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[ Help ] Kakuzu [Akatsuki's Creation


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On 2021-10-24 06:20:08Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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yo guys i've been saving for fukuomaru lately and i really want Kakuzu [Akatsuki's Creation] . Will they ever put him in fukuromaru again ?

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On 2021-10-24 19:18:56Show this Author Only

Pray to god not.

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On 2021-10-25 04:47:01Show this Author Only
  • Indra火 On 2021-10-24 19:18:56
  • Pray to god not.


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On 2021-10-25 10:44:36Show this Author Only
  • AbylFiDS04_NP_b On 2021-10-25 04:47:01
  • why

He ruined the game compIeteIy. Dont need more dudes and their gardeners getting it

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On 2021-10-25 20:06:19Show this Author Only
  • Indra火 On 2021-10-25 10:44:36
  • He ruined the game compIeteIy. Dont need more dudes and their gardeners getting it

you killin me dude

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On 2021-10-26 01:22:22Show this Author Only

Add your suggestion (or support the other guy who made similar topic) in bugs & support section of the forum and don't bother with most people here. It's same circus everytime spamming that:

"1) Naruto is op, uncounterable god

2) Kakuzu is op

3) Sasuke is terrible pls buff"

give me a break and learn how to counter setups already

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On 2021-10-26 05:52:59Show this Author Only
  • Keyflash On 2021-10-26 01:22:22
  • Add your suggestion (or support the other guy who made similar topic) in bugs & support section of the forum and don't bother with most people here. It's same circus everytime spamming that:

    "1) Naruto is op, uncounterable god

    2) Kakuzu is op

    3) Sasuke is terrible pls buff"

    give me a break and learn how to counter setups already

We got a mad Iad over here. I assume you are the Kakuzu 6p Naruto user. So you are teIIing me that 3 Kakuzus with 3, 6p Narutos is totaIIy fine at Great Ninja Wars? 1 Naruto can IiteraIIy Iive and kiII a pos4 ninja and guess what happens? Every ninja revives and i guess thats baIanced. You IiteraIIy cant deny the fact that hes broken, why do you even think hes used in 90% of the teams? He doesnt have a downside at aII, he can cast mystery first round to remove aII buffs and shieIds, he owns non immune ninjas with standard, he has a decent chase with 2 broken passives. Im not having troubIes versing them soIo, but more than 1 Kakuzu and 6p Naruto is disgustingIy unbaIanced and u by any means cant deny it, since every pIayer and their grandmas are using them.

This post was last edited by Indra火 on 2021-10-26 05:57:16.
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On 2021-10-26 15:01:42Show this Author Only
  • Indra火 On 2021-10-26 05:52:59
  • We got a mad Iad over here. I assume you are the Kakuzu 6p Naruto user. So you are teIIing me that 3 Kakuzus with 3, 6p Narutos is totaIIy fine at Great Ninja Wars? 1 Naruto can IiteraIIy Iive and kiII a pos4 ninja and guess what happens? Every ninja revives and i guess thats baIanced. You IiteraIIy cant deny the fact that hes broken, why do you even think hes used in 90% of the teams? He doesnt have a downside at aII, he can cast mystery first round to remove aII buffs and shieIds, he owns non immune ninjas with standard, he has a decent chase with 2 broken passives. Im not having troubIes versing them soIo, but more than 1 Kakuzu and 6p Naruto is disgustingIy unbaIanced and u by any means cant deny it, since every pIayer and their grandmas are using them.

In your 300-400k power range that's probably true but for high power players like me (and I would say most people over 1m power) less and less ppl are using naruto or kakuzu at this point. (or should be unless you are copy/pasta meta slave then Naruto is your first braindead choice) Its just not worth it.

If i really feel like i HAVE TO bring revive ninja (just in gnw in 1vs1 they are useless in current meta) Tsunade is way better choice anyway and not that hard to get.

If you want to see how top groups cross server teams look or endgame CN setups in gnw look just check few youtube videos. There is no Naruto or Kakuzu there (in CN) and 50/50 for our servers (Obito / Madara replacing naruto teams) so its completly fine to give people ninja in fukuromaru who is slowly replaced by other meta picks. That's like his best place as well cuz like I said above in 1vs1 his glory days are already over. Yes he is still good but not best or anything god tier at all.

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On 2021-10-26 20:10:16Show this Author Only
  • Keyflash On 2021-10-26 15:01:42
  • In your 300-400k power range that's probably true but for high power players like me (and I would say most people over 1m power) less and less ppl are using naruto or kakuzu at this point. (or should be unless you are copy/pasta meta slave then Naruto is your first braindead choice) Its just not worth it.

    If i really feel like i HAVE TO bring revive ninja (just in gnw in 1vs1 they are useless in current meta) Tsunade is way better choice anyway and not that hard to get.

    If you want to see how top groups cross server teams look or endgame CN setups in gnw look just check few youtube videos. There is no Naruto or Kakuzu there (in CN) and 50/50 for our servers (Obito / Madara replacing naruto teams) so its completly fine to give people ninja in fukuromaru who is slowly replaced by other meta picks. That's like his best place as well cuz like I said above in 1vs1 his glory days are already over. Yes he is still good but not best or anything god tier at all.

