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[ Ninja Exam ] Ninja Exam 480 water main


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-04-09 09:37:55Show All PostsDescending Order
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Disclaimer Madara's Mystry has a high chance of crashing the game so for your sanity I would suggest waiting until it is fixed,below you will find the ninjas, bells and whistle's used

Madara Skills


water main



1.if the bottom Danzo has the hidden status round 1, Retreat and try again

2.if you cannot splash round 1, Retreat

3. Kabuto Has the lowest life and must have the both passives

4 mabui has the second best gear

Round 1 step1 the last cheater is the bottom Shin after his standard attack ibiki will control the lowest life in this case Kabuto,Kabuto MUST DIE from his mystery if he doesnt retreat, lower his life and try again.

Round 1 step 2 okay kabuto dies use mabui on madara and use madara on the bottom Danzo he is the fastest of them all during the animation of madaras mystery click the mystery *on again and it will no longer be random and the selected targets gets the knockdown and pray you control him becasue it helps as the control last until the end of the next round

Round 1 step 3 kabuto will come back to life becasue you used 2 mysteries, use his mystery on the shisui kimono assuming he isnt under hidden as well also pray kabuto controls either him or fu,if not fu will give him chakra and he will nuke you round 1

Round 1 step 4 water main heals kabuto a bit but it wont be much and he will be the main focus of standard attacks kabuto has to die again this round

Round 1 step 5 use water mains mystery after kabuto dies the second time

Round 2 Step 1 after the last cheater again it will be the bottom Shin assuming he is not dead. use madara on the bottom danzo again controlling him is not neccesaary this time water main will likely be killed but thats okay

Round 2 step 2 kabuto comes back to life becasue in the previous round after his death you used water mains mystery and now you used madaras mystery so quickly use his mystery to interrupt Kimono shisui

Round 2 Step 3 by now the field most of them should be dead on low hp do kabuto might die this round thats okay but madara and mabui has to survive

Round 3 step 1 this round if you do not kill the bottom danzo retreat because you are gauaranteed to die next round so after the last cheater use use mabui on madara and then use madara mystery and hope he dies if your kabuto was dead he will revive use his mystery as well

Round 4 step 1 this round might not be needed assuming you killed the middle and top danzo's if not use madara or kabuto mystery you are faster than them shin will occasionaly come back to life but it shouldnt be a problem

Stage 2 if everything goes well you should have all your ninjas remeber kabuto standard revives

stage 2 step 1 after hokage tsunade uses her standard attack use mabui on madara then use madara mystery on tsuande, you must kill her if not retreat then use kabuto mystery if you dont have chakraa wait mabui will recover chakra when hiruzen dies he will kill either madara or mabui for me he killed mabui which was good for me even if he goes for madara as long as tsunade is dead kabuto should be able to clear the rest



any question let me know.

As kazier would say Live moss and stay free to play

This post was last edited by S440-Genesis on 2022-04-09 09:37:55.
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