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[ Group ] Christmas Event - Story Telling


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-12-23 05:02:37Show All Posts

IGN: AyanaK


UID: 200000091710673

Ever since we were little, we have been taught not to approach people on the internet, because they can be dangerous, and they can endanger your identity and life. But the reality is that if I had listened to this advice, I would not be where I am now. Their friendship, the fights we put into the game, the thought that they will come to my aid every time I need something, even if it's Team Instance, Great Ninja War or other events brings me peace. The fact that they always took revenge on me when my fights ended with my death, or that they always put me behind them and continued the fight to bring us victory. There are not enough words in this world to define our friendship and the connection we made because of a game that brought us together. There are not enough expressions and quotes to express the love I have for these people and how happy I am that I have met them and they are part of my life. I am grateful for our friendship, our sacrifices. And I hope that one day we will have the opportunity to meet in reality, and to hug each other. Naruto Online brings people together, friends, relationships and family. Because the "Outsider" group I've been part of for so long is our family. For better or worse, we are there for each other.

I couldn't think of any better people with whom I could have celebrated Christmas. I'm talking about people who always brought a smile to my face when I felt sad and listened to my stories. They are the people with whom I spend hours at night, talking, playing games, and making jokes. Together, we made a connection that cannot be broken. We will always be united in one way or another, by the time we spent together. I feel lucky to have met them. I'm not the easiest person you can talk to, and they always put my flaws aside and only considered my qualities. It's true, at this point I could have done a much more productive thing but believe me I wouldn't change anything. At some point, you think you won't meet anyone who can understand you. Which will guard your back and help you. But someone is there - don't lose hope.

I think I met them a year ago. Or maybe two? At first, we didn't like each other. We didn't help each other, and everyone was on their own. We had a group of Discord which was dead until one evening, when a flame appeared, and the chat came to life. And since that evening, we are inseparable. We are united by the hatred we have for our enemies, which we want to destroy in the XGNW battles. We are united by the thought that we must help our group colleagues, no matter what their level or power is. We are united by our tastes in books, movies, games, and music. We are united by the love we carry, and by the life stories told every night. We are not three people; we are one person. Our hearts beat at the same time, and our actions are synchronized. I couldn't imagine another way to spend my free time with other people. And I want every person to feel that way. The thought that, no matter what happens, I would have someone behind me to guard me, reassures me. It reassures me that I will be avenged and protected by my knights in armor. So much has happened this year. We got to know each other very well in January, when we were all during college exams - we wasted time together until 4 in the morning, and we woke up at the same time and repeated. We started making the 3v3 arena together, finding the best team for this event. We started to be in every GNW and XGNW in voice chat, where we talked for hours, laughed, and shared tips on when to cast mystery. We helped each other by sharing tips and tricks about the events in the game, we shared team ideas, which would be best for the arena, GNW and SWB. The desire to be the best in this game mattered a lot, but not more than our friendship. We tried to put our friendship first, leaving other people for example, who need more, the first prize in Ino . And this is just one example. We cry together, we laugh together in the game.This year we got annoyed with Infinite Illusion, and we all tried to find the best team option in order to reach a high rank in the scoreboard. We got annoyed with Ninja Exam as well, where we shared knowledge and skills. This year we have done so many things together, showing teamwork.

This Christmas, you will find us in voice chat, with a cup of chocolate and marshmallows on the table, listening to Christmas-themed songs, while we talk, share kind words, laugh, and play Naruto Online together. We will talk about what gifts we received, and what gifts we packed for our loved ones. We will show pictures of our decorated houses, and we will spend our time in the game, while we do daily and events. Everyone in our group is invited, not only my close friends, who appear in the picture. Christmas with my loved ones, with my family, our group "Outsiders" being a family, brings joy in my soul. Voice chat connects us, creates an indestructible connection. It's like we're all in the same room, talking while playing on laptops. I hope that everyone in the game will get to feel this connection and find friends.On the 24th we will do the events together, and on the 25th we will fight together in XGNW to bring our group a well deserved victory. My group and I wish every Naruto Online player a happy holiday, and the best story to win!

My project (3)

This post was last edited by Ayanak on 2021-12-23 05:12:26.
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