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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 25th of August


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  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2022-08-24 20:12:10Show All Posts

its a thing in psychology called projecting frustrations... you see what you WANT to see, someone who lies will always question the credibility of everyone and trust no one, a kid always call others kids because the need to "prove" that they are grown, a racist will always see anything as racist, a perv will always see and call things perv,

now on the direct subject of swimsuit rin... ever gone to the beach? are the kids forbidden? or you the type to scold parents for bringing their kids to beach?

company or whatnot have NOTHING to do with what YOU see when you look at that ninja...

  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2022-08-24 21:12:11Show All Posts
  • Perfect_Cell On 2022-08-24 21:04:41
  • Come on X you're an intelligent guy, you know well there's no absolutes when it comes to thinking.
    I count the humans I can trust with the fingers of a hand due to life experiences, does that make me a liar or someone untrustworthy? No, anyone who deal with me in inner circles would back it up.
    I have a daughter and I bring her to both the pool & the beach, does that mean I have to think it's okay to add swimsuit children to a ninja videogame? No, specially when there are a billion better options to choose to work on. Think about it. Why Rin swimsuit? What's next, Moegi swimsuit? Do you want to see that too? I do not, call me a pervert if you may.

    The company has EVERYTHING to do because they're the ones to choose:
    1. What ninjas to develop
    2. How they look like

i think you highly misunderstood my point, first of all about not trusting, im giving examples of projection, i didnt say everyone who doesnt trust people are lying but the other way around, 2nd of all i wasnt talking about them putting rin into the game but the reaction of the other person, not sure why you felt attacked there... as for the last point of mine, the company have nothing to do with how the person feels when they see a kid in swimsuit thats my whole point...

  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2022-08-24 22:07:17Show All Posts
  • Perfect_Cell On 2022-08-24 21:56:34
  • I don't think I misunderstood nothing. And I quote:
    "Someone who lies will always question the credibility of everyone and trust no one". Trusting no one makes you a liar? I respectfully disagree.

    I didn't feel attacked now just as I didn't feel attacked two week ago when we had 4 pages long of debate about this ninja, I'm merely answering what you're saying.
    Everyone has their own likes, saying that those who feel uneasy about that particular ninja with that particular design are somehow twisted inside is completely wrong and that goes for everyone who said something similar not only you in this case.

    A company can influence in how a person feels about a product designing it in a certain way instead of another. I should know, I've worked in an adverti*t company.

"Someone who lies will always question the credibility of everyone and trust no one"

Someone who lies will always question the credibility of everyone and trust no one

where did i imply the other way around?

as for the ninja, like i said, taking ONLY the looks and not the ninja itself or the abilities, its a simply normal swimsuit, if it was a small bra and tong or whats called i would i said yeah wtf, but is a normal swim suit

also i know realistically this point is kinda null but technically this is a kid's game, technically, even tho is monetized to the moon and back

(also i dont think i participated in the conversation that you talk about the few weeks ago so not sure what exactly happened there or remember much...)

  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2022-08-25 09:07:16Show All Posts
  • AustinIñf On 2022-08-24 22:10:39
  • I don't care about this Rin talk, but you misunderstood yes.

    What The_X is saying is what the sentence actually means, which is that a liar will never trust anyone, not that someone who doesn't trust anyone is a liar. Just like a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not always a square.

    You guys always have to discuss about things even though you know the other side will not change their mind.

most of the times is not about changing minds but not completely understanding each other, in special when we come from different languages and whatnot

cell "who tf even understands the business model of this company." not them thats for sure... as for the ninja itself dont care much, didnt read her abilities and you wont see me recharging anytime soon so, to me she is less then 0 (bet ur ass she gonna be in recharge or something... new ninja = recharge)

  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2022-08-30 20:38:45Show All Posts
  • DEWA NAGA On 2022-08-28 21:24:42

  • where is the other event , i'm already level 51, event lucky feast arena and the other is not oppen



how old is the server? some events require the server to be x weeks old

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