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  • Registered: 2019-06-17
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On 2022-07-13 18:44:33Show All Posts

#1 Yet another Shisui team... (but with WOMBO COMBO!)

"Ugh Shisui..." but no, not THAT Shisui, this is the fun one! The one in kimono! Okay-okay, ik... u met this team before in ranked arena, u might got deleted in 2 seconds, but before u turn away in disgust and start scrolling down, just hear me out!


Let's get out of the way what we all already know: this is a great team for arena, it'll destroy or cripple many teams before the round would even start, and can often even catch his evil twin - cloaked in green susanoo - off guard. I chose wind main for this for one skill: the passive talent "super s3xy jutsu" ("at the beginning of the battle causes blindness to up to 3 male opponents"), because it triggers those nasty evasions that can mess up your combo. Outside arena I'd recommend using fire main tho. The 4 corner setup - which I use to all the teams - is to deny the splash damage of those pesky ETR Madaras.

'But hey, with Indra I can..' -- yeah, yeah, Indra is also a very popular and - admittedly - quite effective 3rd wheel for the JirOchi duo, but kimono Shisui has two things Indra doesn't: nin/tai combo chase (so u can REALLY hurt even ETR Madara teams) and - after the amazing scaling he gets from his chases - a decently hitting mystery that damages and interrupts the entire opponent team. 6p rank is EZPZ with this one!

So everyone knows this team from arena, but did u know that it's actually very effective in regular (non-arena type) PvP as well? Yeah, kimono Shisui fell hard after soap Naruto entered the meta, but since nobody's favourite ninja is kinda getting out of it now, and with the introduction of amazing supports that favor Shisui too (JirOchi), he's back again! - at least in the f2p territory. And he TOTALLY spanks ETR Madara (and can surprise 10t Obitos) with irremovable ignition, super armor suppression, amazing scaling and high chase damage! Shisui's own ini scaling combined with what Jiraiya provides will very often give u the upper hand in speed even against higher power opponents. It's fast to finish off lower power teams (beneficial in SWB or TG), it's deadly, it holds up against tougher enemies!

But this isn't all! With some tinkering with positioning, talents, assist cards, this can be arguably the best f2p team for events such as many of the nature trainings. Yes, Orochi assures you won't need Yagura to survive, and Shisui scales to the heavens and showers the opponents heads with his firebaIls! It'll work so well, your entire server will copy your lineup the same day, and even those will hail this team who don't even have Shisui themselves! Ask me how I know...

"Okay okay, shut up already, we get it, you got the coupons for Orochi and did the fuku... I wasn't that lucky!" - fear not my friend! For you, INTRODUCING...

#2 The Budget Version! (s3xy WOMBO COMBO!)


I recommend this mostly for arena, because in our P1 stacking meta this would become unreliable in normal PvP. Being a budget version it has more limitations, but can still be hella fun, actually works decently, not to mention the potential of extra salt u can mine from battle chat when opponents realize they're about to lose to frickin s3xy Naruto! xD

What makes this team work? It's kinda similar to the JirOchi version, using s3xy Naruto as an early trigger to combo, but the main difference is that it relies on controlling the opponent's main with slowness, and their P1 with your main. If u pull that off, not many teams can survive the onslaught of Shisui and Jiraiya (remember: they're likely either slowed or immobile!) So this can be a fun little arena team for those who missed out on Orochi.

I put Naruto in P1 for this one, but - as always - it all comes down to what kind of teams you're meeting on that day, if u can get away with P2 - or hell, sometimes even P3! - Naruto, then that's also an option. Improvise, adapt, overcome!

This won't be enough to defeat ssn Shisui, or JirOchi blitz teams, but with keen tactical thinking can take out many others. One glaring weakness is that s3xy Naruto only works on male opponents... luckily (?) for us, most of the popular mains and most of the usable ninjas in arena are male! If there are female heavy opponents, you can try switching to Kakuzu AC as combo trigger.

#3 The controversial one!


"ETR Madara with TC Jiraiya? Are you baka? They're countering each other with their barriers!" - Well yes, that's true. Does the team still works amazingly? Absolutely!

"Okay, let's hear it.. about another JirOchi team, how original of you!" - ig that's the downside of focusing on power as a f2p player - I'm missing many of the ninjas to form fancy new lineups, I have to make things work with what I have. And I like to have fun, but the most fun u can have when u actually win, don't u? Nevertheless, this team is unlike the other, as it works with a different strategy than the previous ones: the focus isn't on scaling due to chase increase, but to cripple the opponent at the beginning of the round by stealing their chakra and immobilizing one of the ninjas. There's bit of an RNG in there, but there's no bad target to combo on - only good, or even better! As always Jiraiya greatly helps with ini scaling, but also to lock down opponent Madaras should the need arises. Depending on opponent sometimes u'll get off a mystery with ur ETR and lock down the opponent's in the same round (and even cause chaos + heavy damage), sometimes it's just the latter, but it'll definitely helps you control the flow of the battle. Works pretty much with any mains - except maybe earth, as Madara will remove shields.

This lineup is not only good, but turns a rather dull ninja (with whom u have to choose between missing having deadly splash, or using a mindless mystery that you don't even have to target) into an actual fun one.

Hope you enjoyed my teams, see you on the battlefields!

IGN: Eszti

Server: S1272

Region: UK

UID: 300047080494679

This post was last edited by mikkamakka on 2022-07-13 19:01:59.
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