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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 23th of December


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  • Registered: 2017-09-16
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On 2021-12-23 13:49:13Show All Posts

nah i think its justifyable..... 10tails madara is 80k coupons worth which is a lot cheaper since we get him at 110k coupons.

50k here is expensive bec the point/goal here is the 110k . coupons. jus wait for a 30k coupons or a 50k coupons max goal if u dnt have enough coupons for 110k. this ia just my oppinion and calculation. dnt diffirentiate it with a max 30k coupon fuku it will certainly be unfair.

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On 2021-12-23 13:50:22Show All Posts

dnt go for this fukus 30k coupons it isnt the max goal. wait for the max goal 30k

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On 2021-12-24 07:20:44Show All Posts
  • Wahiro On 2021-12-23 17:29:16
  • Be smart people. Your complaints do nothing. You must understand how this company works. You want them to change? Don´t get angry on forum, save your energy. STOP spending on small rewards. Just wait. If all players in general would understand this formula, oasis will make rewards bigger, because MONEY is decision point here. Not what YOU want. But problem is, you always find people spending for small rewards and that´s okay. Let them make their own mistakes, be smart, save your coupons, save your money. Better offer will come for you.

yup agreed ppl spend when there are small to little rewards now they complain about fuku. they should look at the events in general not just fuki alone great plates and fuku combo alone is already great amu*t get a chance to get 50%off these are great events. the ones complaining now are weak newbs and doesnt know how to save and when to spend. madara 10tails is exclusive to ingot users should have been at 130k coupons but they made it 110k by decreasing the rewards in the lower bracket thats why 50k goal has lesser rewards. think as a whole ppl .... i agree with this guy

  • Registered: 2017-09-16
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On 2021-12-24 07:27:57Show All Posts

getting to spend in sakura food stack wont guarantee getting madar 10tails even when spend 110k coupons...... in this fuku it is guaranteed plus u get to participate on events of ur own choosing with a great discount before reaching the 110k goal amu*t offera 50% be wise ppl kakuzu creation only at 6500 coupons or less power ups at 50%ppl get sasuke rinne and much more characters. dnt focus too much in fuku alone look at the event combination and the giveaway in other events it compensates to the 50k goal which is used to lessen the cost of madara 10tails instead of 130k goal he could be taken at 110k goal

This post was last edited by DarthNowland on 2021-12-24 07:28:49.
  • Registered: 2017-09-16
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On 2021-12-24 08:02:55Show All Posts

convoy alone not to inclide summons et al gives 146k of coupons each year wtf have u guys been spending that u cant afford a 110k coupns? seasonal ninjas give coupons. infinite WEEKLy give coupons. those complaining cant even afford a 5k rebate since they lack thebpatience to save.

  • Registered: 2017-09-16
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On 2021-12-24 10:59:12Show All Posts
  • The_X On 2021-12-24 09:53:58
  • what drugs are you on bruh i want some too cuz those are some * stuff

oof sorry mis calculated convoy still fuku makes sense for me ppl went for a 22k kakuze creation now hes just 132 per frags makes him 10k if u get 50% u only get him at 5k. think of the other events that run with fuku not just fuku alone

This post was last edited by DarthNowland on 2021-12-24 11:00:06.
  • Registered: 2017-09-16
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On 2021-12-24 14:56:15Show All Posts
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the A tastes sweet.... soo sweet im feeling all the battle points gain and all that wait come into fruiton ugggh yummy A. that exclusive hero being given for free i feel like im a p2p now but im definitely not

  • Registered: 2017-09-16
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On 2021-12-25 21:24:51Show All Posts

if you hate this fuku then wait for a 30k max fuku it will be back. no need to rant about stopping this 110k max fuku. also if i remember it correctly ppl bought when kakuzu was the max 30k fuku. which is now just more or less 5k. again please look at the combo of events. not just fuku alone.

yeap ur right thry always make new stronger character. thats one thing i agree with ya. .... thats why my elders of this game advised me to focus on power and not on characters since one day those characters will be for free

  • Registered: 2017-09-16
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On 2021-12-26 11:52:58Show All Posts
  • Keyflash On 2021-12-26 00:14:22
  • You are an embarrassment to your elders then since your account is absolute meme worthy and you should not be allowed to give any tips to other players.

    Old Server + Low power + Barely any good ninjas -> that's how amazing you and your spending was in last years. Give me a break kid you have completly no idea what you are doing.


yup i have a life. finished school and got a degree. returned after 3 yrs of not playing. not like you who increminate bec cant reach a 110k milestone. they want u to pay and if u dnt like it u can leave. im happy to be f2p. and im not in a hurry. yup top 4 top 3 in ranked. i got nothing wrong with that.

theres always a 30k max milestone. im not bragging my power. im just relating what was told to me by the 1mil elders. lol.

