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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 28th of July


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On 2022-07-28 07:10:06Show All Posts
  • AriaNoelle On 2022-07-28 06:29:06
  • 1. People were asking for Fishing Mania event because they went months without it being in the event cycle. They had Activity Lucky Bag event like 2 of the last 4 weeks already. Yes, it's free, no they can't just keep throwing the exact same events at us. They'd get more people like you complaining just to hear themselves complain.

    2. Plates and Konoha Tree are free events lol. I admit you can get what, 140 free spins in plates and about 75-90 points free in Konoha Tree, but what is that really going to get you bro? Especially Great Tree, you can get maybe 2-3 frags of a ninja, 2 packs of scrolls or one pack of training pots and something else. The idea of a "free" event in this game is something you can do with in-game currency. In other words, coupons sir. Therefore, all those events are free. You know what's not a "free" event? Shinobi Feast, Slots, Red Envelope. Just to name a few. Those are "ingot only." Please understand the difference.

    3. I'm not being proper? I could verbally rip you a new one. I am choosing not to. I believe that's proper. I'm only poking entire holes in your logic to help you understand the original point of this conversation. You could be taking this energy and doing something positive with it instead of trying to argue with me. You seem like you could be charismatic, and people might listen to you. There are no winners here bro. I'm only trying to help you see reason. I haven't cursed at you even once. I never called you "dumb, *, idiot." I never typed at you in all caps. I'm only conversing with you.

I believe fishing mania was in a event cycle a month or two ago.

Quicky Post

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