"Make Your Own Naruto/Skill Break Naruto" event
Region: UK
Server ID: S1496 Bandage Attack
UID: 200000096746262
In-game name: Pothkan
New Ninja: Menma Uzumaki
Attributes: Male, Jinchuriki, Uzumaki Clan, Hidden Jutsu
Element: Wind
Recruitable: 3 stars
Mystery: Great Rasen Ring | [Prompt] [Taijutsu + Ninjutsu]: Menma causes unavoidable damage, Low Float and Slowdown to 4 ninjas in opponent's field till the end of the round and Super Poison to the selected target for 2 rounds.
Chakra Cost: 40 Battlefield CD: 1 round Cooldown Time: 2 rounds
Standard: Rasen Ring | [Taijutsu]: Menma clears all debuffs of two ninjas affected by most debuffs before he attacks up to 4 ninjas in opponent's lineup. Attacks up to 4 ninjas in opponent's lineup, has high chances of causing Low Float and Paralysis. For each ninja in opponent's lineup that is killed by Rasen Ring, Menma gains an extra standard attack.
Chase: Repulsive Force | [Taijutsu]: Chases Low Float, causes Repulse and Blindness to a random unit in opponent's field. Can be triggered twice per round.
Passive 1: World in Reverse | [Ninjutsu]: Whenever Menma gets attacked for the first time in the round, damage of all ninjas in your lineup to ninjas with Konoha attribute increases by 4%. That passive can be triggered once each round, stacks up to 5 times overall.
Passive 2: Divine Beasts' Mantra | [Taijutsu + Ninjutsu]: Before the start of every round, Menma summons one random Masked Beast out of three Masked Beasts and the summon executes its own skill once per round.
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