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[ Suggestions ] Create new system for recharge rebate


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  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2022-01-27 22:17:36Show All Posts

the only problem i see is that even as f2p you can outgrow the rewards since you said is an entire year, if is power items you might outgrow them, if is ninjas in a year can become close to irrelevant, i understand what you are trying to do but the rewards are kind of a problem, what im talking about ougrowing for example, lets say somewhere in the middle or even somewhat early gives you medium refines, but you already finished with your medium refines on all the gears, what then? the only good rewards might be non-tire ones such as assist pots, magatamas, keys and whatnot but with magatamas for example its kinda tricky as well since 20 magatamas in the first month of play is not the same like 20 magatamas 5 months in, myoboku same as magatamas, you got what im saying?

  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2022-01-28 22:32:53Show All Posts
  • Spirits On 2022-01-28 13:49:56
  • Like i mention in 1st statement. It can be any rewards. Besides, its optional package. If this kind of thing doesn't work for some people that have higher BP, the rewarding system can be change into something similar like seasonal reward. Where u must recharge at (for example only); 500 ingots, 1000 ingots, 2500 ingots, 5000 ingots, 9000 ingots, 15 000 ingots; u will get a ticket on the end of the year. Like u can spin gatcha to get equivalent items for recharging max 15 000 ingots for a year (like secret scroll pack optional, magatamas, etc). But u also have a chance to hit jackpot. This ticket give a low spender to either get an item that equivalent to their recharge or hit something higher (lucky) for once a year.

    This system totally different from lucky feast and crazy slot machine, because :

    1. the player gain a tickets to use it at the end of the year (same like seasonal ticket) but this system last a year

    2. the process go slowly but surely. the player will guarantee to get the items that equivalent to their recharging. At the same, can hit jackpot.

    So, due to your statement, I propose this idea, combination of crazy machine slot + seasonal ticket recharging system, that can be spin at the end of the year, based on the tickets they have. Lets say (just an example), they will get 100 tickets after full 15 000 ingots recharged, they can spins to get an item 100x. If lucky, can get hit jackpot. I hope this acceptable for u (assuming u have higher bp) since magatamas, keys, or etc not so important bcs u are at endgame.

    If this proposal against by others, since they impatient to spins, it can be shorten to 6 months at least.. not below than that. Since this system focus on low spender that want to have a chance to have miracle (hit jackpot) in their account. Totally pure RNG, no guarantee for jackpot. But the standard power items are the as normal gatcha.

    *Like mods said, they just can suggest, but my idea not 100% will be implemented. Bcs lots of event, the Devs only focus on big spender.

don't get me wrong, i am not here to bash on your post but trying to improve/think for every type of player, take it as constructive criticism

now, the jackpot is something fixed, like a certain thing every year or a pool of items/ninjas/whatever?

if for example is a pool of items/ninjas/etc, can be made this way: jackpot to be in the "wheel" or what will be the draw system at a fairly low-ish rate (but still have a chance, not impossible) and on top of that a guarantee jackpot at the end of all the tickets, as a "reward for completing all recharges", you know what im saying? this way it can enthuse people to recharge to get all the tickets for the end of the year jackpot, however even if you missed a recharge you can still have a chance at jackpot via RNG

i don't think this is too overpower or balance breaking since jackpot prob won't gonna be ultra op things like 180 frags of obito ttj/shisui susanoo or whatnot

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