Views: 4649 | Replies: 14
Report abusing in arena


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-03-31 13:04:51Show All Posts

Please avoid insulting each other, as well as inappropriate language such as telling each other to commit suicide.

As for the original question, you can report these players either in game or on this subforum by using the Misbehavior Report thread. Here is the link:

Please note that you will need a full screenshot to report a player which will include your server time/date stamp in the upper left hand corner of your screen (NOT your local computer time taken on the lower right hand corner of your desktop), as well as your opponent's server number, which can be obtained by hovering over their portrait in the upper right.

Thank you, and please be kind to each other.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-04-01 15:27:45Show All Posts

Because what you are deeming the "truth" violated the rules of being polite to each other, among other things. Disguising insults as "truth" does not excuse the hurtful actions or words used. By entering into this forum you agree to certain codes of conduct. Violating that causes you to lose access to privileges such as posting.

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