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[ Bugs ] Various things need fixing


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On 2022-03-06 14:51:51Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I think this game needs some serious maintenance. Not just the weekly one from changing the events. I'll say this first before listing the things I have noticed. I highly doubt it is my computer. I just got a new one and I still notice these things. I also clear our my cookies often. These will be the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Others might be able to say things I didn't cover. I just now thought about making this post because of when I sent out missions earlier.

First thing is a small one. When seeing a friend in Konoha south for a moment. I'd see about inviting them for things like friendship TI, but on the friend list says they are offline when you clearly see or saw them. I have seen them talking in group chat while the friend list has shown them offline. I have not seen an option to appear offline. When this happens, you cannot invite them. So they need to refresh to make the friend list show them online.

For Missions general mobilization. There are times when deleting missions they take a moment to finally delete. I think that started on that event like 3 or 4 cycles ago. Also when clicking on the bar where you would type in someones name to give them the mission. The default text that is in that bar doesn't delete, so you have to delete it yourself before you type in someones name, which isn't a big deal, just annoying.

For 3v3, there is 2 bugs I have noticed. First is there are times the game doesn't want to let you queue up for a fight. So you have two choices on that. You can either *on mash on search for battle until it finally lets you search, or you refresh and for your team again and try searching. Second is, when a queue is taking forever, you try to cancel the queue and restart it, but it tells you you're already in a fight. So you need to refresh to get out of this.

I have only seen this one time, but I will list it just in case others have the issue. When Rescue the jinchuriki I started a team, went to the location needed. When I clicked on Obito to start it, the *on was faded. I couldn't start it. I tried to refresh, then we tried again, we still couldn't. All 3 of us had to refresh before we were able to start it.

When doing breakthrough. That seems to have an issue. While doing skill trial, clicking on test takes a few seconds to try and change the skills one time. It used to be instant. trying to change a ninja that just eats your materials to change their mystery. That can take a very long time.

When just doing a battle in any mode. Team instant, Strong Approaching, Arena, anywhere really. There is a rare chance that you see the ninja on both sides just standing there. They don't attack. You can't use mystery. If it's in PVP and they aren't having an issue, they pretty much get a free win, because you have to refresh to get out of that and by the time you return you will most likely be almost dead if not dead already.

If I remember anymore. I will edit this post and add it under this comment here.

Just remembered another one thanks to completing missions. While on auto explore in treasury, once you get to your map the treasure is on. You just stand there, even though the game is telling you you're still exploring. You have to cancel it and restart the auto explore. This one happens off and on.

This post was last edited by Kamorus on 2022-03-06 14:51:51.
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On 2022-03-06 20:45:18Show this Author Only

> First thing is a small one. When seeing a friend in Konoha south for a moment. I'd see about inviting them for things like friendship TI, but on the friend list says they are offline when you clearly see or saw them. I have seen them talking in group chat while the friend list has shown them offline. I have not seen an option to appear offline. When this happens, you cannot invite them. So they need to refresh to make the friend list show them online.

Was your friend list already up when this happened? The friend list is generally "cached" and will need to be "refreshed" for most activities. If you open the friend list, and your friend logs in after that, they will continue to show as offline. You will need to close and then reopen it. If this is not the case, can you get me a video showing the error so I can submit it?

> For Missions general mobilization. There are times when deleting missions they take a moment to finally delete. I think that started on that event like 3 or 4 cycles ago.
Can you get me a video showing this error so I can submit it? This never happens to me.

> Also when clicking on the bar where you would type in someones name to give them the mission. The default text that is in that bar doesn't delete, so you have to delete it yourself before you type in someones name, which isn't a big deal, just annoying.
Sadly, this is not a bug, this is a common text box problem. There is an invisible cursor in that box. When you click in there, the text already in there stays. You will need to highlight all/delete all to remove it. However, I can submit as a suggestion to have this improved as a quality of life upgrade for you, if you'd like.

> For 3v3, there is 2 bugs I have noticed. First is there are times the game doesn't want to let you queue up for a fight. So you have two choices on that. You can either *on mash on search for battle until it finally lets you search, or you refresh and for your team again and try searching.
Yes this is caused by a poor local-server connection and is unfortunately common with 3v3. We recommend all players refreshing and trying again until the server stabilizes. This is a known error that is currently without a hard fix.

> Second is, when a queue is taking forever, you try to cancel the queue and restart it, but it tells you you're already in a fight. So you need to refresh to get out of this.

