if you want fu just spin limited treasure. she is not that hard to get and you get black Hidan as bonus :)
i already have 80 frag so i need get her one time and i have her 4*
Yeah the Black Hidan rebate was awesome
Sadly the Fu thing doesn't work that way though, if you have 80 frags of Fu and you recruited her you will need to get her 5 more times in L.Treasure, cause every time you spin you will get 20frags.
If you got 80 frags and you didn't recruit her, you will need to get her 2 more times in L.Treasure.
Let's not forget we can be unlucky and get Yagura during some of those pulls which result in us taking months until we're able to BT her
Jirayia BT is useful for new players for Infinite Illusion and you can get Fu from Treasure
Everything is useful for new players so we could apply this reasoning to every time they want to give any ninja as reward.
Lets give Young Jiraiya forever cause there will always be new servers and new players. That's obviously wrong, specially when is the 4th time Jiraiya has been given for free in events. Caring of new players is as important as caring of the remaining 99% of the existing playerba
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