How do people still spend on this game when the devs dont even do basic things to improve the game. They only act when there's a bug that gives players an exploit. Can't have that no, but adding things and listening to players requests? Out of the question. Mind baffling that there are people who still give them money.
New clothes at least looks good.
And Wind Main in them looks like she is about to get abducted by Foot Clan soldiers
i agree that they adding P2W ninjas most of time (i still waiting for Shizune BT a Konohamaru) but they do for us so much. main thing runing this game and its not 100% true CN version is better, for example its not in english:) and you get less rewards from events (updating materials)
U defo wasnt playing cn version, idk where u saw less rewards from events, but w/e. There u can actually win in lucky stars (hello oasis strategy to 0% drop rate if u're not new player) and bt him asap, they dont have this * with 4* bt.
Has Konan AoG been updated/fixed? Her Y chase still doesn't chase High Float.... It really shouldn't be that hard to correct that mistake, it's just a chase...
Maybe try testing new features before adding them?
Or you know, maybe try waiting less than a year before correcting/admitting to your mistakes?
I am sorry, this has to be a joke right?
Not only is the event selection utterly crap but you have also staggered the dates you add them which is an aspect that not a single player has ever liked and that makes the cycle even less appealing than it already is and the rewards have to be a joke. The worst hiruzen, a useless form of itachi, the worst madara, a free yugito being sold for coupons or ingots, a useless haku not even worth collecting, 2 now useless forms deidara(courtesy of jiraiya), 2 useless forms of naruto , one of the most common pieces of clothing, not enough frags to even recruit izuna let alone 4 star him so that is also useless, a useless jugo and a useless version of obito that you are trying to charge money for when you havent even bothered to fix his chases which by all accounts are still broken which is not only incredibly *my but is also grounds for a refund because anyone who bought him technically did not get what was advertised and you even removed the shisui frags from the special sales... are you kidding? There is nothing, nothing to see this week.. No reason to open hot topics and even less reason to open our wallets. "happy anniversary customers who pay our bills, we would like to thank you for keeping our company alive by offering absolutely nothing,not a single event worth looking at, not a single reason to spend, not a single reason to log in, we will also remove rewards from events and we will not bother to fix any of the broken chases, or the bugs, or the horrendous performance of our client that most toddlers could do a better job of programming.......we offer less than nothing but still expect you to fork out huge sums of money for these useless,unviable and broken characters oh and we will also stagger the dates the events go live just to make sure we thoroughly screw over as many people as possible and ensure anyone dumb enough to give us money gets the lowest possible return for their spending ".
Either this is a joke and oasis are putting some real effort into making next weeks anniversary worthwhile or they have given us the single worst event cycle in the games 6 year history for no reason,other than a tedious zero gameplay fetch quest that takes maybe 20 seconds this cycle does not give a single player, free or a spender a single reason to click hot topics even once, at this rate either next week is something special or oasis will once again pass another anniversary so poorly that they will cause yet another wave of players to quit. China is a well oiled machine churning out new servers to meet the demand of its ever growing player ba
I am sorry, this has to be a joke right?
Not only is the event selection utterly crap but you have also staggered the dates you add them which is an aspect that not a single player has ever liked and that makes the cycle even less appealing than it already is and the rewards have to be a joke. The worst hiruzen, a useless form of itachi, the worst madara, a free yugito being sold for coupons or ingots, a useless haku not even worth collecting, 2 now useless forms deidara(courtesy of jiraiya), 2 useless forms of naruto , one of the most common pieces of clothing, not enough frags to even recruit izuna let alone 4 star him so that is also useless, a useless jugo and a useless version of obito that you are trying to charge money for when you havent even bothered to fix his chases which by all accounts are still broken which is not only incredibly *my but is also grounds for a refund because anyone who bought him technically did not get what was advertised and you even removed the shisui frags from the special sales... are you kidding? There is nothing, nothing to see this week.. No reason to open hot topics and even less reason to open our wallets. "happy anniversary customers who pay our bills, we would like to thank you for keeping our company alive by offering absolutely nothing,not a single event worth looking at, not a single reason to spend, not a single reason to log in, we will also remove rewards from events and we will not bother to fix any of the broken chases, or the bugs, or the horrendous performance of our client that most toddlers could do a better job of programming.......we offer less than nothing but still expect you to fork out huge sums of money for these useless,unviable and broken characters oh and we will also stagger the dates the events go live just to make sure we thoroughly screw over as many people as possible and ensure anyone dumb enough to give us money gets the lowest possible return for their spending ".
