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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 14th of October


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On 2021-10-14 04:43:08Show this Author Only

I'll cast a vote for next month fuku pack frog konan,nagato,yahiko. Now that even if terrible in taste like this ones, at least would be worth a laugh.

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On 2021-10-14 05:29:30Show this Author Only
  • The_X On 2021-10-13 19:28:37
  • is this.. the same chikushodo that they give for free in fireworks on spain or german version? huh...

Well, as I explain it to you, this is the pain chikushodo that they gave for 3k of coupons or less, the hinata that they gave for 3k of coupons or less, and the kurotsuchi that nobody asked for and they want to give it to you for 30k of coupons :v

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On 2021-10-14 05:30:29Show this Author Only
  • The_X On 2021-10-13 19:28:37
  • is this.. the same chikushodo that they give for free in fireworks on spain or german version? huh...

Well, as I explain it to you, this is the pain chikushodo that they gave for 3k of coupons or less, the hinata that they gave for 3k of coupons or less, and the kurotsuchi that nobody asked for and they want to give it to you for 30k of coupons: v

  • Registered: 2021-03-30
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On 2021-10-14 06:12:12Show this Author Only

Prob the most boring version of all is the EN one good job

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On 2021-10-14 11:02:34Show this Author Only
  • Tutturuu On 2021-10-13 22:19:48
  • Wow I cant believe how many crybabies there are here this time. For the first time we get Chikushodo and Naruto/Madara are finally replaced after being for like a year in fuku pack and everyone starts crying. Wtf is wrong with you? I understand a meme ninja like Hinata being bad, but seriously, all of you who have been saving for 3+ months for this event, you are better off taking a power pack anyway. For those that don't realize, you could also spend coupons on another event and get a ninja you want, and again, take power pack as fuku reward. That way you get power and ninja, kinda opposite of what people are used to, but its the same thing.

you mean.. a ninja that is meme, a ninja that was given for free/ only 3k cp in other versions and a ninja that its only good quality is removing tsunade seal's passive which is not meta thus you won't see her often... as for the power... you mean those power packs that was silently nerfed?

im sorry if i value my coupons too much.... bought or earned coupons are coupons not beans...

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On 2021-10-14 11:38:15Show this Author Only
  • Tutturuu On 2021-10-13 22:19:48
  • Wow I cant believe how many crybabies there are here this time. For the first time we get Chikushodo and Naruto/Madara are finally replaced after being for like a year in fuku pack and everyone starts crying. Wtf is wrong with you? I understand a meme ninja like Hinata being bad, but seriously, all of you who have been saving for 3+ months for this event, you are better off taking a power pack anyway. For those that don't realize, you could also spend coupons on another event and get a ninja you want, and again, take power pack as fuku reward. That way you get power and ninja, kinda opposite of what people are used to, but its the same thing.

This fellow player is like: Why do you want cool and strong ninja's with your hard earned coupons? In a gacha game that is designed and revolve around said ninjas.

You know what? You are right, the only reason i picked this game out of thousands like it, is to click on the magatama combine buττon and click another million times in 8gates,assist potions e.t.c buττons. Who even needs the beloved naruto characters? Just remove them and put placeholder stιckman images in their place. We can αll have great fun playing clicking simulator.

Seriously friend, it's tiring to tell them the same things over and over and nothing changes. Rather, events become more absurd by the day, a new scandal / mistake every few days and the forum is at an αll time low in regards to censoring,deleting and corruption. At this point i think this game is a social experiment to see what is the threshold for player frustration, so that their future games are unethical and scυmmy just enough, but not too much, that players won't quit but continue giving them money.

This post was last edited by Not Bill on 2021-10-14 11:41:47.
  • Registered: 2021-09-22
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On 2021-10-14 11:39:01Show this Author Only

Whats in the great plates pack?

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On 2021-10-14 14:11:04Show this Author Only
  • Qu321 On 2021-10-14 11:39:01
  • Whats in the great plates pack?

