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On 2022-01-04 23:01:37Show All Posts

From what we have been told, it is not a glitch. Please keep in mind that while players are receiving 40,000 coupons, many players are spending 30,000, or 40,000, or 50,000, or more coupons to obtain this prize, so this is not a 40,000 coupon net gain with every win. Sometimes it is a gain, but sometimes it is a loss. Effectively, this is just a very generous event in terms of jackpot, and it is fairly unique because the prize from it allows people to continue to participate in it and then gain another chance at the jackpot. This is not the case when the jackpot reward is, say, x100 fragments of Jiraiya TC. When the prize is coupons, it allows players to recycle their earnings into another chance at the jackpot. However, from what we can tell, anyone doing this IS taking a risk. It is NOT guaranteed to get a jackpot prize at any point, despite what people are saying. We have numerous confirmed reports of people failing to get the jackpot, even at the magic number that many people are using.

As for compensation, we will ask about it, but please be prepared for no compensation. It is highly, highly unlikely that compensation will be given based on "They won a jackpot and I did not, and I want one." The devs do not generally give out compensation for this kind of scenario. I understand that many people are upset that they tried to win the jackpot and failed to do so, and want compensation for this, but these events come with risk. We recommend not playing them if you are not prepared for that risk.

Edit: In direct response to your question about the same people getting the jackpot every day, yes this is possible. I've seen screenshots on discord from people that have spent 300,000, or 500,000 coupons into this event to trigger jackpots. If you have the capital to throw enough money at an event you can force it to pay out, which is what some people are doing. Just keep in mind that if someone is winning a 40,000 coupon jackpot every day, that's 200,000 coupons. That means if they spent 300,000...they've lost out on 100,000 coupons. And I have *seen* the fukus deals screenshots showing they've spent that much.

This post was last edited by Tachibana Saeko on 2022-01-04 23:07:05.
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On 2022-01-05 00:05:11Show All Posts

RNG stands for random number generation. We just had two people pull the jackpot on my server at 120 and 130 spins. It's random when it happens. Yesterday we had someone go all the way to 800 and not get the jackpot. It is *not* guaranteed. We have seen numerous instances of people not getting the jackpot at the number people are describing.

I had to remove your external link. You are free to send it in DMs, of course, or describe the channel where it is hosted, but I can't have an unverified link that could be a virus sitting open for people. I'm sure you'll accuse me of censoring information, but keep in mind that I could have just deleted your post much more easily.

Also, Kiriya, please remember to remain civil in these conversations. Again, I see that you are upset and frustrated, but this is not the place to take it out on others.

This post was last edited by Tachibana Saeko on 2022-01-05 00:06:21.
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On 2022-01-05 00:45:29Show All Posts

Kiriya. I say this with all genuine compassion. I am not lying to you. I have seen people trigger this at 120 spins. I have seen people fail to trigger this at 800 spins. It is not guaranteed. This is what the Random in Random Number Generation means. RNG means that it's random where it occurs. It is not guaranteed to occur at any specific place.

I am genuinely unsure as to why you are so upset, but I am not lying to you.

Also, we aren't sure that the instant spending is necessary. We had one person test it where he spent, waited, and then spent later in the day and he still triggered a jackpot. We don't know for certain exactly what conditions will trigger a jackpot but we do know that it is not quite as simple as what many people are saying. There are still risks inherent to it. Just be aware of that if you choose to go for the jackpot.

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On 2022-01-05 01:01:17Show All Posts

That's not what I'm saying. xD I think you assume I have some kind of shadow council at my beck and call. In reality I'm getting info from a lot of people, mostly through discord. We did have one player that gave us information where he was testing the jackpot, as I described, and he spent in the first part of the day, then waited for a while, then came back later and continued spinning until he triggered the jackpot. I wasn't the one that did this; I didn't recreate it. This information was passed to us as people grew excited about the event.

Personally, I'm surprised that the excitement has turned to so much anger. People were really happy and thrilled about this two days ago before I left for the holiday.

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On 2022-01-05 01:41:28Show All Posts

I'm not sure where you're pulling this information from, but I don't think the "inner circle of Oasis" (whoever that may be, can I assume staff members?) even knew about the good returns on this event until much later than you, it would seem. You claimed to have done this all week, and you mentioned it being active last cycle, too. The player that brought it to our attention (discord/forum team) had been doing it last cycle as well, and shared it with a number of other people. Staff members weren't even involved. One of the other players here even posted a screenshot of the chart he was using to track people's coupon gains. You'll see a number of players on there, none of which are staff because we weren't aware the event had such good possibilities for turnaround until much later and weren't involved in it.