Either this is a joke and oasis are putting some real effort into making next weeks anniversary worthwhile or they have given us the single worst event cycle in the games 6 year history for no reason,other than a tedious zero gameplay fetch quest that takes maybe 20 seconds this cycle does not give a single player, free or a spender a single reason to click hot topics even once, at this rate either next week is something special or oasis will once again pass another anniversary so poorly that they will cause yet another wave of players to quit. China is a well oiled machine churning out new servers to meet the demand of its ever growing player ba
*slow clap*. You hit the nail.
Why everyone is so pssed about anniversary event this year ?? at least You got ONE !! last year like many years before there was ZERO anniversary ingame events, ZEROOO!!!! last year i made a post about lack of anniversary events, asking which events are suppose to be anniversary etc. post was instantly deleted like every post mentioning this topic, i was getting private messages from mods that i m toxic making this type of threads and i ll get banned, and i got banned after making 3rd post asking politely about anniversary ... and i wasnt only one, they were deleting all posts about lack of events to celebrate anni and people were getting few days forum bans for starting them. i stopped playing this game almost a year ago, checking forum from time to time to see if anything changed. looks like NOTHING has changed. i have to admit i was spending money for this game for like a 1st year before truth about rigged events to 0% chance for main rewards, plant accounts on every server, admins, etc came out.
I am sorry, this has to be a joke right?
Not only is the event selection utterly crap but you have also staggered the dates you add them which is an aspect that not a single player has ever liked and that makes the cycle even less appealing than it already is and the rewards have to be a joke. The worst hiruzen, a useless form of itachi, the worst madara, a free yugito being sold for coupons or ingots, a useless haku not even worth collecting, 2 now useless forms deidara(courtesy of jiraiya), 2 useless forms of naruto , one of the most common pieces of clothing, not enough frags to even recruit izuna let alone 4 star him so that is also useless, a useless jugo and a useless version of obito that you are trying to charge money for when you havent even bothered to fix his chases which by all accounts are still broken which is not only incredibly *my but is also grounds for a refund because anyone who bought him technically did not get what was advertised and you even removed the shisui frags from the special sales... are you kidding? There is nothing, nothing to see this week.. No reason to open hot topics and even less reason to open our wallets. "happy anniversary customers who pay our bills, we would like to thank you for keeping our company alive by offering absolutely nothing,not a single event worth looking at, not a single reason to spend, not a single reason to log in, we will also remove rewards from events and we will not bother to fix any of the broken chases, or the bugs, or the horrendous performance of our client that most toddlers could do a better job of programming.......we offer less than nothing but still expect you to fork out huge sums of money for these useless,unviable and broken characters oh and we will also stagger the dates the events go live just to make sure we thoroughly screw over as many people as possible and ensure anyone dumb enough to give us money gets the lowest possible return for their spending ".
Either this is a joke and oasis are putting some real effort into making next weeks anniversary worthwhile or they have given us the single worst event cycle in the games 6 year history for no reason,other than a tedious zero gameplay fetch quest that takes maybe 20 seconds this cycle does not give a single player, free or a spender a single reason to click hot topics even once, at this rate either next week is something special or oasis will once again pass another anniversary so poorly that they will cause yet another wave of players to quit. China is a well oiled machine churning out new servers to meet the demand of its ever growing player ba
I know the magic words, after which my message will be deleted)))) Oasis does something only for profit and not for players. An example - in China for a long time there are books by buying which you can learn the golden skill, this will never be introduced here, since Oasis is more profitable for players to spend on fragments and flasks.
At least we got something other than nothing at all!
This is a bad point though. Because with this train of thought, we could say "At least we're still alive". It's true. But that means we accept anything without ever complaining and pushing for positive changes. We should always have high standards.
Dear journal,
It's now July 2022 and some players still think that complaining on the forum makes a difference. These players even praise themselves. I don't know what to do.
Also, Jen smiled at me today, I'm happy...
so you indirectly advocating for censorship nice
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