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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 18th of November


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On 2021-11-18 02:41:23Show All Posts
  • Xuncir On 2021-11-17 13:34:00
  • I won't flame or anything, I'll just say what I think the community is looking for in Fuku Deals.

    We would like ninja that have not been pushed for the weeks leading up to a Fuku Deal. We also don't want to see the same nin twice in a row for Fuku Deals.

    For example, Christmas Kushina has been in events for 3 weeks in a row which means putting her in a Fuku deal for 30k coupons would be pointless since her price in the previous events was cheaper. If Kushina was going to appear in this Fuku then it should have been Swimsuit Kushina one since she rarely appears and is a newer ninja.

    Kurotsuchi Festival was in the previous Fuku which means she shouldn't have been in this one because she would appear twice in a row.

    I think Rage Obito is good because it feels like he rarely pops up plus he wasn't in the previous Fuku Deal, I believe he was in the one for September or August.

    Overall, Swimsuit Kushina, Rage Obito, and a ninja that hasn't appeared recently should be in this Fuku.

    Thank you for your time.

Firmly Agrees!!! Upvote, Oasis hire this person.

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