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[ Lineup ] Ebisu Lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-01-15 23:47:52Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys!


These are his skills at 2 stars


Skills at 4 stars:


Mystery: Nothing special except being undodgeable, good thing about it is that it's 0 chakra cost. On the other hand it has 3 rounds cooldowns

Standard Attack: Also undodgeable and can hit multiple units

Chase: 20 combo might be harder to trigger in certain teams

Passive 1: It's good that this buff is very universal (can affect all ninjas), but it's only combo rate (not as important as other stats in most cases) and only for 1 round

Passive 2: This is pretty good, extra chakra always comes in handy

As you could see I don't have many positive things to say about this ninja. Considering that he's a free ninja he isn't really too bad for new players. There are plenty of other better ninjas, so if you are not a new player you probably have no need of using Ebisu except for fun/testing purposes.

1. Wind Main


2. Fire Main


3. Fire Main 2


4. Lightning Main


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