This happens when a match was about to start but for some reason failed to properly initialize. You will need to refresh the game and restart to stop this error. It is recommended to cancel your queue every few minutes to ensure you aren't "stuck" like this. Like the above error, this is a known bug that does not currently have a fix, and it's caused by poor cluster-connections.

> I have only seen this one time, but I will list it just in case others have the issue. When Rescue the jinchuriki I started a team, went to the location needed. When I clicked on Obito to start it, the *on was faded. I couldn't start it. I tried to refresh, then we tried again, we still couldn't. All 3 of us had to refresh before we were able to start it.
This is a fairly common error that occurs with Rescue the Jinchuriki that usually happens if players are in the zone with the event begins, though it has been known to happen if players are simply online when the event begins. It has been around for a long time but has never gotten a fix because it is not "malicious" and has such an easy workaround: As you discovered, all players simply need to refresh to fix the issue. There is almost no chance of mixing the event as a result of this error, so it has never received a high fix priority.

> When doing breakthrough. That seems to have an issue. While doing skill trial, clicking on test takes a few seconds to try and change the skills one time. It used to be instant. trying to change a ninja that just eats your materials to change their mystery. That can take a very long time.

Unfortunately, this is not really a bug, but you are correct that this slowdown of skill trials did not used to exist. I suspect that at some point the nature by which the skill trial system queries the server was changed, which makes it take longer, so it now takes a second or two instead of a millisecond. It will probably be faster with a very strong connection to the server.

> When just doing a battle in any mode. Team instant, Strong Approaching, Arena, anywhere really. There is a rare chance that you see the ninja on both sides just standing there. They don't attack. You can't use mystery. If it's in PVP and they aren't having an issue, they pretty much get a free win, because you have to refresh to get out of that and by the time you return you will most likely be almost dead if not dead already.
What ninjas are on the field when this happens? What is going on? Can you get me a video of this occurring so I can submit it as a bug report?

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On 2022-03-07 10:08:53Show this Author Only

For the friend one. No, my friend list was closed. I would open to invite them, seeing they move around often making it hard to click on them to invite them. So I would use the friend list.

The Missions one isn't too much of a bother, I'd thought throw it in there with everything I've noticed. an extra second isnt bad to delete the text bar. Only annoying that you have to do it yourself. If it were to get fixed, sure that would be great, but I think ones that force you to restart should be a priority.

For the ones of you asking. Sadly I do not know how to capture video on computers. I haven't been on computers much in a very long time. browsing and this game is what I have done for so long for being on a dinosaur computer for years til now. I have a lot of catching up to do. LOL If I can get recordings of these bugs, I would be gladly to record them for you.

As for the last one, the ninja are different. It has happened to me in TI, arena, gnw and 3v3. I had to refresh to come back and rejoin.

This post was last edited by Kamorus on 2022-03-07 21:28:37.
  • Registered: 2018-06-24
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On 2022-03-08 07:56:47Show this Author Only

This post was last edited by Kamorus on 2022-03-08 08:23:59.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-03-11 16:50:58Show this Author Only

The text box thing isn't inherent to this game. That's just a default text box thing. You'll see that everywhere. I think a text box has to be specifically coded to work otherwise.

As for that delay on your missions, I'll ask about this, but you will need to submit a ticket too, but at a glance, this just looks like lag. High chances that you just have a bad connection or your computer is slow. Here is the link you need to use to submit this issue.

For any other issues, you are also going to need to catch them with a recording. It's hard to verify these errors without a recording, sadly, since we don't know what's going on. Especially in the case of the game freezing. If the game does not freeze, you can type the word


directly into the game, which will create a file that you can submit that we can look at too.

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On 2022-03-11 17:07:17Show this Author Only

I am being told it is possible that with the number of things wrong with your game you may have a bad install. You may want to try a clean reinstall and see if that fixes any of your problems.

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On 2022-03-13 15:00:36Show this Author Only
  • Tachibana Saeko On 2022-03-11 17:07:17
  • I am being told it is possible that with the number of things wrong with your game you may have a bad install. You may want to try a clean reinstall and see if that fixes any of your problems.

How would I do that? Sorry. When it comes to computers, I'm not the brightest. I know of install and unistall., but how do I do a clean install? I got a new computer and just installed the game.

Also, it happened on my last computer as well, and it wasn't always a thing, it only recently started happening.

