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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 7th of July


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On 2022-07-07 12:34:10Show All Posts

Was able to find the answer, courtesy of youtube and some surprisingly friendly people on a discord. kamui mark does neglect immunity but this is still the worst iteration of obito

no immunity+ pure nin standard and msytery mean he literally cant harm madara etr + his only durability tool is dodging standard attacks, but all 3 of the 1st pos characters that 100% of players use have standards that cant be dodged + his cd reduction odds are the same as hashi fb <1% = 1 utterly useless obito. Far far far far worse than obito 10 t ( as expected) but also far far worse than obito gnw, worse than obito enraged and no better than obito shonen, nevermind shisui or madara sb, this obito is outmatched by choji gnw and 3 star etr madara, both of whom are given for free to all players, just for logging in.

Not that I think anyone here would be tempted in the first place but I can assure you this obito is not worth 2k coupons, let alone $500. Until itachi cs comes along there are no characters currently in the game or that china has that we dont yet that are worth even considering spending a penny for and this obito is at the bottom of that already disappointing pile.

Late addition: This thread is already dead but no harm in sharing this just in case anyone stumbles across it but also turns out obitos chase is broken for us, much like angel konan sb. obitos chase says " chases and attacked a knocked down or low floated unit, causes repulse" this doesnt work, he only chases knock down not low float

This post was last edited by IQuit on 2022-07-08 05:49:42.
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