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Naruto's Birthday - Fanfic Event


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 8
  • Posts: 333
On 2021-10-04 10:05:39Show All Posts

Server ID: 328

In game name: ユジンタカラ

UID: 200000097379279

Create your own Naruto:

New ninja Naruto Uzumaki [Baryon Mode]


Atribute: Male, Konoha, Uzumaki Clan, Senjutsu, Jinchuriki

Element: Wind

Recruitable at 3 star

Price: Approximately 200.000 ingots/coupons for 80 frags.

Mystery [Prompt] (Taijutsu + Ninjutsu)

Baryon Mode – Rasengan: Deals heavy damage, 20 Combo and Repulse to a selected unit. That unit will also suffer from Suppress Super Armor for the entire battle and also will have their Mystery cooldown locked for 4 rounds.

Battlefield cooldown: 1

Cooldown: 5

Chakra: 0

Standard (Taijutsu)

Baryon Mode – Heavy Punch: Attacks the unit in the front row and guarantees causes Suppress Immunity for 2 rounds and Low Float. Additionally reduces that unit’s Defense by 20% (stackable) and Critical Rate by 10% (stackable). This skill is not subjected to the opponent's defensive skills.

Chase (Taijutsu)

Baryon Mode – Tripple Kick: Chases and Attacks a Low Floated unit, causes Repulse, 3 Combo and Immobile for 1 round. Additionally reduces that unit’s Injury Rate by 10% (stackable), can be triggered twice per round.

Passive 1 (Taijutsu + Ninjutsu)

Baryon Mode – Extreme Speed: Naruto has a 70% chance of evading all attacks and has Level 2 Immunity to Debuffs. Units attacking Naruto will have to target Naruto as the selected unit for their next Standard Attack or Mystery and will have their Control Rate reduced by 40% (not-stackable) for 2 rounds. If Naruto’s HP is above 50%, this skill changes to Baryon Mode – Extreme Counter.

Baryon Mode – Extreme Counter: Naruto has Level 2 Immunity to Debuffs. Units attacking Naruto will have to target Naruto as the selected unit for their next Standard Attack or Mystery and will have their Mystery cooldown increased by 1. Whenever Naruto takes any damage, there’s a 70% chance that Naruto will neglect all of the damage caused, and counterattack that unit with Baryon Mode – Counter Kick.

Baryon Mode – Counter Kick: Deals heavy damage to the unit attacking Naruto, causes Knockdown and reduces that unit’s Initiative by 30% (not-stackable) for 1 round.

Passive 2 (Taijutsu + Ninjutsu)

The Will of the two Comrades: All of Naruto’s attacks never miss. Every time Naruto executes an action, Naruto consumes 10% of his max HP to increase his damage caused to opponents by 50% (stackable). Whenever he attacks a unit, he also causes Irremovable Enfeeble which neglects Immunity and Suppress Healing for 1 round and also deals additional damage equal to 10% of his max HP to the unit he attacks. Additionally, all of Naruto’s attacks will deal 70% splash damage to units 2 grids away from the attacked unit. Whenever Naruto’s HP is below 50%, he will only take 1 damage every time he’s attacked. If Naruto’s defeated, he cannot be revived.

This post was last edited by YujinTakara on 2021-10-06 10:01:12.
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