And as for them being unhappy, they seem ecstatic. I mean, look how many coupons they made. Again, this doesn't really have anything to do with the staff. Just look at that chart that was posted. Those are all non-staff players. I'm almost certain Yujin has not participated in this event at all because he didn't have the coupons to do so.

> I mean this event would be best thing ever for community...
Again, we only just found out about the potential for high returns in the drop rates recently, within the last few days, or at least I did. I genuinely don't know why you're blaming Oasis for this. You have a potentially good event that allows people to get rewards and coupons and you're upset about it. That doesn't make any sense. As for sharing droprates, Oasis has never shared droprates with anyone. Anything that was discovered about this event was discovered by players and then spread among the community. I'm not sure how you expect us to give people a heads up on something that we didn't even know about. Additionally, no, it's not our role in the official announcement to give advice on how and where to spend coupons, which is basically what you're saying. You are claiming we should have told everyone what you are doing, putting out a PSA saying that this event is both Safe and a Good Investment, neither of which, for the record, I actually personally agree with for most players. But again, that information doesn't belong in the event announcements for the week. If a player wants advice on how to spend, they are welcome to start a thread asking for it or even ask someone in discord, even a moderator in the official discord.

> Tachibana let's be real here
I've never been anything but real with you, Kiriya. It's why I'm so confused at your vitriol. No one is feeding me lines or telling me what to write. I am aware that there are multiple servers of course. But your accusation doesn't hold water. You accuse me of not properly spreading information this event when I didn't know about its potential ROI. Well, why didn't you spread information about this event so that players could properly prepare for it? You've apparently been doing it all week, right? And potentially last cycle? If you think that this is my fault, then you are just as much to blame, logically speaking. It's not our responsibility to tell people what to do or how to spend/save. If people want to come and ask us for advice, that's one thing, but preaching it in the announcement is another thing entirely. Besides, my stance on coupons is well do*ented in the official server. I'm a big fan of saving for something important and not spending coupons as they come. I've always told people that. That's never changed. So again, your accusation about what I am and am not doing is not really holding up. And finally, we don't ever announce events until the day or two before they come out. And the idea that this destroys new servers' economies does not seem viable. I mean, on the surface, it could be true, but if the server is new, players won't have had enough time to save up the number of coupons you are saying is necessary for a jackpot, thus no server destruction is possible.

Ultimately, I get that players are upset. They can't get into the jackpot craziness if they didn't have enough coupons saved up. Players that did have coupons saved up can potentially get multiple jackpots and make a neat little profit if they are lucky, or a large one if they are aren't that lucky (or lose 30k net like I did xD). But this has always been the case for people that save their coupons and use them wisely as opposed to people that spend them willy-nilly. The event is not at fault for people not having the coupons to participate. People's saving habits are. While I sympathize, that is the nature of these events, and it's why I recommend to players to save coupons instead of spending them freely.

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On 2022-01-05 01:46:30Show All Posts

Specifically addressing newer servers having a wrecked economy, while it would be my stance that the event does not necessitate server imbalance, and any players smart enough or that are big enough spenders to be able to participate in the event and thus get some coupons would likely be fairly few in number due to, as you said, the server being newer, I am not, unfortunately, in a position to undo them having gained coupons. I can't take the coupons out of their accounts or cancel the event. The event has been running for several days now, and anyone that managed to get a jackpot already has it. If small servers are suffering because of this, and it is genuinely more than "This isn't fair, I want coupons too," then what I can do is take your complaint and suggestion that the 40,000 coupon jackpot reward be removed from the event, if you wish, and send that on to the devs. However, it is exceedingly unlikely that compensation will be given to these or other servers on the basis of "It's not fair that others got a jackpot when I wasn't ready for it," unfortunately.

Would you all like me to submit to the devs that the 40k coupon jackpot reward be removed from this event?

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On 2022-01-05 01:56:57Show All Posts

For what it's worth, I'm sorry you aren't able to participate in the the Lucky s(natch) event and get a jackpot as well. I do understand it can be frustrating to watch others get rewards and not be able to participate. :(

Hopefully you will be able to participate the next time this event comes around, or in the next event of your choosing.
I hope you have a great day! ♥

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On 2022-01-05 02:27:39Show All Posts

OK, I will submit these suggestions for you to the devs. Thank you making the effort to remain civil in this conversation despite being upset/frustrated, and for not repeatedly sharing your link. For the record, I don't have a problem with whatever video is on the other end, but links are su*ious and are prone to spreading viruses, which is why we delete. You are welcome to share your video if you embed it properly using the inbuilt video embedding tool.

As of now, I am going to make the suggestion report for you and close this thread, since the OP's (Nina-chan) question seems to have been answered to her satisfaction.

I sincerely wish you a good day and a good rest of your week and apologize for whatever frustrations I or this situation have caused you.

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