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[ Bugs ] Broken summon


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-08-22 04:17:45Show All Posts

You are charging money for product that doesn't work. Doesn't matter if people buy it for power (no ppl buy summon for what it does...) or anything else. If you had at least 1% of dignity as a company that's what would happen in this scenario:

1) Release of Gamahiro

2) Bug report that Gamahiro doesn't work and freezes game

3) Emergency maintenance to fix the game or remove Gamahiro from events till he is fixed

4) Compensation to people that bought him

I know that those simple steps that 99% of half decent publishers do are impossible for you and I don't expect anything from Oasis since I'm old player and already know that you guys are special case but please stop with the copium that what you guys do is "normal".

This post was last edited by Kiriya. on 2022-08-22 04:22:40.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-08-22 17:37:34Show All Posts
  • Tachibana Saeko On 2022-08-22 07:46:13
  • Not only has the issue been pushed to the devs, we have gotten word back that they are working on it and it should be fixed by hopefully monday, thursday maintenance at the latest.

    Removing the summon from the events would not make sense. He's usable forever except this week, taking away players' ability to get him is not a good fix. In addition, anyone working on the recharge that is partially completed but not fully done would be rightfully livid if he were removed partway through the week. There's really no reason to remove him from the game. Just don't use him until he's fixed, which, again, should be soon.

    I definitely understand that it can be frustrating to get a new Thing and to have that thing not work, but him not working for chases is not that impactful when it's only a few days of outage. A different summon can simply be used for the interim. The red summons with multiple chases represent peak-tier efficiency in all but corner cases, and most team setups will still operate quite well with a gold summon subbing in instead. I do admit that this is a harder pill for newer players that may not have these, but again, if you want to seek compensation, that is not something I can give you through this medium. You will need to create a ticket and show that you were negatively impacted.

I don't agree with you at all but ... let's not talk about it otherwise this message would be deleted but I would add 1 more thing to the topic.

Why do you never talk about those emergency things to actual playerbase in the game via mails? (forum and discord are maybe 10% playerbase - critical info like game breaking bugs or payment etc have to be dropped in the game imo)

Legit all things aside, is it so hard to do simple in-game mail informing about the bug + some simple apologies / slap 500 coupons in that mail as compensation as well and most people in general would be fine with it.

Decent communication -> info about the bug and fix coming -> some compensation that would create more positive response in the future from community and most important thing actual feeling that not everything you do is purely for making money and you don't give a * about baiting people into buying broken product. (sadly it's not just looking like it but the absolute truth behind your actions)

Responses like - well you bought broken summon whatever, wait till it's fixed and you will use it who knows when so, where is the problem ? are like ugh...

I know you are simple mod but higher ups should be thanking god everyday that things like this are sadly acceptable in online gaming cuz if this was real life scenario they would deal not with bugs but bankruptcy from all lawsuits.

Imagine Tachibana going to the store to get new Iphone that is completly broken - company knows it and still sells it to more customers and response you get after reaching company is well deal with it, it will work eventuall. Yeah I don't think it would end as well as for you

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-08-23 01:03:17Show All Posts
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