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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 15th of September


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  • Registered: 2022-07-19
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On 2022-09-16 04:52:39Show All Posts

"Further increase the chance of Tendo reducing his Mystery Cooldown with [Six-in-one]."

This is a flat out lie, actually 2 lies in one since it says "further" implying the chances have been increased before.

On release his cd rate was great, not enough to make him viable in the age of shisui but it was a dependable reset. Then you nerfed it into the groun and even pairing him with someone like konan swimsuit to give him an extra attack and combo rate buff every round he could reset at best twice in a 10-round fight. Now you are publically saying that the odds are being "increased" yet they are still just as bad as they have been since he was nerfed.

  • Registered: 2022-07-19
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On 2022-09-16 04:58:00Show All Posts
  • Kiriya. On 2022-09-15 05:35:46
  • You know what's pathetic about this Dosu thing? It's that most of people that want Dosu will cry after they add him "why oasis is wasting time adding useless ninjas instead of 8th gate guy".

    It was funny for a bit but now just stop. No we don't want / need Dosu I'm 10times more hyped about getting my hands on Chinese Style Sasuke.

Personally I would posit it is more pathetic to be foaming at the mouth to throw more money at oasis for a nonsensicle, presumably carry ninja. People playing a collection based game and making their opinion about a non broken character ( who should've been in the game 5 years ago ) that they want to collect is hardly "pathetic", if you are a mindles meta minion whose only way to "play" the game is to throw money at the latest paywalled character so it can carry you, that is your perogative, but calling other peoples widely accesible, purely fun oriented hopes "pathetic", well the irony is so thick it's visible

Quicky Post

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