I would like to know too

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On 2021-10-14 14:34:03Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2021-10-13 11:33:05
  • 13. “Fukurokumaru's Deals" added.

    Use Coupons and get rebates for doing so! Use both Coupons and Ingots to get fantastic rebates and purchase exclusive Gift Bags!

    Period: Oct 14th-Oct 20th

    Requirements: Server must be opened for more than 14 days.

    How To:

    a) Reach the given usage of both Coupons and Ingots to get free rewards and be eligible to buy specific gift bags and exclusive prices.

    b) All Ingots used in ALL functions, systems, events, and interfaces are accountable for "Fukurokumaru's Deals".

    c) In what concerns the usage of Coupons, ONLY Coupons used in "Weekly Events" (Hot Topics), "Shop", "Mysterious Cave" and "Battle Armor" will be accountable for "Fukurokumaru's Deals". For example, Coupons used in "Eight Inner Gates", Offer Gifts purchased with Coupons in the Home system to offer to visit Ninja, Coupons used to refresh the Black Market and Coupons used to revive Characters are not accountable for "Fukurokumaru's Deals".

    - 500: Training Potion*2, Cave key*5, Cultivate Scroll*10, Secret Scroll Pack*2

    - 1000: New Refine Optional Pack*2, Cave Key*10, Training Potion*5

    - 3000: New Refine Optional Pack*4, Cave Key*20, Cultivation Pill*5, Cultivate Scroll*15, Charm Material Pack*6

    - 8000: New Fukurokumaru's Optional Pack IV*1, Deluxe Myoboku Option Pack*3, Ninja Assist Cultivation Pack*5, Advanced Skill Trial Pack*8, Charm Material Pack*10

    - 10000: New Fukurokumaru's Optional Pack IV*3, Deluxe Myoboku Option Pack*4, Ninja Assist Cultivation Pack*6, Advanced Skill Trial Pack*10, Charm Material Pack*12

    - 20000: New Fukurokumaru's Optional Pack IV*5, New Refine Optional Pack*12, LV7 Magatama Optional Pack*1, Cave Key Gift Pack*2, Secret Scroll Optional Pack*12

    - 30000: New Fukurokumaru's Optional Pack IV*7, Treasure tools Ultimate Essence*1, New Refine Optional Pack*30, Super Value Secret Scroll Pack*1, Deluxe Assist Pack*1

    #. New Fukurokumaru's Optional Pack IV (You may choose one from the following):

    - Hinata [Wedding Dress]’s fragments*5

    - Kurotsuchi [Rinne Festival]’s fragments*5

    - Pain-Chikushodo [Male]’s fragments*5

    - Battle Power Pack II*1

    14."Lucky Board" added.

    Want to try your luck? Throw your dice to know what rewards wait for you! Extra points can be used to redeem rewards in its Shop!

    Period: Oct 14th-Oct 20th

    How To:

    a) Roll the dice to move on the Lucky Board according to the points you obtained in the dice. Players can get the corresponding rewards marked on the grids;

    b) Complete Plot/Elite instances or complete Daily Mission to get free dice. You can get a maximum of 2 free dice per day. The dice c*so be bought directly in the Shop;

    c) Get 5 points every time you move into a Prop Grid and 10 Points when you move into a Function Grid. After you have left the Start Grid for the first time, each time you pass the Start Grid you will get a Lucky Ninja Pack.

    Note: "Dice" obtained for this week's events need to be used this week, once the events end, the "Dice" you didn't use will be reset to 0.

    15."Myoboku Trial" added.

    Mount Myoboku sent a trial to test all ninja and your skills! Are you ready to take on this trial and win all rewards?!

    Period: Oct 14th-Oct 20th

    Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

    How To:

    “Myoboku Trial” event is divided into three tabs.


    Every player can claim its respective rewards for logging in to the game during the given dates.

