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[ Group ] Christmas Event - Story Telling


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 15
  • Posts: 19
On 2022-01-01 15:34:13Show All Posts

In-Game Name: Sukuna
Region: HK
Server: S26: Kisame
UID: 200000096368823


When the Christmas come, we plan to do all the daily task together in game. Every Monday, we will form a group of 3 to complete a strong approaching together as the rewards is more promising. Every Tuesday, we will provide a help towards team instance to help group members complete the 5 chances given daily. Every Wednesday, we will remind each other to free their time to go for Great Ninja War and help the team. Every Thursday, we will chatting to each other on other platform to help others get the right answer on cat quiz. Every Friday, we will form a team of three to beat the rogue ninja and fill in the top spot during rogue ninja event. Every Saturday, we will remind each other to do a group summon to gain free coupons and every Sunday, we will provide a help on rescue to the jinchuuriki. Its beautiful when we keep helping each other during convoy by provide a support and every night do a decisive bonds together. Its become exquisite when this Christmas Fuku deals comes with great offer, most of us decided to go for lucky sna-tch with a tactic to hit the jackpot. Ironically, with good advice from old members, most of us can hit the 50k milestones by spending wisely during each events to grab this opportunity. That's how we spend the Christmas together, by prioritizing to helps each other whoever in needs.

This post was last edited by Spirits on 2022-01-01 15:35:36.
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