Why are u impIying Iike there 5 times more over 1m power dudes? What with aII those beneath 500k ppI Imao. ''If i ever wanted to revive ninjas i wouId bring Tsunade'' No she aint easy to get, totaIIy not as easy as Kakuzu, aIso i knew you are gonna mention CN and their metas, we arent comparing top tier dudes and CN in generaI, im taIking about our servers and u cant negIect that everyone under 1m uses Kakuzu mostIy.

Dude i enter space time and i inspect strongest ppI and they be using Kakuzu on 1.9m power, onIy the first guy wasnt using it, how u gonna teII me im saying nonsense and i shouId Iearn to counter? Why does it imediateIy mean im Iosing to them if i disIike the gamepIay? He doesnt need to have a brain to pIay, he can just turn it off and put it on auto and probabIy have more success then some dudes who stay there and think about who to controI.

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On 2021-10-26 20:22:11Show this Author Only

hello. just a suggestion

my counter for naruto 6p with kakuzu creation

i use kushina pos1.... kurenai summer p2..... rin pos 3.... wind main with refresh skill

i win always against them. i abuse it on arena. tho in war having difficulty. as well as in sage wherein there is big difference in power.
i focus on attacking his main so as to get the combo and regen mana. and activate 6p narutos evasion. once his evasion has been actoivated i use kurenai to stun him for until round 4 but usually i win in round 2 or 3 already

thank you ^_^

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On 2021-10-26 20:37:58Show this Author Only

rin heals and also aims her mystery on the main character............kakuzus mystery will be down by 90. giving kushina the cooldown she needed (if he attacks with a mystery which usually they do). remember to attack before his 6p uses a standard attack it will cooldown his mystery dont let him do that if he does tho dont worry because.....

my wind main also uses a girl immunity to another girl with immunity to death to standard so im immune to death from chase, standard and get 90% reduction in 1st mystery. of enemy

idnt get stressed out with those who use 6p nar and kakuzu creation. i get stressed against orochimaru gnw having izuna bec its a sure death with that one hahahah

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On 2021-10-26 22:14:21Show this Author Only

Well then Im lucky i don't have to see those "geniuses" in my spacetime bracket then since over here from top 24 ppl i checked only 2 have Kakuzu. (or I should say that im unlucky since they are free wins in spacetime with those bad setups)

EDIT. Im legit curious right now (no hate here) what are people in your spacetime doing lol ? (top ones). Naruto + Kakuzu and sage kabuto or something or actually somebody uses 10T Obito with Kakuzu in 1vs1 ;o ?

This post was last edited by Keyflash on 2021-10-26 22:19:53.
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On 2021-10-27 00:20:19Show this Author Only

SOSP Naruto and Kakuzu are broken and that's a fact. The only viable counters for these ninjas are far and few and don't win against them 50% of the time. Idk why everyone tries to deny this?

This post was last edited by Kenichi_ on 2021-10-27 00:22:39.
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On 2021-10-27 00:31:00Show this Author Only

Also as a response to OP, no, I don't think Kakuzu will be coming in the fukurokumaru deals as far as I know. I think some of the newer ninjas like kushina summer, minato summer etc. will be coming rather than Kakuzu.

P.S. If you have 30k coupons saved up then why don't you obtain Kakuzu from the normal events?

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On 2021-10-27 00:59:36Show this Author Only
  • Kenichi_ On 2021-10-27 00:31:00
  • Also as a response to OP, no, I don't think Kakuzu will be coming in the fukurokumaru deals as far as I know. I think some of the newer ninjas like kushina summer, minato summer etc. will be coming rather than Kakuzu.

    P.S. If you have 30k coupons saved up then why don't you obtain Kakuzu from the normal events?

well beacause i only have sasuke rinne sharingan and i want to spend my money on someone like naruto and collect someone like kakuzu or tsunade from fukuromaru

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On 2021-10-27 02:21:10Show this Author Only

Then, you can wait for a week with 6pNaruto in fuku deals and Kakuzu in another event, it's also an option.

If it doesn't happen soon enough, maybe you'll save up to 60k for the next huge fuku

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On 2021-10-27 02:29:03Show this Author Only
  • Kenichi_ On 2021-10-27 00:20:19
  • SOSP Naruto and Kakuzu are broken and that's a fact. The only viable counters for these ninjas are far and few and don't win against them 50% of the time. Idk why everyone tries to deny this?

We have to ask ourself here what's the question? Which ninjas are best for f2p 500k power people or in general ? If we are talking about f2p low power players that are huge majority on this forum then yes Naruto and Kakuzu are broken tier... so is Rin

If we are debating properly power picks Tier List for ninjas then no way in hell Naruto and Kakuzu are even close right now. There is like 10 ninjas that are higher tier in current meta.

This forum community is really special I must say. Debating Tier lists not based off actually value of ninjas but what's best for noobs I guess this way Summer Kushina / Hashirama / Rin are broken as well. This topic will be axed by mod soon anyway so some truth here before its gone.

