QQ: 1716584748
Current LvL: 90
Average Time spend online every Day: I am able to spend up to 10 hours daily
Time most often Online: Every day after 12 am
Reasons for the Application: I love the naruto series, I have watched it so many times, even now I back to some episodes to feel this " epic style" again! I know the characters and plot very well. I have been playing this game since november 2016, it's almost 9 months ! I was present at the development of the game from the very beginning. I've learned a lot over this time. I managed to create account with over 100k power. I would be glad if I could share my knowledge about this game with others. I am a friendly person and I will try my best to help people with their problems ! This post was last edited by XuuKee at 2017-7-1 22:27 This post was last edited by XuuKee at 2017-7-1 22:27 This post was last edited by XuuKee at 2017-7-1 22:33