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[ Crimson Fist ] Earth style enhancement through barrier to counter Madara


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  • Registered: 2021-12-13
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On 2022-11-15 00:52:09Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Since Edo Madara is free for all, His passive barrier that removes the main aspects of Earth main just like that for a free ninja without Earth main having a counter is not fair, Let me just set the record that I never play Crimson First but I would like one main character to use a passive barrier to enhance especially considering Madara is free and this only applies to Earth style meaning if Earth main has to use it, it will lose its second nature mode so it comes at a cost, You might ask well then that would also mean Crimson first can buff 4 characters or a whole field, but 4 earth ninjas are not a balanced team and are easily prone to counters, as for the field, first of all its not impossible to remove if its a passive secondly this could be balanced in a more unique way compared to other main characters as if a barrier style earth enhancement is implied and is already different than other main character enhancement why stop there, for example you can reduce the buff to 30% to earth ninjas while the main retains 40% buffs while getting an extra third stat (Like defense or resistance... or just 30% buff and both defense and resistance as extra) for keeping it useful for 1v1, and keep in mind this passive could also be removed so the buffs suffer unlike other main characters type of enhancement which is just another con.

This post was last edited by Tranceptor on 2022-11-15 00:52:09.
  • Registered: 2022-11-22
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On 2022-11-23 13:03:19Show this Author Only
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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2023-01-19 04:06:48Show this Author Only

Madara kill Earth main'Buff and Kage , who will Launches a barrier when a battle begin ................. MADARA REMOVE ALL

Quicky Post

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