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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 25th of August


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On 2022-08-23 23:13:18Show All Posts

dosu & kin
You have them both implemented... how hard has to be to make them playable? Any programmer with the data you have would get the job done in a day.

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On 2022-08-24 04:46:19Show All Posts
  • timlewis903 On 2022-08-24 00:30:46
  • rin *

    Rin meme

    Seriously who thought this was a good idea for the North American market. Don't get me wrong it still creepy even in China but more so that someone at Oasis honestly thinks this is a good idea to bring over to the US without modifying it to be more in line with American values.

Said this same thing two weeks ago, couldn't agree more. It's disturbing.

  • Registered: 2019-02-17
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On 2022-08-24 14:48:21Show All Posts
  • teemonly On 2022-08-24 10:52:27
  • You had all the time in the world to name the s. 2000 "Honda" sigh. Kids rambling about Summer Rin; if you see a child with swimsuit and think there is something wrong, that is true get yourselves checked, you need council. However, was this ninja necessary? Not at all.

I am no kid, if you want to see children with few clothing the problem is yours not mine. I'd rather have WAY more interesting ninjas released than a kid in *, but hey that's just some of us, who are we to prevent the likes of you to enjoy ninjas like her.

In any case some of you seem to have short memory but that's just cause you're new here, Swimsuit Rin comes from the same company that banned mixed hotsprings, that's right back in my days the hotsprings where you recover stamina was shared between boys and gils. Then they decided it was too much to have boys and girls sharing the place in a towel! Right, boys & girls sharing hotsprings? Crazy idea. Swimsuit Rin? See no problem here!

Why would we implement Kaguya? Hagoromo? Kin? Dosu? Second level seal Tayuya & Ukon Sakon? Nah dude, lets work on Swimsuit Rin.
There's nothing wrong here right guys

  • Registered: 2019-02-17
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On 2022-08-24 21:04:41Show All Posts
  • The_X On 2022-08-24 20:12:10
  • its a thing in psychology called projecting frustrations... you see what you WANT to see, someone who lies will always question the credibility of everyone and trust no one, a kid always call others kids because the need to "prove" that they are grown, a racist will always see anything as racist, a perv will always see and call things perv,

    now on the direct subject of swimsuit rin... ever gone to the beach? are the kids forbidden? or you the type to scold parents for bringing their kids to beach?

    company or whatnot have NOTHING to do with what YOU see when you look at that ninja...

Come on X you're an intelligent guy, you know well there's no absolutes when it comes to thinking.
I count the humans I can trust with the fingers of a hand due to life experiences, does that make me a liar or someone untrustworthy? No, anyone who deal with me in inner circles would back it up.
I have a daughter and I bring her to both the pool & the beach, does that mean I have to think it's okay to add swimsuit children to a ninja videogame? No, specially when there are a billion better options to choose to work on. Think about it. Why Rin swimsuit? What's next, Moegi swimsuit? Do you want to see that too? I do not, call me a pervert if you may.

The company has EVERYTHING to do because they're the ones to choose:
1. What ninjas to develop
2. How they look like

  • Registered: 2019-02-17
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On 2022-08-24 21:56:34Show All Posts

I don't think I misunderstood nothing. And I quote:
"Someone who lies will always question the credibility of everyone and trust no one". Trusting no one makes you a liar? I respectfully disagree.

I didn't feel attacked now just as I didn't feel attacked two week ago when we had 4 pages long of debate about this ninja, I'm merely answering what you're saying.
Everyone has their own likes, saying that those who feel uneasy about that particular ninja with that particular design are somehow twisted inside is completely wrong and that goes for everyone who said something similar not only you in this case.

A company can influence in how a person feels about a product designing it in a certain way instead of another. I should know, I've worked in an adverti*t company.

  • Registered: 2019-02-17
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On 2022-08-24 23:05:06Show All Posts

Ohhhhhhhhh! My bad, indeed I understood you implied both ways to look at it. Sorry about that.
Precisely because of the way it's monetized I don't think it's intended as a game for kids. Even though are mostly youngsters who play it. But that's pointless to discuss, who tf even understands the business model of this company.

Listen, it's okay, you like that ninja? Cool, enjoy it. I'm not the only who doesn't, I'm not the only who thinks there's so many other amazing units they coud've thought to release before even imagining a somewhat strange swimsuit Rin, so that's okay, you have fun with it and the ones like me who doesn't want to even touch this ninja with a * we'll do our own thing.

And @Austin the square example did the trick, thank you.

Quicky Post

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