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[ Bugs ] Broken summon


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On 2022-08-22 02:51:18Show All Posts

Please keep in mind that this subforum is for bugs and tech support, and not active complaints, rants, or debates even ones related to bugs. That said, I'll allow this topic, but please keep it civil and respectful. If people are unable to remain civil and respectful on this thread, I will be forced to close it, and close additional attempts to reopen it.

In addition to this, I am sorry for the distress you are experiencing regarding this situation, and hope that it can be resolved soon.

> I want to point out a few things you should already know yourself 1. It took months for the chases to be fixed I would not call that quick considering oasis has removed events such a missions in under a day due to bugs that affect there own cash flow.
Yes, it took a little under two months to fix the dual chase bug from when it was first brought to the attention of the devs. However, removing an event is not synonymous with fixing an error. The *og here would be removing Konan/Obito/Gamahiro from the game, which is not the same at all. That can be done easily and quickly, more so than fixing it.

> 2.Unlike with dual chase units there ninja bring a full kit to the table outside of a single chase not working this summons only job and use is to chase so when it’s crashing the game every time triggered it has absolutely zero use so do you sit with a broken piece of 25k for whoever knows how long? Absurd.
You are correct that the dual chase units had many other abilities beside their chase. For most players, this is also true of Gamahiro. The majority of players want him for power and chase cultivation rather than needing him to fulfill their chase needs. I suspect this latter is mostly true for newer players that do not have all the summons unlocked yet. For older, established players, not having the ability to use Gamahiro is a fairly minor inconvenience.

> 3. I’m sure it’s already been asking but this is definitely a situation where compensation is due with at least half the value of the summon due to how long this is gonna take to be fixed if it’s on the schedule like every other backlog of bugs in the game.
I understand where you are coming from. In terms of compensation, I am unable to provide this for you, nor recommend it for you in this case. In addition to compensation of 10,000 coupons worth of items for an error that has so far only lasted three days being excessive in the extreme, as I mentioned previously, this bug is at best annoying and minorly impactful to the majority of the playerbase. If you feel this is not the case for you, you can open a CS ticket to submit for compensation, but I personally think it will be unlikely that any will be given for this case, as few to no resources would likely have been lost as a result of this bug. When opening your ticket, please make sure to detail how the bug impacted your ability to gain resources, and do*ent that with screenshots where you can (for example, showing the bug making you lose in Matsuri, thus shorting you the ~100s coupons rewards that would give, and so on)

> This may seem like just complaining but you gotta think past that unlike people crying over events 20k ingots for a literally non functional item just can’t slide without no compensation or even a in game warning to inform players about this bug rather then not saying a thing and having them get *ed for buying it simply out not everyone is gonna read a forum or a discord for info and prefer to just play the game and only pay mind to ingame announcements. That’s all
As mentioned, I understand your frustration in not being able to use the summon. For what it is worth, I *have* been told that the fix should come soon, either by Monday or with the next scheduled maintenance on Thursday.
However, as stated, this summon is hardly nonfunctional. It is an amazing source of power and that is still active for all players. In terms of compensation, if this summon never gets fixed or goes a substantial amount of time, you would be far more likely to be able to seek compensation for it. I do suggest keeping track of what events you believe lacking this summon causes you to miss/lose.

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On 2022-08-22 02:52:37Show All Posts
  • Toshiiroo On 2022-08-21 22:26:12
  • Yep same here completely unusable freezes the game every single time... not to mention unable to join any matsuri's , selecting units in survival , plundering caves all been bugged on my acc since new level cap thats about a month now :D

Toshiroo, please keep the thread on topic. You have your own thread dedicated to this previous issue, which, if I recall correctly, is still awaiting your response. I asked you questions regarding the issue days ago and you never responded.

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On 2022-08-22 06:20:45Show All Posts

Yes, as I said, this is literally what is being done. The bug is being worked on with all urgency as far as I have been told.

Last call for maintaining civility before the thread is locked. I understand that you're frustrated, but as I said originally, please keep it civil and respectful.

This post was last edited by Tachibana Saeko on 2022-08-22 06:21:28.
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On 2022-08-22 07:46:13Show All Posts

Not only has the issue been pushed to the devs, we have gotten word back that they are working on it and it should be fixed by hopefully monday, thursday maintenance at the latest.

Removing the summon from the events would not make sense. He's usable forever except this week, taking away players' ability to get him is not a good fix. In addition, anyone working on the recharge that is partially completed but not fully done would be rightfully livid if he were removed partway through the week. There's really no reason to remove him from the game. Just don't use him until he's fixed, which, again, should be soon.

I definitely understand that it can be frustrating to get a new Thing and to have that thing not work, but him not working for chases is not that impactful when it's only a few days of outage. A different summon can simply be used for the interim. The red summons with multiple chases represent peak-tier efficiency in all but corner cases, and most team setups will still operate quite well with a gold summon subbing in instead. I do admit that this is a harder pill for newer players that may not have these, but again, if you want to seek compensation, that is not something I can give you through this medium. You will need to create a ticket and show that you were negatively impacted.

