a high ingot price, the ingot per irl money ratio had nothing to do in that case...

as for comparing versions even of different publishers shows the bad decisions that they took along the way...

as for the indra fragments... its better then have scarcity (in a digital environment...)

tl;dr my point was about value and stuff not about this fuku or the events, we already know how the events are...

edit: also what exactly is this supposed to mean?: "Also It's actually not an mmorpg or some shooter game dude, if you like BR or CN economy better what are you even doing here ? Just play over there with 150 latency perfectly fine and the best devs ever that give you 3000 Ashura frags, 1000 Obito frags tens of thousands of power materials basicly for free."

This post was last edited by The_X on 2022-12-11 08:08:50.
  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2022-12-12 07:23:43Show All Posts
  • Basarraa On 2022-12-12 01:10:54
  • Where is fun when they can get full meta team after 1 fuku (even 4* or 5*) ? for me it would become boring after a few weeks. Also getting 100K coups is not hard even for f2p, its just a few months of saving with minimal effort just daily collect coups for few mins.

    In MMORPG its mostly grinding for months (somewhere years) to get endgame equipment, also it is updated often so end game become outdated easily. Here is for example shisui meta pretty long.

and whats the fun of being locked out of content? as for 1 fuku... is not the every 2 weeks fuku, is one or 2 a year fuku, as for how hard it is... you are just bsing at this point you cant get 100k in only few months doing minimal stuff

bottom line this is after all a collection game, i really really doubt you have ALL the ninjas to say "its booring to get the meta so easy" (also how was the 6p meta? that was fun right?)

Quicky Post

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