    14/10: Training Potion*5, Cultivation Rune*2000, New Refine Optional Pack*2

    15/10: Command Flag Fragment*5, Mount Myoboku’s Gift*10, Treasured Tools Rare Essence*1

    16/10: Cave Key*5, Charm Material Pack*1, Ninja Assist Cultivation Pack*1

    17/10: Advanced Experimental Vial*5, Coupons*100, Charm Materials Pack*2

    18/10: Mood Scroll*10, Two Chimes*5, Deluxe Myoboku Optional Pack*4

    19/10: Mantra Elixir*5, Small Myoboku’s Optional Pack*10, Secret Scroll Optional Pack*1

    20/10: Training Potion*10, Advanced Experimental Vial*5, Lucky Key Pack*2


    a) Click PLAY, a hammer should be visible in this interface.

    b) Move your hammer and pick a cylinder you wish to target!

    c) After the mini-game starts, the needle will start moving from left to right.

    d) When the needle is in the “Perfect” area, be fast to click and “Perfect”! One of the cylinders will be sent flying! The more cylinders you clear, the quicker needle will move and the “Perfect” area will start to shrink.

    e) You can claim a reward for each cylinder that you clear!

    f) It’s Game Over if Naruto’s head falls before you have cleared all cylinders.

    g) Every player has 3 daily attempts, players can consume 10, 15, 20 Ingots to have another 3 attempts to do this event.


    a) Use Coupons or Ingots to spin the wheel.

    b) Click START and wait to see what reward you will get. Every time you spin the wheel, different Coupons/Ingots quantities will be asked in order to continue spinning it. Generally speaking, the more Coupons/Ingots you use, the higher your chances of getting a better reward. If you use 1.000 Coupons/Ingots to spin it, it is almost impossible that you will get a Level 2 Rainbow Magatama.

    For example, the 1st time you spin the wheel, you might be asked 100 Coupons/Ingots to spin it; the 2nd time you spin the wheel, you will be asked to use 300 Coupons/Ingots in order to continue spinning it.

    The rewards for using 100 Coupons/Ingots are usually inferior to the rewards of using 300 Coupons/Ingots to spin the wheel a 2nd time.

    The more times you spin the wheel, the better the rewards can be; at the same time, the more times you spin the wheel, the more the Coupons/Ingots you will have to use in order to continue spinning it.

    c) 1 spin will get you 1 reward. You cannot get the same reward a 2nd time on the same day.

    d) The spins and Coupons/Ingots required to spin the wheel will be reset every day; however, the rewards are the same for all days of this event.

    Players can spin the wheel up to 8 times a day.

    16. New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance.

    Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out!


    All information present in this thread might be changed during the process of update. The final list of Events and implementation is available in the game.

    Thank you for all your support to us,

    Naruto Online Operation Team


    You may also join our Official Naruto Online Discord Channel or our Official Facebook Page to know more about the events.

What are the rewards in Great Plates gift pack 5?

  • Registered: 2018-08-28
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On 2021-10-14 15:10:25Show this Author Only


Great Plates Gift Pack this week

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On 2021-10-14 16:01:17Show this Author Only

If you guys think male Chikushodo is useless you have no idea how this game functions. All you guys creaming your pants over 6p Naruto and Edo Madara, this "troll" ninja can be part of a team that'll r*pe your precious golden boy ninjas. If only people used more than the 3 usual suspects, huh....

This post was last edited by AIzack on 2021-10-14 16:01:50.
  • Registered: 2018-06-28
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On 2021-10-14 16:11:57Show this Author Only

You have more coupons in Myoboku though. Plus they only added dumpster fire ninjas in there anyway :))

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On 2021-10-14 17:00:36Show this Author Only
  • Jrakon On 2021-10-14 15:10:25
  • Capture

    Great Plates Gift Pack this week

What a chad. Thanks mate. I'm at work can you show me what lucky board looks like?


