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[ Help ] Edo Itachi Breakthrough


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On 2021-10-31 01:00:25Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Any Chinese Player here to translate this?


This post was last edited by BaySan on 2021-10-31 01:00:25.
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On 2021-10-31 19:05:12Show this Author Only
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On 2021-10-31 20:19:41Show this Author Only
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On 2021-10-31 21:35:03Show this Author Only

Loose Translation:

Mystery +2 (Izanami +2): Deals unavoidable damage to selected unit, dispels all buffs and shields, cause Dream that last for 2 rounds and Blindness. Every time when this skill is used increase chakra cost of this skill by 20.

Battlefield cooldown: 0, Mystery cooldown: 3, Chakra: 0

Mystery Y (Izanami Y): Deals unavoidable damage to selected unit, dispels all buffs and shields, increase mystery chakra cost by 20 to the unit and cause Dream that last for 2 rounds. Every time when this skill is used increase chakra cost of this skill by 20.

Battlefield cooldown: 0, Mystery cooldown: 3, Chakra: 20

Standard +2 (Yasaka Magatama +2): Attacks a line of units with 30% increased unavoidable damage and cause Suppress Super Armor till the end of round, high chance of causing Knockdown.

Standard Y (Yasaka Magatama Y): Attacks a line of units that is unavoidable and cause them to unable to receive new buffs and shield (last till the end of next round, if mystery is executed then this effect is cleared), high chance of causing Knockdown.

Chase +2 (Amaterasu +2): Chase High Float unit, cause unavoidable damage and 10 combos, reduce their resistance by 10% and cause Low Float, Chaos and Ignition that lasts for 3 rounds, can be triggered up to 2x each round.

Chase Y (Amaterasu Y): Chase High Float unit, cause unavoidable damage, 10 combos, Low Float and Ignition that lasts for 3 rounds, every time when this skill is triggered decrease own mystery cooldown by 1 round.

Passive 1 +2 (Demonic Illusion – Mirror World +2): When units in your lineup receives a debuff for the first time each round, reflects it back to the opponent (each ninja has their own debuff reflect count). Also, when Itachi is alive, ninjas in your lineup will receive 50% less damage from first 3 pure ninjutsu attacks each round.

Passive 1 Y (Demonic Illusion – Mirror World Y+1): When Itachi gets a debuff, cancels it and increase own initiative by 2% (can be stacked up to 10%). Also, when this ninja is alive, units in your lineup will deal 40% more damage to units under the effects of Dream or Chaos.

Passive 2 +2 (Crow Clone +2): This ninja cạn use mystery up to 2x each round, very high chance of evading mystery once each round, high chance of evading chase attacks.

Passive 2 Y+1 (Crow Clone Y+1): This ninja cạn use mystery up to 2x each round and at the round of defeat, revives after 2 rounds with 50% hp and reduces own mystery cooldown by 2 rounds.

Credits to community member on Naruto Online EN Official Discord for the information.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information above is a loose translation based on the picture you have provided and may or may not translate to what will be released in Naruto Online EN in the future.

This post was last edited by Jiburiru on 2021-10-31 21:36:15.
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