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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 28th of July


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On 2022-07-27 20:21:42Show All Posts

tailed beasts and fish mania...

as for the dude that thinks he destroyed me in an argument just cuz he posted few hours before the topic was closed.... ill say this, i never replied to your first comment cuz it was clear that you had your response long before you posted your original comment cuz your reply had little to nothing to do with what i said, or maybe reading is a problem, who knows

edit: do they finally add the thing in ninja menu where you can see how your combo works? or am i reading wrong or is refereed to something else

This post was last edited by The_X on 2022-07-27 20:23:22.
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On 2022-07-28 09:53:47Show All Posts
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last week wasTedsᴾᴴᴵᴸ テッド which ironically this week wrote "what a joke events" or something now this person... they all say the same thing "go do survey" or "go do feedback" meanwhile no one even reads those... ironically this complains achieve more then those feedbacks which is nothing to begin with.. and heavens forbid if the coincidence of something being in cycle that some people asked for in survey cuz they gonna ride it till the sun and back...

maybe, maybe one day those people who cries about people complaining, maybe one wonderful day they realize that most people complaining do it to better the game, most people love the game as flawed as it is and want better for the game and the experience of other users

but i guess censor is a thing...

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On 2022-07-28 20:22:41Show All Posts
  • NýĠMA On 2022-07-28 10:48:14
  • As a last note, I am not againts negative feedbacks, I actually patronize the act. I myself have given some negative feedbacks (check my chat history) along with my proposed solution. But as I understand it, the Team may or may not implement the solutions to my concerns. Afterall, it is their game, I am just here to play their game.

    And I as a player totally get that. I play cause I like the concept of the game when it comes to collecting and customizing the characters with power-ups and whatnot.

    Anothe question is, do you understand the differnce of negative feedbacks (constructive criticism) from the spamable demanding requests?

    I can see this thread just opened so you'll have a week or so to respond xD

as i said, i did not reply to that because it was clear that you prepared your response long before anyone would comment towards you and had little to no corelation with what i said... i clearly stated that no matter how "strategically" or whatever look at those events (that was i think 3 weeks ago) nothing excuses how bad they are, as i said whales and even low spenders already have better, what whale buys only half of orochi gnw? or what whale needs madara edo when they all run at least obito 10t, as for "demanding players".... i dont know what you are talking about since there are like what? 2-3 at best? and very very random ofc beside the dosu meme, yet you only see those, not people that complain cuz the events are prepared really bad and tempered with (pure example tailed beast's cupon to points ratio, or how in the fish net event you can max out summon rebate and barely have points to get 3 fragments of a meme/ collection ninja) remember when things was cheap? i guess not... remember when we had relevant ninjas in events? i guess not... out of people complaining no one is asking everything free

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On 2022-07-29 07:10:46Show All Posts
  • NýĠMA On 2022-07-29 00:33:59
  • Everything that the current issues people are throwing are very much related to the 2 principles i have presented.

    People demanding for "better free ninjas"

    People constantly comparing CN and EN version

    People criticizing "free ninjas"

    Bad events toxic responses.

    So what are you talking about when you say it is not related. Or can't you see pass through it.

    For Dosu meme, I actually did not see it as a toxicity, I know people have been patiently and calmly rooting for his appearance for as long as I can remember. But seeing these toxic people demand for more than enough, saying stuff like the freebies they are getting are * do not really understand that in order to get good things, you have to work hard for them.

    Most people nowadays want many powerful ninjas to be given away for free.

    If one do not like the game then no one forces him to stay. People don't eat to the same horrible restaurant just hoping they can change the management. Go eat somewhere else. A simple *ogy.

    What I would like is for those people to answer my simple question, do you understand the principles I presented?

care to give me a ratio of how many people "demand strong ninjas for free" and how many people ask for strong ninjas to be IN EVENTS like they put irrelevant ninjas for outrageous prices coupon to point wise, and my point of "you must be new" refers to things like for example did you know or remember when in events we had like 3-5 relevant/meta ninjas to chose in the SAME event? we had like 2-3 pages of for example konoha tree or other events now... now is what? 3 ninjas 2 of them are memes and one is half relevant, and NO im NOT talking about free im talking about being in events for coupons, the only complains about the free ninjas are on things like login reward since is an entire month to get what? a meme ninja that is irrelevant even to other meme ninjas...

you keep talking about those people who "demand strong ninjas for free" but why dont you name them, name them to see how many are compared to real complains...

as for why im not active on forum as you was talking about few comments ago, i got into few arguments with jibiru and he/she nuked me every opportunity, to the point that somehow im not allowed to post/write anymore in the general category (there are few entire posts on bug report and support forum about some mods sort of abusing power you can look it up)

bottom line, the people who demand strong ninjas for free are way to few then you make it to be...

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On 2022-07-29 20:24:22Show All Posts
  • NýĠMA On 2022-07-29 09:15:41
  • BTW I have a 3rd concept for you, and it will be a shocker to toxic people...