  • Registered: 2017-09-16
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On 2021-12-26 12:17:28Show All Posts

yup but do remmber im a saver and have mutiple of things saved up and havnt used yet. i use em wisely and get the fruits when riped

i use refines only upto 800 per refine event. even tho i have 2k only 1200caves every cave event. even tho i have 3k this is how patirnt iam. if u want to be impatient then go ahead spend recklessly. dnt follow me im just a 400k in power lols. its ur own character anyways. this is just how i see things optimistically. slowly but surely....

  • Registered: 2017-09-16
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On 2021-12-26 16:43:28Show All Posts
  • Keyflash On 2021-12-26 00:14:22
  • You are an embarrassment to your elders then since your account is absolute meme worthy and you should not be allowed to give any tips to other players.

    Old Server + Low power + Barely any good ninjas -> that's how amazing you and your spending was in last years. Give me a break kid you have completly no idea what you are doing.


nothing to be a shamed here im top 3. and whats wrong with being BP 450? lol. im f2p without using a meta naruto 6p team a top 30 in mixed.... i think im top 70 now in mixec/crossed .......... just got that meta last month and dnt have plans on spamming it ..go ahead make a meme a NON 6p naruto user a f2p..... a 100k BP last year now a 450k lols ... im just agruing since i like to practice my English in this pandemic. yup i in English.

go to suggestions of this forum they sometimes listen..... if it's a reachable request. if u want changes to happen, and not discriminate other ppls account. ill repeat it again if u dnt understand it. if u dnt want this fuku then skip. wait for a 20k or a30k max fuku. some ppl like this. combo of events im just stating what is being seen. go find another game or make ur own one, if uv really been playing long, it has been like this for so long if u wanna stay... just adapt im not stopping u from ranting just saying my side that im good with this.

you cant argue that u try to discredit me based on my power level? lol. go ahead. i know the benefits, it has been tried and tested by not just me but also by others. i dnt have to do anything i regularly and get 450 moon coins everyday for being top 3 in ranked if thats a meme for u. lol does being rude give u that? hahaha. lol weak characters? really? u havnt even seen what i have. i have fuku boxes and ino flower boxes that isnt opened waiting for a perfect opportunity to choose "wisely". it is properly planned.

have fun with ranting and crying.
while i go on saving.

  • Registered: 2017-09-16
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On 2021-12-27 22:21:49Show All Posts
  • Keyflash On 2021-12-26 18:56:04
  • lol

    Well, not really top3, I just used your own server instead of merged one cuz it was faster to find you. You are not even top50 bro. As for ninjas yeah I can see dude basicly braindead f2p 2020 team. You can't even get Naruto skill trials done.

    As for Ino packs etc are you kidding me or yourself. Look in the mirror and ask this question. In 1 post you are saying that your power is low cuz you were non active. In 2nd post you are saying that you are amazing top3 player and there is nothing wrong with that. In 3rd post you are saying that you are god tier gamer and have multiple fukuromaru and INO packs.

    Let's quickly focus on INO packs. As you said yourseld you are f2p player on highly competetive merged server with people like granny or Raikiri etc. Tell me boy how did you get those Ino packs and how many of them do you have . Oh right you used stamina potions but you said that you were not active so get your facts straight and then make some terrible lies.

whats the point in lying?? you dnt believe i got ino flowers? lol yea got it in potions and whats wrong with that? that just goes to show the power of saving not spending recklessly? perhaps a mistake, i dont get 450 moon coins but 520 moon coins/day. ur in my server anyway why dont u do the honors of posting my now rank? lol u screen shot my BP but dnt screen shot my rank sadt. lol the more u talk the more u get burned. yup get 3rd without using 6p naruto as posted in pic. if u read my past comments i dnt use 6paths. and just got him last month. im not like common ppl hes not my priority character. again i use "wisely" my vials. not recklessly. yup a 2020 team is the weakness of the current meta naruto 6p add rin to the equation naruto 6p will be useless. i dnt fight fire with fire, i use water against fire. i dnt use naruto 6p against a naruto 6p. i use his mother kushina. lol this isnt no longer about the events. lol. credibility? lol. have fun destroying my credibility just bec im against you ppl..... your just looking for holes. and not the substance of my opinion, u hate it? fine.

cry all u want. yea i agree 110k is high but well iguess inflation also got in the game... from 20k max fukus now a 110k max fuku. as iv said earlier. just suggest in the suggestion page that u want a 20k max fuku they usually give it,
if u ask nicely.



This post was last edited by DarthNowland on 2021-12-27 22:35:00.
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