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On 2022-08-22 23:44:45Show All Posts

There are a number of reasons the things you are describing are not performed.
This isn't really an emergency, as you stated. At worst it is a minor bug that is easily worked around for the vast majority of the playerbase.
The bug was not known until players discovered it after the summon went live.
Information is available to those that desire it. This isn't an online gaming thing. With physical purchases, consumers are not informed prior to a purchase that there is something wrong with it. You do not receive an email or letter about every manufacturing defect in existence. This is not done anywhere.
Again, this is not baiting into buying a product. The product will still work for its lifetime minus this short outage. Baiting would require the product to not work at all or never work.
The real life scenario you described is... almost exactly how it works. If you receive a broken product it takes time and verification to get it replaced or fixed. Your annalogy is also not perfect because physical products can be pulled from the shelves. This digital product being removed from this week's events would negatively impact anyone wanting to buy it this week, since they understand the outage is temporary and likely not a big deal for them and will work soon. This is very different from a physical product that, once purchased in a broken state, will not magically repair itself. However, to follow your annalog it is extremely common for broken, poorly working, or nonfunctional items to be sold and for consumers to then be required to get a refund or exchange.

In response to your desire for an apology, I do deeply apologize for the inconvenience that this has caused you, and can only reiterate that this issue should be fixed very soon. I will also submit your request for a blanket compensation and apology from Oasis for the inconvenience.

This post was last edited by Tachibana Saeko on 2022-08-23 00:24:48.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-08-23 02:01:19Show All Posts

I am sorry you feel this way. Hopefully the issue is resolved soon and players will be able to use the summon for its chase function.

As before, I will tentatively keep this thread open if people have questions or comments regarding this issue, but please remember to stay civil, polite, and respectful, and do not attack others.

Thank you!

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-08-23 18:04:45Show All Posts

As mentioned previously, neither I nor any of the other staff members (to my knowledge) knew that the summon was bugged until after it was live in servers on Thursday. It was largely too late to attempt an emergency retraction of the summon at that point, and, honestly, at that point we couldn't confirm that it was bugged because it took another two days for me to get solid video confirmation of the bug, which I need in a case like this to submit a report to the devs.

I apologize, I genuinely don't remember logging into your server to speak with you, but I do this fairly regularly for a wide variety of issues, so I do apologize that I don't remember you specifically. However, it was not an assumption that the red summon was bought for the power, rather than the lineup flexibility. I am fairly in touch with the community, and my very own server has a good population of players and spenders. My understanding of those interested in the summon was that they were interested in the power gain, because the power gain is *substantial*, and this was from conversations and listening to feedback, not from me assuming that. On my own server, I personally know that a number of players stopped buying training potions and cave keys from the moon scroll store and instead began buying unbound runes in preparation for the summon's release because, again, the power gain from the summon is oddly high.

One of the things I'm responsible for is collecting and collating player feedback, and when Gamahiro was first released in CN, players found out how much power he gained and players (very specifically whales, and many of them) began demanding unbound runes in power packs due to the high power gain from the red summons and the huge amount of them required to progress him. This feedback from players is actually why we have seen unbound runes making a resurgence in events and power packs in recent months, whereas previously they were fairly reviled - this was a direct response to player demand.

I understand that not everyone pays attention to the CN version of the game or is particularly active in the community so does not hear these rumors, but I can't stress enough that this was not an assumption but actually feedback. The whales I've spoken to directly regarding this issue found the red summons' chase capabilities interesting but not nearly as valuable as the power gain. Unfortunately, we can only relate and utilize the feedback we receive, which is why I always encourage players to utilize the avenues open to them to make suggestions and offer feedback, such as this forum, their server GL, the official discord, the weekly feedback form, et cetera.

Also, I do want to point out that,
> The summon does not function as intended and I don't believe you should argue that it is functional simply because of a power boost.
I am in no way arguing that the summon is completely functional, and if I stated that previously or implied it, I was in error and I apologize. In my opinion the summon is still *mostly* functional, due to my observations and collection of feedback that most players interested in the summon are interested in the power. If you consider the summon to have two parts (chase functionality and power gain), then it is at best half-working, but, as stated, the feedback I've seen has told me that the power is more interesting to many players, thus the summon is "mostly working." The chase functionality is also, for what it's worth, working sporadically, which is one of the reasons we had a hard time confirming the bug.

It is also worth pointing out that not all players air their opinions on a subject, so you may be entirely right that the majority of people that want this summon want it for the chase. I'm only saying that that is not the feedback that I, specifically, have received. I will also note that the summon trends heavily differently on new vs. established servers (i.e., on older servers where players have all gold summons, the chase functionality is much less important; also, those players are more likely to have unbound runes stockpiled. On newer servers with fewer summons and unbound runes, the chase functionality is more important), but again, I can only speak to the feedback I receive.

And finally, I have submitted a request for compensation for this error, though I do have to caution that I deem it personally unlikely that compensation will be issued since there was no real "outage" that caused any loss of resources, such as when servers go down and players are unable to complete events. Crashing from Gamahiro would likely affect, at most, a fight or two, and it would be difficult to pin down any real resource loss from this, though I can certainly sympathize that such a thing would be extremely frustrating, and I apologize for that. :(

P.S. In regards to Oasis sending out a mass mail, please keep in mind that the bug was not confirmed until well after the first complaints came in, as mentioned, and we *do* have a method for contacting players that are interested in being contacted, which is the official discord. I can only recommend to anyone that wishes to stay abreast of these issues to join the official discord for updates.

Quicky Post

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