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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 28th of October


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-10-27 18:21:35Show All Posts
  • Waka_Man On 2021-10-27 15:24:30
  • 10. "Summer Memories - Activity" added.

    Gather the ingredients by completing Missions to obtain Free Summer Badges!

    Period: Oct 28th-Nov 3rd

    Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

    How to:

    a) During the event, obtain random Ingredients by completing given tasks, send all your extra food Ingredients to your friends.

    b) Gather a given type of food to claim gift packs. During the event, all gift packs can only be claimed once.

    c) Use the pack to obtain Summer Badges to redeem power ninja and useful items.

    11. "Summer Memories - Shop" added.

    Use Summer Badges to exchange powerful items and ninja in Summer Memories-Shop!

    Period: Oct 28th-Nov 3rd

    Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

    How to:

    a) During the event, players can buy Summer Badge Packs directly in the Purchase Limit Shop.

    b) Open the Summer Badges Pack to obtain the Summer Badges.

    c) Consume Summer Badges to redeem power ninja and useful items. Summer Badges you didn't use will be reset to 0 after events end.

    12. "Lucky Stars Wheel" added.

    Use your Lucky Stars during the event to redeem for powerful ninjas and items!

    Period: Oct 28th-Nov 3rd

    Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

    How To:

    a) Spin the wheel to obtain a random prize.

    b) All players have a Free Spin at the wheel every day.

    c) Extra Spins can be obtained by using Coupons/Ingots to spin the wheel. (Daily limit: 500 times.)

    b) Use the obtained Lucky Stars to redeem them for amazing rewards.

    Jackpot Prize:Asura Otsutsuki*80

    13. "Wheel of Fortune" added.

    Obtain strong ninja, scrolls, and essences by spinning the wheel daily, 100% wins!

    Period: Oct 28th-Nov 3rd

    Requirements: Players must reach Level 25 in order to participate.

    How to:

    a) During the event, players can spin the wheel once for free every 24 hours. Each spin has a guaranteed reward from the wheel!

    b)Players c*so buy Lucky Voucher in the Shop to get more rewards. Lucky Voucher can be bought with Ingots and Coupons. Mysterious Strong Ninjas await you! Daily limit: 1000 times. (Free draws will not be ac*ulated)

    c) "Lucky Voucher" bought for this week's events need to be used this week, once the event ends, the "Lucky Voucher” you didn't use will be reset to 0.

    d) Spin Once = 1 Point, get fixed rewards by getting a given amount of Points! After event ends, the TOP 10 players of this event will get more rewards (this Ranking is not a Cross-Server Ranking).

    1st: Treasured Tools Ultimate Essence;

    2nd-3rd: Lucky Key Gift Pack*2

    4th-10th: Advanced Refine Pack*3

    e) Once the event ends, rewards for your Ranking can be acquired by refreshing the game or waiting for 1 hour after the event ends.

    14. "Refining Rebate" added.

    Refining equipment will get you refining materials and other valuable rewards. Power up and get rebates at the same time!

    Period: Oct 28th-Nov 3rd

    Requirements: Players must reach Level 40 in order to participate.

    How to:

    a) Players can get rewards when refining times reach the requirement.

    b) This event's Refining Rebate will not provide additional Wish Credit.

    15. "Time-limited Refinement" added.

    Get extra Wish Credits and improve your Power level by Refining your Equipment!

    Period: Oct 28th-Nov 3rd

    Requirements: Players must reach Level 40 in order to participate.

    How To:

    a) During the event, players will get time-limited wish credit every time they level up in equipment refinement until they reach Level 10.

    b) The time-limited wish credit is valid only during the period of the event. If you don't finish upgrading your equipment by the deadline, your time-limited wish credits will expire.

    c) After the event ends, any credit a player earns for him/herself through refinement will not expire.

    16. "Cultivation Limited Rebate" added.

    Participate in five nature Chakra training. Great rebates are on their way.

    Period: Oct 28th-Nov 3rd

    Requirements: Players must reach Level 54 in order to participate.

    How To:

    a) Rewards can be claimed after reaching the required requirements.

    b) Cultivation times will not be counted after using cultivation scrolls.

    Remark: Only Cultivation through coupons/ingots can be counted.

    17. "Wishing Lanterns" added.

    Ninjas in the Naruto World will release the Wishing Lanterns in hope that their wishes can become true. Support each other to make your lanterns fly higher! Rewards await you!

    Period: Oct 28th-Nov 3rd

    Requirements: Players must have reached Level 16 in order to participate.

    How to:

    a) During the event, click “Release A Wishing Lantern” from 9:00 to 24:00 to participate in the event. You can release a Lantern once daily.

    b) After the Lantern is released, you can click on your own Wishing Lantern to request your Group Members’ Support to make your lantern fly even higher. After you request help, a Cooldown Time of 5 minutes will be in effect. Click on other Ninja’ lanterns in the interface to Show your Support to them. As a reward, the Support shown to others will also make your Lantern fly 100m higher! The same lantern can only be supported twice daily.

    c) Click the small lantern on the right top of the interface to open the “Requests” interface, in which you can check the requests from Group Members. Use “Support All” *on to support ninjas in One-Click.

    d) The higher your Lantern flies, the better the rewards you can obtain! Players can only receive one reward daily. The rewards will be sent to your email after the event ends at 24:00.

    e) Daily Showing/Receiving Support limits: 20 times.

    18. "Sakura Festival" added.

    Complete Daily Missions and receive free prizes for doing so! Strengthen your ninja!

    Period: Oct 28th-Nov 3rd

    Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

    How To:

    Clear 1 of the Daily Missions to get 1 Wish, you can get a maximum of 5 Wishes daily. Using up 1 Wish will give the player a chance to get a random reward and to trigger the “Sakura Blessing” (a special cute animation that can be activated in this event!). Wish you all the best!

    19. New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance.

    Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out!


    All information present in this thread might be changed during the process of update. The final list of Events and implementation is available in the game.

    Thank you for all your support to us,

    Naruto Online Operation Team


    You may also join our Official Naruto Online Discord Channel or our Official Facebook Page to know more about the events.

Nice job ruining a really good ninja like zetsu and again same events nothing new ... u guys are killing the game by your own hands lol

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