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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 11th of November


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-11-10 16:43:37Show All Posts
  • Korren On 2021-11-10 12:28:18
  • Come on...we had an aImost identical line up of events for the October 21st cycle, and it really hurts to see some of the worst events, like Tailed Beasts Attack, repeated. What happened to the finishing event, the one with the baits? I feel like I haven't seen that in ages, and it's not even an amazing event but I just want a change at this point.

    I guess the only good thing is that since Froggy is this week we can aImost guarantee next week will be a Fuku week. I have 80k coupons saved up (not even because I wanted to save that much, but because there hasn't been anything worth spending on in many months) and I'm kind of hoping we'll get one of those Fukus with a regular and a high milestone...but it's unlikely.

Oh crap, why did you have to jinx it!! Now we probably won't get Fuku next Event..... You have 80k frags anddddd you said we will def have Fuku next week. No way Oasis will let you have something good that you saved your ass off for.

Quicky Post

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