    #3 Oasis controls - principle #1 and principle #2. Simpy put, Oasis is incontrol. So whatever you or any other players are blabing about for years now are subject for their own discretion - whether they fix bugs, events, freebies, in-game-sales, in-game resources, pretty much all. I just elaborated since you seem not to get the idea if not spo0n fed.

you lost me when you started with "irrelevancy is subjective" in our context, maybe somewhere else is but tell me how subjective is when shisui susanoo bt can do literally anything, is that part of subjectivity? do you think someone who buys shisui susanoo gonna care what other ninjas are there to "make TI and SA" ? hell even if you do naruto or madara bts clearing the game content is ultra easy... nowadays even 9t is not worth competing since the difference is like 20-30 sun and a magatama and i dont think that magatama is worth spending coupons for certain ninjas...your subjectivity card kinda doesnt work here my man...

funny how you sort of ignoring the comment you are replying to tho...

dont know if i have much to talk to you in this subject since you move your goal posts and change wording so to fit you... (pure example fomo and "strategy") or how "oasis is in control" when you dont understand how economics works... but hey who's gonna sue them?

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On 2022-07-30 07:29:54Show All Posts
  • NýĠMA On 2022-07-30 01:39:38
  • If you think about it, all of my replies are interconnected with each other. Why so? Cause I always sti-ck to the main idea. Ofc nobody is perfect but I rarely go off topic, if not.

    I replied to the first thread with relevant reponse, then came your sudden attack - refer to the first link if you must. You think you can intimidate someone who criticize toxic behavior cause deep down you feel offended since you sympathize with the offender.

    What you seem to be doing is branching out of the main topic. Your other irrelevant topics can wait for another thread if you want, but make sure to respond properly to the main idea first before doing so. Backread read again and you will see what I mean.

    You can't even properly respond to any of mine. Hmmm

"If you think about it, all of my replies are interconnected with each other. Why so? Cause I always sti-ck to the main idea."

no your replies are interconnected because you talk to yourself and ignore everyone else, thats why i stopped carrying about the conversation... you know.. the CON part of the conversation is missing...

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On 2022-07-30 07:35:39Show All Posts
  • Kiriya. On 2022-07-30 02:07:47
  • Outside of few angry kids nobody cares about free ninjas. Like X said majority of people just want them to FIX this game by:

    1) Removing obvious bugs like mysteries freezing game, Ninjas not doing what they are supposed to, Ninjas not chasing statuses that they are supposed to (new multi chasing thing), Fixing wrong translations. Those are main things from the top of my head.

    2) Instead of adding Final Battle Madara 1 week after CN release maybe add new collosseum pvp mode instead or older things like tsunade NPC update ?

    3) Add again updated skills for main characters and for real. EM def/res scaling passive that IS IN THE GAME for like 2 years in China is still not updated for us hello?

    4) Like X said, get rid of those nonsense ninjas from events, it's spammed by complete waste of space like blood hidan, kushina etc put this useless garbage in idk some choice packs or rotate pool from illusion packs and add relevant ninjas mostly in events. Nobody from new servers wants to buy it. Even as f2p new player you just get Edo Madara BT and you are set for life.

    5) Merge servers way faster, my server was probably skipped since 428 cluster wasn't merged recently and boy is it fun to play with 10 people on a good day

    6) Oasis "asks" for feedback even tells people that for doing survey they will sent players coupons (none of my friends got it btw xD) but they are not doing it for the game but for their own pathetic job as GL to get that sad salary of few thousand coupons monthly.

    7) Balance the game, if you can keep for example splash damage from edo yagura for 2 years don't tell me Oasis can't remove 1 small thing from Shisui to make this terrible meta playable. Nobody likes it even whales and Shisui users.

    Those are main problems of the game that make people leave it. Nobody really cares about them adding like you said freebies in events. If they do it's cool if they don't whatever. Oasis is doing absolutly terrible job recently and if they keep it up this year Xmas fukuromaru deal will be the last one. I was trying to do water main breaks recently and in 1 hour had TWO fights I repeat TWO fights in DB. 2000 cross server event with average queue time for a fight 30 mins? Not to mention that this year will have huge games coming like Solo leveling one etc so it's amazing idea to troll your playerbase by being lazy developer just before other amazing games are about to come out.


