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[ Bugs ] mission box event .


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 17
  • Posts: 337
On 2022-05-02 14:37:58Show All Posts

S363 here. Missions event was there earlier in the morning. I had it open, but suddenly got a message saying something about rewards being unable to be claimed since event is over. It seemed weird, so I refreshed the game. After that missions event was gone from Hot topics. Sorry I can't be clear enough about the message, since it only flashed in the screen for a moment. This happened around 07:20 server time.

Any info about when we get missions event back? And I'm hoping we didn't lose points and such from previous days (and the morning) because of this after we do get the event back...

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 17
  • Posts: 337
On 2022-05-02 20:01:52Show All Posts

Compensation should be at least 60 (40 boxes gained and 200 points) mission boxes for lost points from 4 days missions + 15 boxes each day events is down for players to break even. But that would need Oasis to care about players AND manage to open event before it is over for the week.

In addition even that wouldn't compensate for those who spent for this event, since their loss would be even more.

Knowing how little Oasis does for us we'd be lucky if we'd really get this event back by Wednesday evening. We have seen Oasis doesn't want to give their players anything even when we're owed that, so not much hope for any compensation anymore at this point. Even less hope for event to return with all of our points there, since we know everything unclaimed after event ends is lost for good, even when they end ahead of their time. All we might be able to do about this is to wait till fallout after event week is over, since players voices have already stayed unheard for so long...

Quicky Post

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