This post was last edited by Keyflash on 2021-10-27 02:29:23.
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On 2021-10-27 08:24:30Show this Author Only
  • Keyflash On 2021-10-27 02:29:03
  • We have to ask ourself here what's the question? Which ninjas are best for f2p 500k power people or in general ? If we are talking about f2p low power players that are huge majority on this forum then yes Naruto and Kakuzu are broken tier... so is Rin

    If we are debating properly power picks Tier List for ninjas then no way in hell Naruto and Kakuzu are even close right now. There is like 10 ninjas that are higher tier in current meta.

    This forum community is really special I must say. Debating Tier lists not based off actually value of ninjas but what's best for noobs I guess this way Summer Kushina / Hashirama / Rin are broken as well. This topic will be axed by mod soon anyway so some truth here before its gone.

Whatever everyone says, none of us wiII change their opinions, so its pointIess arguing with you cause you just rock ur own science, i get it you dont want to agree on some things and thats aight, but try Iooking it from a different perspective, when u read what the ninja does, u cant say its totaIIy baIanced. Thats aII from me, arguing that 6p Naruto and Kakuzu are totaIIy baIanced is so deIusionaI and pointIess when we aIready have 90% of the pIayers using it.

This post was last edited by Indra火 on 2021-10-27 08:25:09.
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On 2021-10-27 09:59:59Show this Author Only

Naruto is strong but not broken. Because being broken means kinda invincible, killing the game. The fact is you think he's killing the game because you only see his face and lose to him, idk how to be honest. I'm on a below 200k power server and the naruto 6p players are clearly not top 5 even 10 on 30 players. Plus, most of the good high lvl players keep telling it to you, why you don't listen to them ? Oh well..

Btw, you can have 1M+ power people with 0IQ running naruto. That doesn't mean it's "broken". Maybe he's just idiot, maybe he just wanna play with his favorite and beloved ninja no matter what. If you face someone like him, I mean with a big gap between your battlepower, who cares what he runs, he'll destroy you with a lvl 1 konohamaru corps anyway. So what's the point ?

You want to spend no money and optimize your coupons, great, then kakuzu/naruto best choice I guess. Then let's do it all of us. And thats how you end up having 90% of people runing the same idiot thing (by the way, you can have many lineups winning against kakuzu/naruto for barely the same budget maybe lower roflmao but oh well.. that's where natural selection strikes)

It's like saying:

- hey, people tends to robb things in my house when I don't close the doors

- but why you don't close your doors?

- because many people don't, seems cool and pretty useful, don't need to open it everytime you have to go out and you don't waste time neither money to repair if its broken.

True but dumb.

Not maybe the best comparative but I'm pretty sure you got it.

Everyone says counters exists. Get that knowledge or deal with it. I can't believe even the newest players on my server actually got it faster than these crying "experienced" players.

Im way more afraid about things like pain 6 paths or oro GNW to be honest, rather than naruto or kakuzu (even if it seems some lineup can do the job)

This post was last edited by Toz48 on 2021-10-27 10:36:34.
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On 2021-10-27 13:36:01Show this Author Only
  • Toz48 On 2021-10-27 09:59:59
  • Naruto is strong but not broken. Because being broken means kinda invincible, killing the game. The fact is you think he's killing the game because you only see his face and lose to him, idk how to be honest. I'm on a below 200k power server and the naruto 6p players are clearly not top 5 even 10 on 30 players. Plus, most of the good high lvl players keep telling it to you, why you don't listen to them ? Oh well..

    Btw, you can have 1M+ power people with 0IQ running naruto. That doesn't mean it's "broken". Maybe he's just idiot, maybe he just wanna play with his favorite and beloved ninja no matter what. If you face someone like him, I mean with a big gap between your battlepower, who cares what he runs, he'll destroy you with a lvl 1 konohamaru corps anyway. So what's the point ?

    You want to spend no money and optimize your coupons, great, then kakuzu/naruto best choice I guess. Then let's do it all of us. And thats how you end up having 90% of people runing the same idiot thing (by the way, you can have many lineups winning against kakuzu/naruto for barely the same budget maybe lower roflmao but oh well.. that's where natural selection strikes)

    It's like saying:

    - hey, people tends to robb things in my house when I don't close the doors

    - but why you don't close your doors?

    - because many people don't, seems cool and pretty useful, don't need to open it everytime you have to go out and you don't waste time neither money to repair if its broken.

    True but dumb.

    Not maybe the best comparative but I'm pretty sure you got it.

    Everyone says counters exists. Get that knowledge or deal with it. I can't believe even the newest players on my server actually got it faster than these crying "experienced" players.

    Im way more afraid about things like pain 6 paths or oro GNW to be honest, rather than naruto or kakuzu (even if it seems some lineup can do the job)

big thumbs up to this. if 90% uses nar 6p its cool rather than a enemy lineup we do not know. i can expect what to do and how to counter with nar 6p rather than keep on changing teams bec we do not know who our opponent is. abuse 6p naruto teams dont be abused by them by keeping on using ur losinv team if u know u keep on losing with that team.

Quicky Post

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