    BTW for Dosu lovers, Chinese Style Sasuke is about to come out so that's your answer ,summer kid kakashi and summer kid obito too most likely from the leaks we have On this note legit one of the most important ninja in the story Kakashi has no playable character for past 4 years. Where are Susanoo Kakashi skill trials or his new proper version? Yeah keep adding summer kid ones. It's really mind *ing wtf are those companies doing both Tencent and Oasis.

funny thing about the "nonsensical ninjas" and what not, as i mentioned back in the days we had multiple pages of redeemable in every event... what stops them from doing that now? instead we have only one page and in some cases (im looking at you tree) a item is doubled for no reason

(a sort of personal note... they kinda goofed on some events the coupon to points ration or even how many points can do without spending but thats just an afterthought at this point)

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On 2022-07-30 19:57:34Show All Posts
  • NýĠMA On 2022-07-30 11:17:40
  • LOL still trying to get away with a wrong excuse. Well, I can't force you to answer afterall. Atleast we all know that a super active influencer in the forum couldn't even tell why he play, why he chose to stay. He couldn't even admit that he knows a little about the game that is why he continued with his nonsnse posts in the past, not knowing that the game is a game of strategy and not a game of charity.

    Seems like this is the end. I know we are all busy with real life events so I understand if people won't get to answer quickly to responses. But for now, I am not xpecting any so I guess time to go back to the cave. I'll return again eventually as I see fit.

    Hope this enlightenment will clear others' mind. To lessen, if not bring down to none, this nonsense toxicity that is spreading. I didn't want to put a pressure in anyone but the circusmtances forced me to. Sorry if I offended some but it is the truth.

    People keep saying that others are censoring cirttisism but little do they know that their so called 'criticisms' are not really valid and is off of the concepts of the game and the management. Know your place. Know your request. Know your limitations. Know you complains... before posting.

was that supposed to be aimed towards me? if so... "super active influencer" ? hahahahahahaha you talk about why do we play as its black or white, literally every player have their own reason and does not prove anything you try to say, you keep talking about being a strategy game and not charity yet still ignoring my and our points

as i said you TALK with YOURSELF only... check the "con" in conversation

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On 2022-07-31 20:31:32Show All Posts
  • NýĠMA On 2022-07-31 19:42:29
  • For you maybe it is the best event, but as presented the subject is very subjective. And for the record, you said in your prior comment where you first ask the question 'on this topic', the main reason why I elaborated the strategy portion within the game and said that it is not in the event itself.

    And now, I am asking you, are you aware of our initial discussion (with the other super active person in this forum?)

    To summarize:

    1. A specific person Y posted non-sense rants mocking event ninjas along with free ninjas aka fuku (basically a mockery overall)

    2. I responded with the concept #1 (a bit subjective but with supporting claims as elaborated) regarding new server events and ask why he (Y) play basically

    3. The_X came with an attack and replied to my comment

    4. I responded back - no response

    5. I added second concept (#2 to further discuss the existing issues) and ask if he understand it - the thread closed the next day

    6. I combined the two arguments as 1 subject and ask crucial questions - related to his initial response (#3) and why he play/stayed given that he is not satisfied.

    7. I ask him if he understood those arguments presented cause if he does, then he would know better than throwing those nonsense remarks.

    8. Tried to explain everything on and on while he try to get out of the main topic.

    The main reason why I ask why people still play if they are not contented for more than a year now and still they are here influencing others with wrong ideals. (with his attack in #2 in the list with his flawed arguments in #3 and claims people censor criticism and so on and his other claim regarding investors argument not knowing that it is their expectations that are off.

    Altho it is not disregarded that there are flaws in the game, a lot actually. But it is also clearly stated that everything is up to the DEVs. Feedback section are there but still out of anyone's control aside from the management. A lot of negative feedbacks were given but seems the DEVs do not care.

    The question is why do you still play given that you don't like the system, and for more than a year a presume. IF you stayed then ask politely in feedbacks without any other high expectations of them doing the fixes. Why stay and make a fuss, with flawed arguments, the main reason why other people get their confidence like the person Y is because of those people tolerating such claims and defending them.

    9. then came another clueless whale/low spender who joined the discussion thinking I claim to be this informed whale, who is faking my persona and whatnot, claims I am delusional for thinking this is a game of strategy. While in fact, he is the one who lacks so much knowledge about the topic, the game itself (as seen thorough his responses) and he has the audacity to attack and call names to other. and here we are...

funny how whoever disagrees with you is a spender...

lemme put it simple there is no strategy when meta exists, trying to "strategize" when there is no flexibility is hitting yourself for no reason

funny how you keep repeating what i said that everyone plays for their own reason but thats not strategy thats simply people minding their own business and doing their own thing, do they play good? no, is it good for them? maybe, everyone have their own reason, but using that as a base of an argument is kinda.... since the game is driven by meta not by what little timmy tries to do when he discovers that his enemy with bigger injury crits him harder and not knowing why because he collected all the ninjas and spent all his keys to get power but with 0 care for substats or whatnot...

now bottom line:

for a f2p player to spend their coupons on a pepega ninja is what we call "bad decision"

you talk about how wrong i am for saying that what the events was offering was very bad thy you never made an actual counter argument, like tell me why was good then? and dont reply the nonsensical "oh but some wants to get xyz" no as a f2p you cant afford to throw coupons left n right mindlessly...

i start to think that you actually dont know how to play as a f2p...

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