In your 300-400k power range that's probably true but for high power players like me (and I would say most people over 1m power) less and less ppl are using naruto or kakuzu at this point. (or should be unless you are copy/pasta me
If i really feel like i HAVE TO bring revive ninja (just in gnw in 1vs1 they are useless in current me
If you want to see how top groups cross server teams look or endgame CN setups in gnw look just check few youtube videos. There is no Naruto or Kakuzu there (in CN) and 50/50 for our servers (Obito / Madara replacing naruto teams) so its completly fine to give people ninja in fukuromaru who is slowly replaced by other me
acting like its about skill when its about money, you have money, you get out of the "broken me
For his price yeah, hes insaneIy broken, dude can be bought for 13k coupons, what the heII are we stiII debating for, his 4 star is IiteraIIy 25k whiIe festivaI kurotsuchi was in a miIestone for 30k, negIecting that hes broken is just swimming in deep deIusion, in his kit he has no weaknesses, yet again, 4 star Naruto costs 25k and thats just absurd, as i aIready said im not Iosing against them 95% of the times, but stiII theres too much Naruto users, idk if i need to paint on the forum for the peopIe to understand, you are IiteraIIy comparing infinite tsuku ninjas to Naruto that costs 25k for a BT where he becomes Thanos, u gotta remember that not everyone that pIays the game is a whaIe and most of the peopIe wiII never even get to try the top inf tsuku ninjas.
the math is simple, sell naruto as low as you can, then sell the counters at a significant higher price/paywall and wait for people to buy them out of frustration, that was from the beginning...
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