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[ Help ] Pains on Elite Instances


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-30 23:12:49Show All PostsDescending Order
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Yo, im just heard does on 80 lvl elite instance u are able to get fragments for pains is that true? That just scaried me, im gethering seals doin everything not lvling only 2 dayli mission to get fragments for char and getting stronger each day, but if you are able to get every pain on 80 lvl that losing whole point, i was telling my self does it gona be like 120 lvl while you will see some pains, and smth like that happend meh. So dissapointed
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-01 03:33:44Show All Posts
  • Sourav On 2016-10-01 02:27:23
  • I have no idea what will be there on 80 elite instance, but hey, what's you point? you don't want to get pains or others to get them? Even if there IS pain fragments, it will probably take more thana month to get enough fragments..
    Also, you have some wrong idea about levelling system. After 70, levelling becomes very slow and it will be like 1-2 week till you get enough xp for 1 level up. I'm at almost at level 77 myself and it will take me about 10 days to reach 78. I'm pretty sure level between 80-90 will take quite a while and by then, a lot more ninja's will be added and pains will start to lose their superiority..
    Don't think of pains as some omnipotent characters. Just enjoy the game and keep getting stronger.

    Btw, clearing plot instance 9 will give you Gakido, though as per trend you may have to hit level 90 to get it.
Nope i dont want them (in elite instance) more ppl get them thay gonna be used everywhere, it gona mess my curretly team im got rare ninjas instead of it i gonna have decent ninjas...You know that tendo treasure aint that bad idea to spend all seals on them till 100 lvl or more for f2p ofc. About lvling im 60 lvl with 16,2k power and im proud of it making everything easier, and im not fighting vs p2w players and thats pretty nice.
For me its like oh losers gona get pains pff
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-01 06:06:01Show All Posts
  • Spike37 On 2016-10-01 04:36:28
  • no free player cares what YOU want.
Calm loser no pains for f2p
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-08 20:30:04Show All Posts
  • ronaldfranklint On 2016-11-08 17:03:40
  • Pains are undwhelming. Be more afraid of what will come with Kage treasure.
undwhelming, i heard ppl call this meta naruto sage mode... 1-3 person except server 1-10 witch high ammount of players get sage naruto and you calling it a meta thay using it cuz with overpowered power you dealing tons of dmg when it comes to fight with same power who goin to win pure pain team with silence or sage naruto + those booster who give additional % for ninjutsu, im already know answer for that question.
Afraid of Kage treasure i can't be afraid cuz peeps goin to get 1 rare per month so who care raikage can't be pulled from 60 so i feel legit and safe with my pains, the only problem is a jinchuriki treasue when we are talking about new meta, you can get Roshi(hes like tobi in eu) or 4 tailed jinchuriki from frist 60 scrolls its goin to be new meta and then problems goin to start cuz of same ninjas in team and thats goin to be hard cuz power goin to decide whos goin to win, that guy with better gear that guy with better magatamas that guy with better refinement or that guy with higher rank armor
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-08 23:44:28Show All Posts
  • ronaldfranklint On 2016-11-08 20:32:19
  • You can feel safe all you want with the pains until someone gets Darui. Just because you feel safe doesn't mean you are safe, especially with server merges coming up.
We don't know what merges thay are talking about thay can merge last servers who can't deal with kyuubi or gnw, so idk i tink thay dont actualy want to merge some servers in to 3k ppl, my server is pretty we have 8 popular groups so i guess thats enough for em, but dunno if you have some info about point of merge you can share with me, and about darui tobi and pains killin always 1 ninja is second round with ignite im still sayin im fine. Also my earth main team projected for some kind of situations even if im goin to trade in second round 1 for 1 im not losing anycombo only way to ruin my team is to kill earthmain and thats imposible for now :)

@mdr OHHHH 10 ppl im underestimated you that 10 ppl is diffrent now its a huge meta on1e!one!1!o1ne i though tobi is the easiest and one of strongest chars but daym naruto sage mode yea i see now tobi have no chance vs him why im was so blind now ppl who were spending scrolls on sage treasure つ _ ༽つGIVE ME YOUR ENERGY つ we goin to use Genki Dama and delete tobi users to staph tobi meta , oh forget im didnt even spended single scroll on it poor me nvm This post was last edited by TheDragz at 2016-11-8 23:47
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