This post was last edited by Kamorus on 2022-03-13 15:04:09.
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On 2022-03-13 20:29:38Show this Author Only

Listen, you're not the only one and from reading this entire forum. You are being lied to. The reason for the text bar is simply because they are too lazy to actually input a proper text bar. In anything, it is normal for a text bar to explain what it is for but as soon as you click it, they must erase all data inside so that no false characters may be entered already on mistake. Secondly for all the connection issues you have. This has been a thing since 2.0, it's called "MYSTERY DELAY". This game has never been able to have proper servers that allow for running the game efficiently between players, no matter their pc or internet quality. It's all just an excuse, you can go check out videos by a youtuber named "Kaizer", hopefully all his Decisive Bond videos are up where you see the same nonsense with connection issues. Don't believe a word these people say, it's been 6 years and nothing fixed, look at how they still can't respond to my "FIX shisui" post, but at least they can lie to you in response right?

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On 2022-03-14 05:18:44Show this Author Only
  • Adwarfare On 2022-03-13 20:29:38
  • Listen, you're not the only one and from reading this entire forum. You are being lied to. The reason for the text bar is simply because they are too lazy to actually input a proper text bar. In anything, it is normal for a text bar to explain what it is for but as soon as you click it, they must erase all data inside so that no false characters may be entered already on mistake. Secondly for all the connection issues you have. This has been a thing since 2.0, it's called "MYSTERY DELAY". This game has never been able to have proper servers that allow for running the game efficiently between players, no matter their pc or internet quality. It's all just an excuse, you can go check out videos by a youtuber named "Kaizer", hopefully all his Decisive Bond videos are up where you see the same nonsense with connection issues. Don't believe a word these people say, it's been 6 years and nothing fixed, look at how they still can't respond to my "FIX shisui" post, but at least they can lie to you in response right?

Your name really fits you and I'm surprised by how rude you are for some minor inconvenience cause I have never experienced any of these issues and I've been on this game for several years, I'm even more surprised by the fact that they haven't either suspended or banned your account, if you want issues fixed be at least polite and not sound like a mom arguing with a McDonald's worker

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On 2022-03-14 06:52:57Show this Author Only
  • DiamondFlare On 2022-03-14 05:18:44
  • Your name really fits you and I'm surprised by how rude you are for some minor inconvenience cause I have never experienced any of these issues and I've been on this game for several years, I'm even more surprised by the fact that they haven't either suspended or banned your account, if you want issues fixed be at least polite and not sound like a mom arguing with a McDonald's worker

Yeah, you have a registered account from 2020, so I doubt you know what I and many players who actually have played for a while about this game's reputation and it's staff team. Go do some research then come back to me. The amount of scamming and slander performed by the staff of this game is insane, again I say, go research 2016 and 2017 of this game then talk.

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On 2022-03-14 07:13:39Show this Author Only
  • Adwarfare On 2022-03-13 20:29:38
  • Listen, you're not the only one and from reading this entire forum. You are being lied to. The reason for the text bar is simply because they are too lazy to actually input a proper text bar. In anything, it is normal for a text bar to explain what it is for but as soon as you click it, they must erase all data inside so that no false characters may be entered already on mistake. Secondly for all the connection issues you have. This has been a thing since 2.0, it's called "MYSTERY DELAY". This game has never been able to have proper servers that allow for running the game efficiently between players, no matter their pc or internet quality. It's all just an excuse, you can go check out videos by a youtuber named "Kaizer", hopefully all his Decisive Bond videos are up where you see the same nonsense with connection issues. Don't believe a word these people say, it's been 6 years and nothing fixed, look at how they still can't respond to my "FIX shisui" post, but at least they can lie to you in response right?

Characters are not easy to fix. Other devs in different games have problems fixing characters too. They can make a change and end up making it worse, a little better, fix them or make them over powered. Maybe even beyond useless. Take world of warcraft for example. The paladin was overpowered for so long when I first started in burning crusade. A lot of people complained. It took years to finally nerf them. Now not a specific character, but a character class. They made many changes, but people realized that it was for the better until the nerf. I'm pretty sure anyone who is a veteran in fighter games can list characters for this too, me,I wont be able to, but I'm sure it has happened. Snorlax in unite was OP for all of season 1 from what I was told and the seasons if I remember correctly are around 50 days. If you think you can fix characters faster, then instead of calling Oasis out, why not apply to work for them and help fix things?

What I would like is for regular maintenance and check for problems to fix that people have posted and work on a good amount of them. Not just for event changes. Yes, it would be a * that the game would be down when the planned time for maintenance happens, but bright side, less bugs/problems would be found.

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On 2022-03-16 04:39:19Show this Author Only
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