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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 28th of July


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-07-29 00:39:19Show All Posts
  • NýĠMA On 2022-07-29 00:33:59
  • Everything that the current issues people are throwing are very much related to the 2 principles i have presented.

    People demanding for "better free ninjas"

    People constantly comparing CN and EN version

    People criticizing "free ninjas"

    Bad events toxic responses.

    So what are you talking about when you say it is not related. Or can't you see pass through it.

    For Dosu meme, I actually did not see it as a toxicity, I know people have been patiently and calmly rooting for his appearance for as long as I can remember. But seeing these toxic people demand for more than enough, saying stuff like the freebies they are getting are * do not really understand that in order to get good things, you have to work hard for them.

    Most people nowadays want many powerful ninjas to be given away for free.

    If one do not like the game then no one forces him to stay. People don't eat to the same horrible restaurant just hoping they can change the management. Go eat somewhere else. A simple *ogy.

    What I would like is for those people to answer my simple question, do you understand the principles I presented?

We dont expect better ninjas to be given out for free, we just want to see em for cpns. Have u seen obito 10t for cpns? Maybe madara 10t? Maybe Asura or Indra? And dont count those *ty 0% wheel, im talking about straight up buying then with cpns from some event, Have u seen any? Right - none. They're only for p2w or low lvl "lucky" accs.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-07-29 00:45:52Show All Posts
  • NýĠMA On 2022-07-29 00:41:43
  • I suggest you check the forum for those people that I am talking about. If you are not one of those then good for you, no need to feel offended. But there are people who do.

Thats true, but still, trust me. If Oasis started giving out shisui frags in some event, even like 1k cpns per frag, those people would calm down. At least most of em. Cause now u at least have a goal to save up. It will take a hell load of time, but eventually u will get him. For example, i wanna get Indra so much, but he's nowhere to be seen. After wheel with him as jackpot he's nowhere to be seen at all...

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