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On 2021-10-14 17:57:24Show this Author Only
  • AIzack On 2021-10-14 16:01:17
  • If you guys think male Chikushodo is useless you have no idea how this game functions. All you guys creaming your pants over 6p Naruto and Edo Madara, this "troll" ninja can be part of a team that'll r*pe your precious golden boy ninjas. If only people used more than the 3 usual suspects, huh....

But he is useless like 90% of the ninjas in this game , the least they could do is put one of the 10% usefull one , you talking about ppl creaming their pants over the 6p naruto the madara and yet you doing the same for a bench ninja, atleast they crying over something usefull.

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On 2021-10-14 19:25:13Show this Author Only
  • saik7boughanmi@ On 2021-10-14 17:57:24
  • But he is useless like 90% of the ninjas in this game , the least they could do is put one of the 10% usefull one , you talking about ppl creaming their pants over the 6p naruto the madara and yet you doing the same for a bench ninja, atleast they crying over something usefull.

Incorrect. You just have no clue what to do with him so you settle for the same teams over and over again, falling into the meta until they get bored of it and introduce another one. Full bt Nagato + Swimsuit Konan+ Male chikushodo. I'd use fire for this one, since the extra reflect is always helpful. If you're clever, this will beat 6p Naruto, even with that c*nthole rin+summer kurenai combo. Try thinking about how to beat the meta instead of injecting it in your veins.

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On 2021-10-14 20:42:09Show this Author Only
  • Not Bill On 2021-10-14 11:38:15
  • This fellow player is like: Why do you want cool and strong ninja's with your hard earned coupons? In a gacha game that is designed and revolve around said ninjas.

    You know what? You are right, the only reason i picked this game out of thousands like it, is to click on the magatama combine buττon and click another million times in 8gates,assist potions e.t.c buττons. Who even needs the beloved naruto characters? Just remove them and put placeholder stιckman images in their place. We can αll have great fun playing clicking simulator.

    Seriously friend, it's tiring to tell them the same things over and over and nothing changes. Rather, events become more absurd by the day, a new scandal / mistake every few days and the forum is at an αll time low in regards to censoring,deleting and corruption. At this point i think this game is a social experiment to see what is the threshold for player frustration, so that their future games are unethical and scυmmy just enough, but not too much, that players won't quit but continue giving them money.

ngl, a naruto online like game with *mans? sign me the f up, but with the original *man animations

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On 2021-10-14 20:43:24Show this Author Only
  • AIzack On 2021-10-14 19:25:13
  • Incorrect. You just have no clue what to do with him so you settle for the same teams over and over again, falling into the meta until they get bored of it and introduce another one. Full bt Nagato + Swimsuit Konan+ Male chikushodo. I'd use fire for this one, since the extra reflect is always helpful. If you're clever, this will beat 6p Naruto, even with that c*nthole rin+summer kurenai combo. Try thinking about how to beat the meta instead of injecting it in your veins.

bro most of the ppl are mad cuz he was given for free or close to 3k in other regions yet we get it for 30k...

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On 2021-10-14 22:19:17Show this Author Only

an event with incomplete ninja, twice in a row with no ninja on the myoboku test and fukurokumaru with bad ninjas.

free player is sad

45 frags de Sasuke ronnin. F

This post was last edited by Minato1227 on 2021-10-14 22:20:07.
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On 2021-10-14 22:57:40Show this Author Only
  • The_X On 2021-10-14 20:43:24
  • bro most of the ppl are mad cuz he was given for free or close to 3k in other regions yet we get it for 30k...

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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-10-15 06:40:52Show this Author Only
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Kind of hard to push people when whales dictate what the meta is. You either have the busted obitio ten tails, ashura, and any other whale chars OR limited to naruto 6p. F2Ps only have one choice which is naruto, otherwise they cannot compete pvp wise.

In arena and any other arena mode, f2ps are able to compete but they have to play control heavy outside from having initiative. Legit, new accounts (probably people from other an/or older servers) in arena know how and when to use their mysteries in comparison to the past.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2021-10-15 06:46:30.
Quicky Post

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