Greetings everyone.
so i thought about 27k power where needed ... turns out .. totaly not .... since i finaly have enouth time to test out more ... cause its the weekend.
So... There is a high Chance taht this post will get edited again From me if i find a better Linup or better positioning.
So if you cant manage to beat it with my linup, Check back in 1-2 days any maybe there is a lineup here that works better :)
with 2 players SA hard should not be to big of a problem, tho i will only test 2 when i get to it.
Tho theoreticlly it should be easier than solo... but i guess you all are here cause you wanna get the title :P
Edit... first Post will be For hard only
the 2nd one down below will be for Normal, i am testing normal on a lvl 65 ACC ! and atm as fire ... lightning coming when i have the time for it
So important thinks to know before you start;
you need 2 interupts. For one of them Acupuncture or immobile in a chase also Works.
The 2nd one needs to be a mistery with Acupuncture or immobile or Chaos and so on.
1st wave is easy just some Zetu Archers to beat down . on turn 2, 2 of them will use theyrAOE mistery and on turn 3 the other 2, hteny have 3 turns CD
2nd Wave Sasori and Deidara. ahve some clnoes to taeke the pupet hits from Sasori or tankem when you clear this wave fast enouth, interupt Sasorie every 2 turns. dont die from the ignites, Kill deidara first , sasorie wont do you any harm lol
3rd wave Kakuzu and Hidan. Instandly use your position 1 mistery on Kakuzu in the 2nd turn and interupt hidan. you ahve to killem at best in the same turn. Kazuma will revive the next turn when hidan is not dead ... Hidan still takes 2 turns to revive himself.
4th wave Fokus on Animal Path , hidan will kill him self ont he clones over and over again if you summon them at the right time
and why did i say you need 27k or more power to beathard ?
Cause no matter what high dmg setup i tried ( even tried somelightning setups without heal ) you eather will die or reach maximum fightning rounds !
And my dmg i get done with 23K power is By far not enouth .. i reach max rounds when i am in the 4th wave ... means i dont ahve enouth time to beat them down. #sad
The Teams:
so ... i am done with testing. And the Final teams are here! i removed the ones that did not work or where rly hard to do it.What we have left are 2 Fire taems , tho the first one is better.and 1 Lightning team for hard-
and down below we ahve a lightning and a fire team for Noraml. both tested on lower lvl Accs. so you should be able too beat it when you got the talents.
Starting with Fire linups:
1st team F2p Fire main:


ription: Still not sure If Sealing Jutsu is not the better option.
first 3 waves should not be a Problem.
Wave 4: ATM i am trying if itworks if you only interupt Hidan ...god* im so close togetting it done :/
Team 2 Fire F2p with Hinata.Attention !!!!!!!! This theoreticly works but for me i wont get past Wave 3 with this.
Nerly the same as Team 1 just that we Replace Neji with Hinata


Discription:You need rly high power for this build ...i myself need a lucky autocombo to clear wave 3 and if i dontget it ...i will reach max fightnign round with a 1k HP hidan. This Lineup still neads more testing Tho it should work in theory
Also there is a Tayuya Lineup ... tho sadly i dont have mine trained ... so i acnt test it ... here is a link to it :
Lightning teams:
So after a loot of testing with fire here is one lightning team that works ....much easier than fire !


Wave 1 interuptfront middle with neji front back with main mistery kill the rest
Wave 2 use the mistery that is rdyto dmg Deidara ... interupt sasori turn 2 and turn 4 if needed !
Wave 3 you have to ahve your kimimaro Mistery rdy in turn 2 and use iton kakuzu and interupt hidan with neji .... use your mains mistery in the turns betwen the interupts to dmg hidan ! you ahve to kill both on the same might ahve to stop dmging hidan after the first resurection of kakuzu so you dont kill himto erly ... you ahve to test for yourself 2-3 times to see how much dmg you do ...some of us will need to let himr esurect 2 or 3 times !!!!
Wave 4 DMG ON HIDAN he is always your first priority if he lives to long you are dead ! you need to ahve kabuto clones upto take the autoatack from him. and ... o and ... Animal path deoes some good dmg ... try toget your clones out after his atack ... or they most likely will be gone to erly
Hard Group Lineups:
I only ran with 1 group lineup so far .. that is the fire GNW neji team and the lightning GNw neji team.It works rly good but!!! you need clones in wave 4 alive for the one in themiddle and taht is going to be hard ! tho it is possible.
This post was last edited by spa*** at 2016-10-8 22:06
This post was last edited by spa*** at 2016-10-8 22:07
This post was last edited by spa*** at 2016-10-8 22:07 This post was last edited by spa*** at 2016-10-10 04:53